This thread is just to help notify any Victorian smashers (or conveniently traveling interstaters) if my band is having any gigs, and also to show any music we have made. If I do any solo stuff (which i will do heaps of, if only I finally go out and get a new computer) I'll also show that here. I hope that's as good a reason as any to keep a thread in a spam forum.
Anyway, about the band
Well we play what I consider to be somewhat Prog-Rock, and the band consists of myself (guitars and *le gasp* singing), a drummer from my school and a bassist not from my school. The Bassists name is Bass. It's cool yo. - Our Facebook (where you can check up to see if we have upcoming gigs) - Our Soundcloud (where you can hear our music). This link is set on the song I like the best, but there are links to our other songs there.
There will be a gig on the Sunday 18th of September at the Espy with a fill in bassist, more info on that later
Heaps of bands are playing
The whole thing starts from 2pm
As some of you may know, I have a gig on Oct 8 (Saturday after BAM2K11) at the Village Green in Mulgrave. I am aware that is a little far for some, but I'll see if I can get some smash going on later in the night if that'd make any people more keen. I am also selling tickets for this and so I can count heads, even though I have a rough idea of who is already interested, if you could say so in this thread then I can make note of your interest. The tickets are $15 btw. Also, if it would pique your interest, and legitimately you think it would increase your general inclinations to attend this event, should we play a cover of Donkey Kong Country - Island Swing, which is a song from a video game as you know and everyone likes those things... ?
If I upload any youtube vids which I have but im so lazy I'll probably get Timic to do it or something, I'll also post them here. And this thread will probably have down time for those spaces of time when i have to much school to organise gigs but should become more and more useful in the future, especially if I start recording video game remixes like I want to but my PC is the balls.