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bijoukaiba's Brawl Wishlist


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
I hope these threads are still permitted...

Although I am still relatively new to this forum (I've been here about nine months), I figured I would make my very own wishlist for Brawl, and include my reasonings as well. I plan to divide it into a few sections for easier classification based on chances of getting in and on my preferences. Anyways, without further ado...

bijoukaiba's Wishlist for Brawl
Returning Characters

Mario (no, DUH!!)
Link (he looks totally awesome TP style!)
Pikachu (totally kawaii! ^_^)
Fox (I'm not too fond of his Command look... maybe his Assault/Adventures/Melee styles will be alternate costumes...)


Yoshi (a stage in the new trailer resembles Yoshi's Island)
Donkey Kong (Didn't really find any proof for him in the trailer, but everyone has him listed as semi-confirmed. And besides, he's DK!)

CHARACTERS I WANT TO, OR I KNOW WILL, RETURN ( An asterisk * means I especially want their return!)
Luigi (thanks for the catch, TJK1997 ^_^)
Peach (actually, I don't really have an opinion about her... but she's definitely returning.)
****Captain Falcon (OMFG, YES! So what if the Mario Kart stage resembles Mute City? This bounty hunter is NOT going anywhere!)
**Ness (Don't even mention Lucas in this psychic kid's presence!)
*Ice Climbers (Totally awesome old-schoolers, a set of unique fighters, and I am DYING to laugh in the faces of the noobs who believed the rumor! I think it would be great IF Sakurai himself officially states on the Nintendo website that the rumor is false AND that it is confirmed the ICs and GAW will be returning!)
Mewtwo (He just requires some tweakage is all.)
*Mr. Game and Watch (See argument for Ice Climbers. I shall laugh in the faces of the noobs! LAUGH!)
*****Marth (Do you KNOW how many tournament players and rabid fangirls would protest and petition Nintendo if he got removed?! Oh, and he's also my main. :) )


*Roy (he COULD be given a unique moveset... but he was just an advertisement and wasn't too popular with serious players. I still hope he returns though...)
Sheik (I don't have an opinion about her, but she could still possibly leave)

Young Link (He could possibly be returning in his cel-shaded form... he could easily be given a unique moveset too.)

Pichu (I DO like her as a Poke'mon... just not as a fighter.)
Doctor Mario (all the smashers and most of the players are eating their apples to keep this doctor away)


Now, we enter the area that most people anticipate... who do I, as a gamer, want to appear in Brawl that hasn't been in SSB/M before? Which Nintendo characters are most deserving? THIS IS MERELY MY OPINION!!


Meta-Knight (Dying to try out his aerials and grab/throw attacks)
Pit (Eeee, he looks so much fun!!)
Zero-Suit Samus (sort of a "semi-newcomer", as a transformation of Samus. When Captain Falcon gets confirmed, I'm using his B-Up on her immediately. XD She's very pretty. :3)
Wario (Oh, the laughs I'm gonna have...)
Snake (I don't even know what to say...)


(First Appearance: F-Zero, 1991)
REASONING: OVERALL, HE IS MY NUMBER ONE PICK AMONGST ALL NEWCOMERS! His moveset would be easy to design, more than likely being semi-fist-fighting and semi-swordsmanship. He would also be a heavyweight swordsman, possibly alongside a Ganondorf with a revamped moveset. He has a long history of gaming, dating back to the very first F-Zero game as one of only four racers (alongside Pico, Dr. Stewart, and good ol' Captain Falcon), and has appeared in almost every single F-Zero game to date (I think he was only excluded from one... but the same thing happened to Captain Falcon too!). As Captain Falcon's greatest rival- both in racing and bounty hunting- he clearly has a massive importance to the series. A lot of information was revealed about him in F-Zero GX. We could also use a few more villain/rival characters in Smash. When he was glimpsed briefly in the trailer for Melee, some people got fairly excited about more F-Zero rep... only to have their hopes dramatically crushed, dun-dun-dun! Nintendo was totally teasing us! I think this time, we're going to definitely have more F-Zero rep, and Goroh is by far the best choice for the job. If Jody Summers, Doctor Stewart, Ryu Suzaku (Rick Wheeler), Black Shadow, Mr. EAD (WTF? Just kidding. :p) or Deathborn or any combination of the afore mentioned characters get in over Samurai Goroh, I will be extremely upset... or I'll just be having a bad dream (Wake up!). Yes, I play F-Zero (although I'm not that good...), I've seen episodes of the anime (loved the music!!), and I've read the story and guide for the game. When I plug in SSBB, I'm going to play "Butterfly", a song from DDR, and sing along with my own "tweaked" lyrics. "I've been searching for a man all across Japan, just to find, to find my Samurai (Goroh)."

(First Appearance: Donkey Kong Country, 1994)
REASONING: I believe when some person made a comment about "Character X" being a shoo-in for Brawl, one of the mods had made a comment that Wario was also a shoo-in for Melee but didn't make it in. I believe Diddy's case is exactly the same as Wario's case- he's been deserving a spot in Smash since SSB. Just as Luigi and Yoshi are to Mario and Navi and Midna are to Link, Diddy is to Donkey Kong. Diddy was given multiple weapons/fighting techniques that could easily- almost easy enough for a 10 year old to make a moveset- be implemented in Brawl. Donkey Kong Country was a great source of inspiration. And hey, DK's gotta have some more rep on his side too, right? What better place to look than his own sidekick/nephew?

(First Appearance: Pikmin, 2001)
REASONING: Well, we've gotta include some Gamecube-generation characters! Olimar is a character from a unique series known as Pikmin. He would be an interesting character to craft, considering he's only the size of a quarter according to the guidebook and he has so many Pikmin at his disposal. Before someone asks, yes he can be made taller. Pikachu is supposed to be 1'4", but he's as tall as Ness in Melee! If you haven't purchased the game, then shame on you. This game could definitely be created into a multi-adventure series, especially considering the fact there was a Pikmin 2 released a little over two years ago. IF the series DOES continue, and IF a "Pikmin 3" IS released on the Wii, then Olimar's chances will definitely increase. Maybe from the size of a quarter to the size of an eleven year old boy as tall as a 1'4" electric mouse. If he is put into Brawl, I intend to make him one of my secondaries, if not one of my mains.

