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Bits of strategy and tips for Ike.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Hello to all Ike users! I am a Luigi, but my brother is Ike (he kinda stinks :ohwell:). I invite any person to add little hints and ways to fight as Ike here in this post so someone won't have to search 9 different threads to find what they want.

Also, I don't want this post to be about one person showing off how he fights, and instead want this thread to be full of differnt ways on how to tweek your own fighting style without destroying half of what they already have.



Smash Cadet
Jan 23, 2008
Ike is very noob friendly because of his rediculously high priority A-Combo. If you wanna mix it up a bit and become a more advanced Ike player, try flipping around and using his back air or approaching with his neutral air. Jab-Canceling (Stopping the jab and throwing in a shield throw or something) also helps mindgame people. His forward air is GREAT if you can get the timing down, I kind of equate it to Ganon's from Melee. I was a Ganon main in Melee and I really don't like him in Brawl. I main Ike in brawl because for some weird inexplicable reason, he reminds me of a slower and more powerful Melee Ganon with better range. Anyway, tangent aside...

Using Aether to keep people from edge guarding you is self explanatory and it's always a good idea to throw in an Eruption on your descent from getting knocked back if you know your opponent won't expect it, or will try to attack you and let you use your Super Armor to your own advantage. I often use Ike's forward throw mid-combo to add some more hits and throw off my opponents.

Beware the dodge>punish ***** when you try to approach. Try it a few times, then play more defensively and punish them instead. Ike is pretty easy to dodge, then punish, save his jabs. They're absolutely silly good.

More than anything, though, just play the character. Get used to his nuance and make up your own combos and find strategies that work. Go to tournaments and get experience there; it's far and away the best method of learning to play Brawl like a pro.

Good luck with your Ike!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Ike is very noob friendly because of his rediculously high priority A-Combo. If you wanna mix it up a bit and become a more advanced Ike player, try flipping around and using his back air or approaching with his neutral air. Jab-Canceling (Stopping the jab and throwing in a shield throw or something) also helps mindgame people. His forward air is GREAT if you can get the timing down, I kind of equate it to Ganon's from Melee. I was a Ganon main in Melee and I really don't like him in Brawl. I main Ike in brawl because for some weird inexplicable reason, he reminds me of a slower and more powerful Melee Ganon with better range. Anyway, tangent aside...

Using Aether to keep people from edge guarding you is self explanatory and it's always a good idea to throw in an Eruption on your descent from getting knocked back if you know your opponent won't expect it, or will try to attack you and let you use your Super Armor to your own advantage. I often use Ike's forward throw mid-combo to add some more hits and throw off my opponents.

Beware the dodge>punish ***** when you try to approach. Try it a few times, then play more defensively and punish them instead. Ike is pretty easy to dodge, then punish, save his jabs. They're absolutely silly good.

More than anything, though, just play the character. Get used to his nuance and make up your own combos and find strategies that work. Go to tournaments and get experience there; it's far and away the best method of learning to play Brawl like a pro.

Good luck with your Ike!
Good advice. Ike's FAir is an amazing spacing tool; it's range, combined with Ike's amazing jab, allows you to shut down both ground and aerial approaches just by short-hopping FAir backwards. If you hit with the tip, your opponent will have a difficult time getting in without eating a jab combo. As rtmcs1017 said, stopping the jab combo and mixing in a grab is great; other things you can do is mix in a DSmash for people when they try and SDI the third hit. Watch out if you notice them get closer to Ike; at that distance they are too close for the third strike to hit or a standing grab; you'll want to run backwards and then continue punishing them, if possible.

Learn how to land Ike's UAir; it's easily his best killing aerial (BAir doesn't count since you'll be using it so much, thus decreasing it's killing potential). In fact, it kills opponents about the same % as USmash when they're grounded; when they're up higher, it kills much much earlier. It's so powerful that when your opponent has 100% or so, you can just drop down on them with an UAir while they're recovery and kill them off the top when they're level with the stage. Note that his UAir's hitbox starts behind Ike, shifts to the front and becomes visible, then goes to his back again.

Learn how to get gimp edgeguards with Ike. With his large FAir, powerful BAir, and great spike, your opponent is good as dead if he's coming from below the stage and you're on the edge. Ike can edgehop BAir or DAir to either knock them off the side or spike them, or even drop down and use a reverse Aether so that you grab the edge with your back and Aether spike them. The good thing about using a reverse Aether is that it allows you to catch opponents coming from above the edge as well (Pit and ROB). If you're on the stage, you can short-hop a FAir, double jump FAir, and still up+B for the edge; Ike has a surprisingly good edge game. In fact, you can full jump off the stage, double jump FAir, and grab the edge without using Aether; this can gimp people who move backwards to avoid the FAir and then try to grab the edge only to get edgehogged. Eruption is also a good edgeguard against certain characters such as Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, Wolf, or even other Ikes coming to the stage with a Quick Draw.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2008
One thing I came up with is when you see your opponent approaching you, you hyphen smash away from them.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Thanks guys, though a bit long :rotfl:, anyone have good tips on recovery. (no obvious ones please) Also what's a hyphen smash?

On another subject, do you think wiimotes and nunchucks would harm Ike's fighting?


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Wiimotes and nunchucks harm everyone's fighting.