(First Appearance: Earthbound: Mother 2, 1994-95.)
REASONING:Just like the Donkey Kong and F-Zero series, Earthbound could also use a boost in rep. Several people have suggested Lucas for Brawl, but based on his moveset in Mother 3 he would be almost the same as Ness, whether put in as his own character or *shudders* a Ness replacement. Now, let's take the case of Poo. He also uses PSI, but has taken strict martial arts training as well. He could serve as both a PK fighter and a karate kid. A true Earthbound fan would probably agree when I say his special "super smash" attack should be PK Starstorm. Like Ness, he could also utilize yo-yos in his moveset, but he can also use slingshots as well. There is one thing that would make Poo especially unique- he has the ability to transform, but unlike Kirby, he can copy ALL his opponents' powers for a few moments (see the link to the moveset). Another thing that could be unique would be how the food items (if they return) would affect him. As it states in Wikipedia, he follows a strict diet and therefore can't recover much health from western food items such as hamburgers and pizza; however, eastern food items such as tempura or sushi recover his health pretty well. Hey, that could be a new idea for a thread- will characters have certain stats on how food affects them?- like eating tomatoes (his fave food, according to Wikipedia), for instance, lets Kirby heal 7-8%, but eating marshmallows, for example (puffy foods= CANNIBALISM!), only lets him recover 2-3%. Sorry, getting off topic. Anyways, Poo has a lot of interesting traits in Earthbound that could be fun to implement in Brawl, and if he gets in the game, I would like to see how they are utilized. And his totally awesome "home-field" would be Dalaam- after all, he's the prince there!

(First Appearance: Kirby's Dream Land, 1992)
REASONING: Sakurai is the father of Brawl. He's also the father of Dedede... and Kirby... and Meta Knight... and the series to boot. Dedede's really got some luck going for him. In my opinion, he's practically confirmed. He possesses similar abilities of Kirby, which could be implemented in his moveset, and could also have hammer techniques implemented... looks like the Ice Climbers have a new training partner! He has one of the biggest roles in almost every Kirby game, so importance comes easy for him. Despite being labeled as a villain, he's also helped out Kirby once or twice to defeat the 'true final boss'. Basically, this King could be described as a "villain with a heart of gold". Also ranked #1 on Sakurai's poll for Brawl, it's clear he's very popular. As a heavy-weight floater, he'd be another instance of having unique traits for his weight- like Captain Falcon being the fastest of all heavyweights (and characters) in Melee, or Mewtwo having a pathetic endurance. Not only do I want Dedede in, I know he'll be in. Just PLEASE find him a better voice actor when Brawl comes to America!! The Texan accent 4Kids gave him on the TV show makes my ears bleed- I can't stand it!!

(First Appearance: Poke'mon Ruby & Sapphire, 2002-03)
REASONING: Pichu is more than likely leaving. The third generation of Poke'mon could use some rep in Brawl. Enter Deoxys- the solution to both. Various Poke'mon have been suggested for Brawl- Deoxys, Blaziken, Lucario, Dragonite, Meowth, Gengar, and even irrelevant characters such as Paras or Diglett to name but a few. Among those characters, Deoxys, Lucario, Meowth, and Dragonite are the best suggestions (IMO), and among them, the best choice is Deoxys. What do Meowth, Jigglypuff, and Pikachu all have in common? They are- or were- stars in the anime. What do Deoxys, Pikachu, Pichu, Lucario, and Mewtwo have in common? They have all starred in their own movie or mini-movies. What do Deoxys, Dragonite, and Mewtwo have in common? They are major characters in the game- Dragonite is the main Poke'mon of Lance, the final member of the Elite Four, and Mewtwo & Deoxys are legendaries. If we tried to view the suggested newcomers as a venn diagram, which character overlaps the points of importance? Deoxys. The ability to shift into different forms depending on strategy (speed, attack, or defense) would be something interesting to develop a moveset for but also challenging to develop weaknesses for, as with such a mix of stats, Deoxys could become the next god-tier character.

(First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken (Sword of Fire), 2003)
REASONING: More Fire Emblem rep (GBA FE AND American FE rep to boot), another female character, her fanbase is pretty big, and she'd be another swordsman, but her wielding style is unique. Plus she can wield a bow and she's swift like Marth. Nuff said.

(First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki (Path of Radiance), 2005)
REASONING: I don't want BOTH characters in from the Wii Fire Emblem... I only want one or the other. Sothe could be cool- wielding daggers, a Fire Emblem rep, and a Wii generation character. As a thief, he'd more than likely be very fast... and he might even have an attack that-when done in close range such as Rest (Jigglypuff)- steals an item from an opponent. Go on, Sothe! Steal the spotlight for more FE rep!

(First Appearance: Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami (Goddess of Dawn), 2007)
REASONING: I don't want BOTH characters in from the Wii Fire Emblem... I only want one or the other. Buuuut.... I'm leaning more towards Mikaya here, mainly because she's a female (we need more girls in Smash) and a magic user- we've only got one or two of those. Perhaps her falcon can give her a hand in a tight spot.

(First Appearance: Starfox Adventures, 2002)
REASONING: Finally, Starfox has given us a major female character that's actually playable in the games. Krystal is a telepath. She's familiar with the super-fancy high-tech weaponry found in Starfox and other such futuristic games. Not to mention she's got that totally awesome staff from the equally awesome game Starfox Adventures. Preferably, the majority of her moveset would be based off of using said staff. There's no other staff-wielders in Brawl, and gamers familiar with SF Adv.- myself being one of them- could easily tell you her staff is PACKED with excellent weaponry. Rocket boosting. Shooting flames. Icy mist. Ground slamming. And your typical slash and bash. When pressing the correct buttons in the game, Fox could perform unique combos and block with the staff- and Krystal probably knows even more moves with it than he does! Plus, add on the fact that Falco might get an Assault-based Luigified moveset, and then there's the fact that there's another SF character I (and most other people) want for Brawl...

(First Appearance: Starfox 64, 1997)
REASONING: He's Fox's rival! He's been around longer than Krystal! And Starfox needs more rep! DING DING DING, WE HAVE A WINNER! Despite a close resemblance to Fox, he could be given a unique moveset, as xianfeng has emphasized. And he kicks Andross's butt for villain rep anyday... >_<

(First Appearance: Metroid, 1987)
REASONING: Look at his body shape... a "space dragon"! That would certainly be unique. Then there's the stupid rumor... at least he's the most believable out of the "zomg newcomers". Once again, he's also an antagonist to Samus... their close ties could also work to his advantage, considering he's been a big part of the Metroid series since the beginning. And as stated before, his unique form as a fighter obviously gives him a very unique moveset to design. You'll see about three or four movesets if you click the link below.

(First Appearance: Balloon Fight, 1984)
REASONING: Sakurai loves his retro characters, that he does. Did you know Balloon Fighter was in the beta version of Melee? Umm... I guess the uniqueness and retro style would be his reasoning to get in Brawl... he's just one of those characters that 'you want but you can't explain why'. I enjoyed the simulated NES game for the Gamecube (Animal Crossing), that's for sure.

Okay, now what about those characters from the outside looking in? Snake's already puffing a cigarette in their faces, so let's pull in a few more.
(First Appearance: Harvest Moon, 1996)
Company: Natsume
REASONING: I wasn't sure at first if he would be considered a 3rd-party or not, as almost every single Harvest Moon game has been released for Nintendo, except for Save the Homeland (PS2, and the game sucked, btw.) and a special re-release of A Wonderful Life for PS2 (previously Gamecube only). He'd definitely be a unique character with a unique set of moves fresh from the farm. A pitchfork jab here, and a slam from the shovel there, maybe a cow stampede would come to Jack's rescue as his super smash... or he'd start trying to convince any female opponents to marry him. XD
Sorry! I'm still looking for a moveset!

(First Appearance: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, 1996)
Company: Square, known as Square-Enix present-day.
REASONING: McFox made an INCREDIBLE moveset for this guy. If you don't believe me, go check out the Geno thread yourself later. I never did get to play the RPG, unfortunately, but I can guarantee that once it becomes downloadable for the Wii, I'm going to check it out. Just check out the moveset, that's all the convincing you need. ;)

(First Appearance: Trauma Center: Under the Knife, 2005)
Company: Atlus
REASONING: Atlus and Nintendo are actually fairly close companies, releasing many titles for Nintendo systems. So, now that Brawl is in the works, shall we perhaps take this close relation into consideration? I definitely think Atlus would be interested in having a representative for this game. Dr. Mario is as good as gone. So, why not introduce a non-clonable character as the new medic? Dr. Stiles is one of the newest game characters out on the market, and this could seriously boost his popularity.

THE CHARACTERS THAT I WISH WILL NOT BE IN BRAWL! (no pictures here, sorry. Not like we want to look at the characters anyway...)

Master Chief... Xbox! Microsoft! Never been on a Nintendo console! Not going to work! Exclamation points for emphasis!!Shadow/Knuckles/Tails... Sorry... Sonic's the only Sega rep we need. And Shadow is just lame.
Final Fantasy Characters... Just give Geno the Square rep... and the biggest FF characters (Cloud, Vincent Valentine, etc.) haven't even been on a Nintendo console.
Identities of characters- Blood Falcon, Baby Peach, Fierce Deity Link, FLUDD Mario, Dark Samus, Cel-Shaded Link, Vacuum Luigi, etc... We don't need more than one identity per character!
Really Minor/Irrelevant Characters- Kamek, Tingle, Shy Guys, Goombas, Waddle Dee, Gengar, Charizard, Gorons, etc.... They're not really important, they're not physically capable of fighting, or we don't know enough about them to give them any decent movesets for Brawl.
Just plain stupid suggestions- Chuck Norris, Jesus, Wolverine, the Powerpuff Girls, etc.... Please ban the noobs and spammers that make such stupid suggestions. No offense to Jesus or Mr. Norris.
(McFox created the image, not me! All credit goes to him!)
I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BLAZIKEN!! Taken from the thread, "The WORST character for Brawl" (quite fittingly), here are five reasons most people want Blaziken in Brawl... and my five arguments against them.

1)"OMFGZORZ H3 I5 T3H M057 PWNAGE CAHRATCER 3V3r!11!!!!1!111!! H3 I5 2 C00l!!!1!!!11111!!"
.... Come on, he's not really THAT cool. The newbies that want him in b/c he "looks cool" are typically the same 11-year-old Halo fanboys that want Master Chief in as well. What's so great about a hairy, red chicken with martial arts knowledge and pyrotechnics?