Ike needs mindgames, and total use of his quick attacks. His b-air is very effective, and his spike is awesome. If you cant ledge guard with ike, you might as well give up.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2008
The thing with Ike is that it the other guy airdodges, he isn't going to do squat. Fastfallers and anyone slow can mostly get kicked by a Fair or Bair, and once they airdodge, a Dsmash or Fsmash can catch them. The problem is, it requires a kind of opportunism to play Ike that just won't happen in tournaments. MK can KO at less than 40% because Ike can't do both vertical and horizontal recovery. All the Kirby characters beat out Ike be edgeguarding with aerials, and if Ike airdodges above a pit ever, he's out of range for his recovery. Anybody good will take Ike out really fast, pretty much because he can't stay alive long enough to set up the few trick he does have, which are very situational and get messed up by airdodging.

Dang I wish they just put an Ike skin on Roy.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
His vertical recover is fine, wtf?

And he doesn't need opportunism, he needs actual ****ing thought in his attacks, what are you smoking? If an Ike is spamming fmash and u smash whenever, he sucks ***. He does have a terrible horizontal recovery, but you really shouldn't be going off stage til around 60-80% to to begin with, and by that time if you haven't already done like 80% damage on the opponent, you fail with Ike and should kill yourself.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Can you guys keep the arguements to a minimum, also this is a thread intended for tips and strategy for all smashers wanting to improve, not to litsen to some guy spout his negative opinion about the fighter they play as.

Can we get back to actual tips please.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Tell that to Marth/another Ike's counter
Aether doesn't have trouble going past fruity men who dont like women. Now if he was going horizontal, it doesn't mater, he's boned.

Tips: B-air, dont be stupid and go off stage til around 80-100%. Dont spam smashes, use them when you see the perfect opportunity. Also, if they are above you, Aether is usually more safe than any of his ground attacks.

Also, his u-air has great priority.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Thanks guys, though a bit long :rotfl:, anyone have good tips on recovery. (no obvious ones please) Also what's a hyphen smash?
Hyphen Smash = C-stick up during a run to do an instant USmash. Note that you can still charge the USmash by pressing C-stick up + Z at the same time.

More tips:

Ike has Interruptible As Soon As (IASA) frames during the lag on his aerials; this means that rather than waiting for the whole landing animation to finish, you can do an attack roughly during the last 70% of the animation. For example, I estimated (by repetitive trials) Ike's FAir to have a full landing lag of 29 frames, while it had IASA frames around frame 22. (Video example = http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wdjuWxzdOz8) Ike also has IASA frames during a whiffed Quick Draw. To test for IASA frames, do the move and hold down shield; if the lag after the move is interrupted, that means that there are IASA frames there.

Ike's tilts are useful, but not godly in my opinion. UTilt is useful for getting off a quick kill or outprioritizing opponents coming from above, FTilt is excellent at setting up for early edgeguards or kills (it's more powerful than BAir and is easily his most powerful tilt), and DTilt is useful against people who don't autosweetspot (Snake, Kirby, etc.) and can also knock out opponents in a trajectory similar to FTilt's if you hit the opponent with Ike's arm. The only problem with Ike's tilts is that they are not particularly fast and can be difficult to land.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Thank you for adding, but how about fighting projectile abusers? also how to fight quick airial fighters?


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
use your neutral jab often. Up smash is your best smash. Use Up B to recover no matter what anybody says. Back air is your best aerial, use it to kill. Learn to Reverse Aerial Rush. Never counter =-).
Well actually, I wouldn't say NEVER. Countering is a very efficient way to make your opponent reconsider their actions. They spam tilts? Counter. They're being overly aggressive? Counter. Counter puts a lot of people off their game.

Simply put, use it sparingly.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Well, thanks for adding but maybe I Just didn't see it but did anyone say anything about fighting long-range projectile spammers? (same for different ways to recover)


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
Ike is very noob friendly because of his rediculously high priority A-Combo.
Hey, this is Killer's brother here. I must say that Ike really isn't "noob friendly" because even though he has far-flinging moves, its frustratingly hard to consistantly land them in a real battle, not to mention recover from them without being attacked while in a vulnerable state. In summary, noobs would get eaten alive as Ike.

Now, Meta Knight is a "noob friendly" character: easy to use with many high priority moves. Nothing more that a few sword swings will attain the end result, not much stratagy to it.


Smash Rookie
May 28, 2008
I agree with rtmcs1017 I used to main ganon, and I got good with the slower characters, but then he got rediculously nerfed to the point where he's about useless. But the real reason I main Ike is because Ike was the coolest of all the fire emblem characters i've ever used, in any of the games. my advice to Ike players is to use his up tilt, It's extremely useful.


Smash Rookie
May 28, 2008
As for projectile spammers, two words, DODGE ROLL!!! it is your best friend when fighting projectile spammers. also quick draw is a good approach and trap tactic, you can use it in both offensive and defensive manuvers. you should expiriment with it.


Smash Rookie
May 28, 2008
Heres a tip to be Ike. Use his smashes against light characters when they have just over 40% and you get a K.O.

Now that's dumb.


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
No offense brothad, but that's one of the most obvious things ever! But still, his smashes are very slow and most light characters are fairly fast, so dodgeing and jamming is a problem.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
i think some good advice is

Ike has high priority areials that are strong. use them. His bair is a really quick and strong attack.

edge guard with counter, eruption or side smash, if you can. Dont use counter otherwise though, it doesnt come out as quick as marth`s
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