2) "But he's an important character in the series!"
True, he's the evolved form of Torchic, one of the starters in R/S/E. But so were Treecko and Mudkip. That makes them equally important too. Anime-wise, yes, he was the main Poke'mon of Haruka/May. But Ash/Satoshi owned Sceptile, and he's more important than her- even if Sceptile got less screen time. And Brock/Takeshi has a Marshtomp and he's clearly more important than Haruka/May if he's been around for more seasons- even if Marshtomp didn't fully evolve and has also had less screentime than both Blaziken and Sceptile.
~~~In addition, we don't really need too many more Poke'mon for Brawl- maybe just one more to replace Pichu. If anything, the more human-like Poke'mon considered legendary and/or important enough to get their own movie have the best shots of getting in. Mewtwo (Almost put in SSB, was in Melee, status unknown for Brawl), Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, and Lucario are some examples- but I'd stick with Deoxys and a returning Mewtwo for Brawl.

3) "Come on, he's a totally deserving starter Poke'mon!"
No he isn't! What happened to Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Meganium, Sceptile, Swampert, and the other starters (Can't think of the names) from D/P? There are many retro trainers and newer trainers that would want to see their prized Poke'mon make it into Brawl. No matter what generation, if one starter got in, then the other two would have to be in as well, and that would be too much trouble to go through- especially for the ones that stand on all-fours, such as Venusaur and Meganium.

4) "Well, he's the strongest and most popular of the Ruby starters!"
Absolutely not! If you were to compare the types of Poke'mon used by Gym Leaders and the Elite Four to the types of the three starters- Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken (Fire/Fighting), Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile (Grass), and Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert (Water/Ground)- you would actually find that Torchic was the WEAKEST of the starters. Mudkip is actually the STRONGEST of the three. I'm pretty sure Mudkip wins in popularity too, but I think Torchic is second. No one likes the ugly Wood Gecko Poke'mon.:p

5) "But if he was in Brawl, he'd be a totally unique fighter!"
*sigh* Here's the third time I've made this argument- what type of Poke'mon is Blaziken? Mainly fire, yes? Now juxtapose the roster of Melee for the debate- Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Captain Falcon, Falco, Fox, Ness, Kirby, Samus, Zelda, Sheik, Link, Young Link, Jigglypuff, Mr. Game & Watch, and Roy all have fire worked into their moveset in some way, shape, or form (such as explosions or bombs). And if you count the dark purple fire- then throw in Ganondorf and Mewtwo to that list. Oh but wait, he's a fist fighter too- so he also shares in common with Doc, DK, and pretty much the other fire-users. So, I'm certain he'll look unique amidst Yoshi, the Ice Climbers, Pichu, Pikachu, and Marth.

Oh yeah, any other character I left out, I have no opinion on whether or not they get in or not. Some of them I know will get in- such as Sonic- but I do have characters I prefer over Sonic. I did have a list written down on paper for who I "wanted in Brawl, but didn't have a chance", but someone threw it away accidentally. So those characters- such as Swampert, Medeus, and Klonoa- were excluded from my list.

Why did I make this list?

To let my opinion be heard, of course! Also because about 95% of the users on here are male... so just you'd like to see a female's opinion on Brawl. ;) And to prove that newer members don't always make lame lists.

Thank you for taking your time to view my opinions, and remember: constructive criticism is always preferred over "ur list sux dont ever make 1 again." :)

EDIT: Forgot Luigi previously, so I added him to the "I Know Will Return" list. Thanks again, TJK1997!


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Sweetness! This is a killer thread! At least I think so.

Even though I'm sure that we have our differences about Blaziken being in Brawl, I applaude you for putting Goroh, Ridley, Wolf, Poo, and Deoxys on your wishlist.

That's all I got for now.....


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
I should say "There's already a thread for this", but this thread was fairly well made, and has good points and everything, sooo.. Good job!

And as for the Blaziken thing, THANK YOU! I'm glad there's still a good amount of intelligence on this board. =3


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Where the **** is Luigi on the I know this character is returning list.

*gasp* I KNEW I was missing someone! Thanks for the catch. I'm a Luigi fan and I know he'll return. I'll fix that now. I've actually had the draft for this thread on my computer for 2-3 months now... and I CAN'T believe I forgot Luigi-san! X_X

EDIT: Hey sweet, 200 posts!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
The first thing I did after reading your list was to save that lovely pic of blaziken (actually I did it as soon as I saw it :chuckle: ) it's fantastic

Good work with the list though I can't really see Olimar in the game due to his size. I know they made the smaller pokémon bigger but still, he's so tiny

Also dark samus isn't samus, and apparantly has completely another attacks/moves (I don't know myself, read it in the dark samus thread). Not that I want it/her, but I still think it/she would be interesting.

Oh and the blaziken picture is fantastic :psycho: any chance you've got a smaller one I can put in my sig?

Nintendo Advocate

Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
thank GOD somebody actually posted that about blaziken! *claps and applauds*
now, im sick and tired of fanboys whining and complaining about blaziken not being in brawl, or should be in it. I think they're wrong, and if they read this a HUGE nerd war will break out! If that happens, i'll be here, defending you if you need to be defended.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
I agree with your stance on Blaziken. More fire is the last thing the series needs, which doesn't prevent me from worrying that by some evil, sadistic event, Blaziken will make it in anyway.

But I think I can do you one better. Most of the characters in SSBM are humanoid (stands on 2 legs, has 2 arms), with the only real exceptions being the Chus and possibly Kirby. I think a four-legged character would work just fine, and I am all for Venusaur's inclusion in Brawl. Of course, they probably won't include four generation 1 Pokemon, so I'll have to pull for Turtwig's 3rd evolution, which is basically Venusaurish in stance.

Fantastic list, though. If they did it for the ICs, they can do it for Balloon Fighter. I appreciate your realism in making the list as well.

I just hope that Falco is sufficiently different, that Goroh is not too much a swordsman, and that DeDeDe uses things other than the blasted hammer.

One more thing on Deoxys--His forms could be incorporated into one moveset, or into different costumes. If he makes the roster, I could see it going either way. I have a feeling that Brawl will introduce character specific shielding, and a morph into Defense form would be an awesome way to pull that off. Otherwise, Sakurai could make each form into a separate costume with slightly different stats.


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
The first thing I did after reading your list was to save that lovely pic of blaziken (actually I did it as soon as I saw it :chuckle: ) it's fantastic
Good work with the list though I can't really see Olimar in the game due to his size. I know they made the smaller pokémon bigger but still, he's so tiny
Also dark samus isn't samus, and apparantly has completely another attacks/moves (I don't know myself, read it in the dark samus thread). Not that I want it/her, but I still think it/she would be interesting.
Oh and the blaziken picture is fantastic :psycho: any chance you've got a smaller one I can put in my sig?
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the Blaziken picture; it was created by McFox as you can see... IF you enter the "Blaziken for Brawl" thread, you can find it there. And like I said about Captain Olimar... I'm sure he can be made taller in time for Brawl. I've imagined him as between the heights of Pikachu and Mario, leaning more towards Pikachu's height.

thank GOD somebody actually posted that about blaziken! *claps and applauds*
now, im sick and tired of fanboys whining and complaining about blaziken not being in brawl, or should be in it. I think they're wrong, and if they read this a HUGE nerd war will break out! If that happens, i'll be here, defending you if you need to be defended.
Tell me about it! Thanks for the defensive action. ;)

I agree with your stance on Blaziken. More fire is the last thing the series needs, which doesn't prevent me from worrying that by some evil, sadistic event, Blaziken will make it in anyway. But I think I can do you one better. Most of the characters in SSBM are humanoid (stands on 2 legs, has 2 arms), with the only real exceptions being the Chus and possibly Kirby. I think a four-legged character would work just fine, and I am all for Venusaur's inclusion in Brawl. Of course, they probably won't include four generation 1 Pokemon, so I'll have to pull for Turtwig's 3rd evolution, which is basically Venusaurish in stance. Fantastic list, though. If they did it for the ICs, they can do it for Balloon Fighter. I appreciate your realism in making the list as well. I just hope that Falco is sufficiently different, that Goroh is not too much a swordsman, and that DeDeDe uses things other than the blasted hammer. One more thing on Deoxys--His forms could be incorporated into one moveset, or into different costumes. If he makes the roster, I could see it going either way. I have a feeling that Brawl will introduce character specific shielding, and a morph into Defense form would be an awesome way to pull that off. Otherwise, Sakurai could make each form into a separate costume with slightly different stats.
Yeah, I'm slightly worried about Blaziken getting in too... *shudders*. And a four legged character would be interesting for Brawl, however I really don't think any starter Poke'mon will be made into fighters in Smash... maybe Laughing Dog from Duck Hunt could be such a four-legged fighter?
I figure Falco will be Luigified with a moveset including weapons from Starfox Assault. Goroh... hmm, his moveset could be semi-fistfighting, semi-swordsmanship... some people have suggested he could become a Luigified version of Captain Falcon, but keeping a majority of sword moves would keep him different. What I mean is for example, they'd have a similar B-side, but Goroh would swing his sword forward instead of his fist like Falcon does. DeDeDe, I do believe, also has the ability to suck up opponents, so he might be able to borrow a few moves from Kirby there.
And that's a decent idea you've got for Deoxys!


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
(McFox created the image, not me! All credit goes to him!)
I AM SICK AND TIRED OF BLAZIKEN!! Taken from the thread, "The WORST character for Brawl" (quite fittingly), here are five reasons most people want Blaziken in Brawl... and my five arguments against them.

1)"OMFGZORZ H3 I5 T3H M057 PWNAGE CAHRATCER 3V3r!11!!!!1!111!! H3 I5 2 C00l!!!1!!!11111!!"
.... Come on, he's not really THAT cool. The newbies that want him in b/c he "looks cool" are typically the same 11-year-old Halo fanboys that want Master Chief in as well. What's so great about a hairy, red chicken with martial arts knowledge and pyrotechnics?

2) "But he's an important character in the series!"
True, he's the evolved form of Torchic, one of the starters in R/S/E. But so were Treecko and Mudkip. That makes them equally important too. Anime-wise, yes, he was the main Poke'mon of Haruka/May. But Ash/Satoshi owned Sceptile, and he's more important than her- even if Sceptile got less screen time. And Brock/Takeshi has a Marshtomp and he's clearly more important than Haruka/May if he's been around for more seasons- even if Marshtomp didn't fully evolve and has also had less screentime than both Blaziken and Sceptile.
~~~In addition, we don't really need too many more Poke'mon for Brawl- maybe just one more to replace Pichu. If anything, the more human-like Poke'mon considered legendary and/or important enough to get their own movie have the best shots of getting in. Mewtwo (Almost put in SSB, was in Melee, status unknown for Brawl), Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, and Lucario are some examples- but I'd stick with Deoxys and a returning Mewtwo for Brawl.

3) "Come on, he's a totally deserving starter Poke'mon!"
No he isn't! What happened to Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Meganium, Sceptile, Swampert, and the other starters (Can't think of the names) from D/P? There are many retro trainers and newer trainers that would want to see their prized Poke'mon make it into Brawl. No matter what generation, if one starter got in, then the other two would have to be in as well, and that would be too much trouble to go through- especially for the ones that stand on all-fours, such as Venusaur and Meganium.

4) "Well, he's the strongest and most popular of the Ruby starters!"
Absolutely not! If you were to compare the types of Poke'mon used by Gym Leaders and the Elite Four to the types of the three starters- Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken (Fire/Fighting), Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile (Grass), and Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert (Water/Ground)- you would actually find that Torchic was the WEAKEST of the starters. Mudkip is actually the STRONGEST of the three. I'm pretty sure Mudkip wins in popularity too, but I think Torchic is second. No one likes the ugly Wood Gecko Poke'mon.:p

5) "But if he was in Brawl, he'd be a totally unique fighter!"
*sigh* Here's the third time I've made this argument- what type of Poke'mon is Blaziken? Mainly fire, yes? Now juxtapose the roster of Melee for the debate- Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Captain Falcon, Falco, Fox, Ness, Kirby, Samus, Zelda, Sheik, Link, Young Link, Jigglypuff, Mr. Game & Watch, and Roy all have fire worked into their moveset in some way, shape, or form (such as explosions or bombs). And if you count the dark purple fire- then throw in Ganondorf and Mewtwo to that list. Oh but wait, he's a fist fighter too- so he also shares in common with Doc, DK, and pretty much the other fire-users. So, I'm certain he'll look unique amidst Yoshi, the Ice Climbers, Pichu, Pikachu, and Marth.

Oh yeah, any other character I left out, I have no opinion on whether or not they get in or not. Some of them I know will get in- such as Sonic- but I do have characters I prefer over Sonic. I did have a list written down on paper for who I "wanted in Brawl, but didn't have a chance", but someone threw it away accidentally. So those characters- such as Swampert, Medeus, and Klonoa- were excluded from my list.

Why did I make this list?

To let my opinion be heard, of course! Also because about 95% of the users on here are male... so just you'd like to see a female's opinion on Brawl. ;) And to prove that newer members don't always make lame lists.

Thank you for taking your time to view my opinions, and remember: constructive criticism is always preferred over "ur list sux dont ever make 1 again." :)

EDIT: Forgot Luigi previously, so I added him to the "I Know Will Return" list. Thanks again, TJK1997!
QFT, QFT, and above all, QFT. But be prepared for pre-teen 12 year old fanboy hate (I recently recieved some on another thread for this exact reason)

Nice list too, I agree basically 90%, too much FE for my tastes


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
And like I said about Captain Olimar... I'm sure he can be made taller in time for Brawl. I've imagined him as between the heights of Pikachu and Mario, leaning more towards Pikachu's height.
I agree with the part about Olimar's size, technically, all the characters in melee were similar sizes due to the fact they were created from trophies, if a similar formula is used in Brawl we can expect a larger Olimar.

Oh, and a fault with the Deoxys idea, what if 2 people want to use the same form?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2006
I agree with the part about Olimar's size, technically, all the characters in melee were similar sizes due to the fact they were created from trophies, if a similar formula is used in Brawl we can expect a larger Olimar.

Oh, and a fault with the Deoxys idea, what if 2 people want to use the same form?
It's probably right about Olimar, his size wouldn't be a issue even if he is that small. :ohwell: I think he has decent chance to make it in :confused:

My solution to the form problem of deoxys is to simply use the d-pad to change forms and to taunt you'd press the direction for his current form (if speed form would be left, then you would press left to taunt while in speed form). That way you wouldn't use up any other moves like b-moves on changing forms and it would give him the possibility of 4 taunts as well :)


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
My solution to the form problem of deoxys is to simply use the d-pad to change forms and to taunt you'd press the direction for his current form (if speed form would be left, then you would press left to taunt while in speed form). That way you wouldn't use up any other moves like b-moves on changing forms and it would give him the possibility of 4 taunts as well :)
This could work, but I fear this may make Deoxys too complex, or worse, unbalanced.


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
This could work, but I fear this may make Deoxys too complex, or worse, unbalanced.
Yes, I've feared Deoxys could become the next unbalanced, god-tier character...

You'll have to check the link for Deoxys to see his moveset... that's what the links for each character are for.

But if I had to be the one to choose... agh, I've never created a moveset, think!! What if each B directional reverted Deoxys into a certain form for a certain attack? B down, for example, would shift to Defense and would either reduce attack damage by half or perform a counter move. B-up would be a Speed form, possibly using an attack similar to a vertical Fox/Falco Illusion with slight horizontal lean. B-side would be Attack mode, and would perform... meh, some sort of Dark or Psychic attack. Neutral B would be neutral Deoxys and... another form of Dark/Psychic attack. The Side-B would be stronger, of course, but probably laggier. Wait a minute....


Neutral Deoxys: Close to even stats in the areas of ATTACK, DEFENSE, and SPEED, but maybe a little bit slower or with a weaker endurance than say, Mario.

Attack Deoxys: Stronger attack, slightly lower speed, much weaker endurance during the attack.

Speed Deoxys: Much faster, weaker attack strength, slightly lower endurance.

Defense Deoxys: Stronger defense/endurance during down-B, much slower, slightly lower attack.

So, I tried to make his character fairly even. The grabs and A-moves would appear the same no matter the form, but would hit differently based on the form. For example (Simple example, not an actual moveset idea)

Normal A- punch

Attack A- a more powerful punch (say, 3-4% stronger), but is only a fraction laggier than the Normal A. However, taking a blow during this attack would do 3-4% more damage than Normal.

Defense A- a slightly weaker punch (by 1-2% weaker), much laggier, but the damage taken during this attack would be much less (3-4%).

Speed A- a much faster punch than Normal A, but much weaker (3-4%) than Normal. Damage taken during this attack would be slightly less (1-2%) than Normal.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
@ Creator of thread.

So Sonic Never crossed your mind on if he would be bad or good just curious.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Pretty good list. I don't agree with all of the choices, but this list doesn't fill my heart with soul-crushing darkness and despair like some of the lists I've seen. And seriously, where's the Skull Kid?

And yeah, my opinion on Blaziken has not changed. Still sucks.


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Pretty good list. I don't agree with all of the choices, but this list doesn't fill my heart with soul-crushing darkness and despair like some of the lists I've seen. And seriously, where's the Skull Kid?

And yeah, my opinion on Blaziken has not changed. Still sucks.
Wow... McFox left a comment in my thread? What an honor! ^_^ It's okay I used your Blaziken picture, right? Yeah, sorry about the no-Skull-Kid thing... I never played Majora's Mask...
@ Creator of thread.

So Sonic Never crossed your mind on if he would be bad or good just curious.
I made a little comment about that in the bottom of my first post... there are some characters- such as Sonic- I have no opinion on. I've never played any of the Sonic games in the past because, well, I didn't really own any viedo game systems in my past. Depressing, isn't it? My first consoles (handheld and major console) were the Gameboy Color and Gamecube. Parents, sheesh...
There are characters I'd prefer over Sonic... but despite my opinions, Sonic's gonna probably get a spot before Jack or Dr. Stiles. Geno'd probably beat him out, though...
I agree with what you said about Blazekien but....

Care to explain why? Deoxys has better stats, he's a legendary, he's more popular & well-known, and could represent the 3rd generation, whereas Gengar would just be the fourth 1st gen. rep to Poke'mon, in the sense that Mewtwo and Jigglypuff return. And please, no reasoning that "Gengar is cooler".
I agree with the list as an entity,mostly on Lyn's behalf.

Heheh, thank you...


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
I made a little comment about that in the bottom of my first post... there are some characters- such as Sonic- I have no opinion on. I've never played any of the Sonic games in the past because, well, I didn't really own any viedo game systems in my past. Depressing, isn't it? My first consoles (handheld and major console) were the Gameboy Color and Gamecube. Parents, sheesh...
There are characters I'd prefer over Sonic... but despite my opinions, Sonic's gonna probably get a spot before Jack or Dr. Stiles. Geno'd probably beat him out, though...
WOW do have a Wii or a Ds yet? And you should play one Sonic game like Secert of the rings. But be warned do not tread in the worst game for sonic "Sonic the hedgehog" for the PS3 and Xbox 360. It has massive amount of gliches and loading screens that pop up every second.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
WOW do have a Wii or a Ds yet? And you should play one Sonic game like Secert of the rings. But be warned do not tread in the worst game for sonic "Sonic the hedgehog" for the PS3 and Xbox 360. It has massive amount of gliches and loading screens that pop up every second.
Wiis are pretty hrd to get these days. And believe it or not, but I actually know people who STILL don't own, or just recently bought a DS. It's surprising, really.


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
My brother has a DS, but I just share it with him. We don't have that many games (Yoshi's Island, Squeak Squad, Nintendogs, AC:WW, Super Mario), and he rarely uses it...

Yet alas, I don't have a Wii... I only see about three of them at a time in the entire mall when I go shopping. I have the money for one, but my parents have forbidden me from buying one until the summer because they think it would interfere with my grades (I'm a Dean's List/Honor Roll student with the 3rd highest GPA among sophomores). Sheesh, I make one C on a report card in the class with the worst teacher and this is what happens...

But don't worry, I WILL get one... maybe just in time for Smash if it's theoretically released over the summer. Heheh, my parents will be sorry we didn't buy a Wii sooner, once they see how fun it is...

And yeah, I intend to at least rent Secret of the Rings... I just have to get a Wii first. XD

Okay, questions to the readers-

1) Which character(s) did you enjoy seeing the most on my wishlist?
2) Which character(s) do you think I gave the best argument for?
3)Which character(s) did you disagree with?
4) Which character(s) do you think I had weak arguments for?
5)In relation to #2, did I convince you to support any characters?


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Kaiba, I would have to say that you gave solid & very convincing arguements for Goroh and Dedede. I definately think that Goroh should represent F-Zero with Falcon mainly because we need more swordsmen in Brawl and cause Cap. has been doing it alone for Smash64 and for Melee. He needs a rival, someone like Goroh.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Okay, questions to the readers-

1) Which character(s) did you enjoy seeing the most on my wishlist?
2) Which character(s) do you think I gave the best argument for?
3)Which character(s) did you disagree with?
4) Which character(s) do you think I had weak arguments for?
5)In relation to #2, did I convince you to support any characters?[/QUOTE]

1)I liked seeing Diddy, Krystal and DeDeDe on the wish list. 2) And your arguments for nearly every character were good. 3) Jack: one reason is because I don't play much harvest moon, and the second is because I think a character like Simon Belmont or ((classic)) Megaman are better candidates. And i just want Pheonix for the hell of it. 4) I'd have to say your arguments for Balloon fighter and Jack were pretty weak. The latter I explained above, and toe former because he was included in some fashon isn't a gauruntee. Hell, If you look at the wireframes, they were probably going to add someone else (MY guess, one of the female F-Zero pilots, since almost every franshice has at least 2 reps.) so that's not really saying much. And sadly for (5) no, no you didn't, but the only one I really have qualms with is Jack getting in before Belmont or Megs


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Okay, questions to the readers-

1) Which character(s) did you enjoy seeing the most on my wishlist?
2) Which character(s) do you think I gave the best argument for?
3)Which character(s) did you disagree with?
4) Which character(s) do you think I had weak arguments for?
5)In relation to #2, did I convince you to support any characters?
1)I liked seeing Diddy, Krystal and DeDeDe on the wish list. 2) And your arguments for nearly every character were good. 3) Jack: one reason is because I don't play much harvest moon, and the second is because I think a character like Simon Belmont or ((classic)) Megaman are better candidates. And i just want Pheonix for the hell of it. 4) I'd have to say your arguments for Balloon fighter and Jack were pretty weak. The latter I explained above, and toe former because he was included in some fashon isn't a gauruntee. Hell, If you look at the wireframes, they were probably going to add someone else (MY guess, one of the female F-Zero pilots, since almost every franshice has at least 2 reps.) so that's not really saying much. And sadly for (5) no, no you didn't, but the only one I really have qualms with is Jack getting in before Belmont or Megs[/QUOTE]

Okay, thanks for your comments! ^_^ I realize Jack does have pretty weak chances of getting in, but I can still wish...

Simon Belmont, eh? Castlevania, correct? I never got a chance to try the series... I'll have to research that!

I actually am leaning in Megaman's favor (probably #4 on my 3rd parties list), but I figured I should leave the third parties' list down to my top 3.

Oh goodness... with Snake already in Brawl and possibly room for only 1-2 more 3rd parties, it makes me wonder who would make the cut out of Geno, Sonic, and Megaman... *crosses her fingers for Geno... and possibly Dr. Stiles sneaking in...*


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Yeah, Simon Belmont is from Castlevania. I figured he probably has a better chance because he started the franchise, starred in two of the games (and apparently, made a cameo in a *** fighting game), and is retro in the same vein as the Ice Climbers and Pit


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
My brother has a DS, but I just share it with him. We don't have that many games (Yoshi's Island, Squeak Squad, Nintendogs, AC:WW, Super Mario), and he rarely uses it...

Yet alas, I don't have a Wii... I only see about three of them at a time in the entire mall when I go shopping. I have the money for one, but my parents have forbidden me from buying one until the summer because they think it would interfere with my grades (I'm a Dean's List/Honor Roll student with the 3rd highest GPA among sophomores). Sheesh, I make one C on a report card in the class with the worst teacher and this is what happens...

But don't worry, I WILL get one... maybe just in time for Smash if it's theoretically released over the summer. Heheh, my parents will be sorry we didn't buy a Wii sooner, once they see how fun it is...

And yeah, I intend to at least rent Secret of the Rings... I just have to get a Wii first. XD

Okay, questions to the readers-

1) Which character(s) did you enjoy seeing the most on my wishlist?
2) Which character(s) do you think I gave the best argument for?
3)Which character(s) did you disagree with?
4) Which character(s) do you think I had weak arguments for?
5)In relation to #2, did I convince you to support any characters?
First off you should not be ahsamed of the games you have for the DS. You actually have some games I want. Also as long as your parents let you get a Wii before Brawl you'll be Ok and don't feel bad about not having a Wii yet I got mine at launch because I knew they would be hard to get later.

Now for your question:
  1. King Dedede
  2. Blaziken
  3. The thrid parties
  4. NONE
  5. NONE


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
This is the best, most reasonable wish list I've ever seen. The only real thing I disagree on is Samurai Goroh.

Samurai Goroh is an F-Zero character. To my knowledge, there has never been an F-Zero game with gameplay outside of vehicle racing (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Samurai Goroh would just be another character with a filler moveset that has nothing to do with the games he's from. Sure, he may wield a sword, but he has no trademark sword moves from the F-Zero series, so I see no point in adding him as another swordsman. This is essentially the problem I have with Captain Falcon.

I guess I'm alright with Blaziken not being in Brawl, despite how much I wanted him in before. It would never happen, anyway, and he's not exactly an iconic novelty character.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
Yeah, about Samurai Goroh...

As far as F-Zero characters go, I'd like to see him the most, but as far as characters overall, I want to see other characters MUCH more!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
it would be pretty good in my book if it had Geno and Sonic lol but thats just me, and i have to agree witht the end of your first post... blaziken.... sucks.


May 15, 2006
This list gets a high five.

Also, congratulations. You have made me intrigued. To be honest I never really thought about Deoxys before (He's on my "wanted for Brawl" list under "Don't care, will probably get in") But hearing the idea of changing to a different form with each B move gave me an idea. I'll get to that later though.

Your choices are reasonable. There are the mainstays (Dedede, Ridley) Lumped in with a few of the less popular or lesser known characters (Olimar, Dr. Stiles) and any dissenting opinions you have about certain... er... firey characters are explained rationally. Once again, I give this thread a high-five.

Now, onto my Deoxys Idea.

Yes, I've feared Deoxys could become the next unbalanced, god-tier character...

You'll have to check the link for Deoxys to see his moveset... that's what the links for each character are for.

But if I had to be the one to choose... agh, I've never created a moveset, think!! What if each B directional reverted Deoxys into a certain form for a certain attack? B down, for example, would shift to Defense and would either reduce attack damage by half or perform a counter move. B-up would be a Speed form, possibly using an attack similar to a vertical Fox/Falco Illusion with slight horizontal lean. B-side would be Attack mode, and would perform... meh, some sort of Dark or Psychic attack. Neutral B would be neutral Deoxys and... another form of Dark/Psychic attack. The Side-B would be stronger, of course, but probably laggier. Wait a minute....


Neutral Deoxys: Close to even stats in the areas of ATTACK, DEFENSE, and SPEED, but maybe a little bit slower or with a weaker endurance than say, Mario.

Attack Deoxys: Stronger attack, slightly lower speed, much weaker endurance during the attack.

Speed Deoxys: Much faster, weaker attack strength, slightly lower endurance.

Defense Deoxys: Stronger defense/endurance during down-B, much slower, slightly lower attack.

So, I tried to make his character fairly even. The grabs and A-moves would appear the same no matter the form, but would hit differently based on the form. For example (Simple example, not an actual moveset idea)

Normal A- punch

Attack A- a more powerful punch (say, 3-4% stronger), but is only a fraction laggier than the Normal A. However, taking a blow during this attack would do 3-4% more damage than Normal.

Defense A- a slightly weaker punch (by 1-2% weaker), much laggier, but the damage taken during this attack would be much less (3-4%).

Speed A- a much faster punch than Normal A, but much weaker (3-4%) than Normal. Damage taken during this attack would be slightly less (1-2%) than Normal.
I like that idea. My thought was to basically completely eliminate the actual "Move" part of Deoxys's transformation. That's right, have a character with essentially no "B" moves, but hear me out it could be cool.


Imagine Deoxys. When you hit one of his B moves, he does an instantaneous switch to one of his 4 forms, right? So that effects his stats and the appearance and effects of his A moves.

Like you said:

Neutral Deoxys: Close to even stats in the areas of ATTACK, DEFENSE, and SPEED, but maybe a little bit slower or with a weaker endurance than say, Mario.

Attack Deoxys: Stronger attack, slightly lower speed, much weaker endurance during the attack.

Speed Deoxys: Much faster, weaker attack strength, slightly lower endurance.

Defense Deoxys: Stronger defense/endurance during down-B, much slower, slightly lower attack.
Now, I'd like to add some extra effects onto that.

Neutral B: Switches to Neutral Deoxys: Nothing really new. ultimately balanced. Possible uses would be just for doing a great deal of footwork. With no particular strengths or weaknesses, Deoxys is perfect for testing opponents boundaries and figuring out attack patterns without the inherent risks of using the other three forms.

Foreward+B: Switches to Attack Deoxys: When in attack mode, Deoxys' Attacks all have a huge Knockback and Damage boost. I mean, like, his smash attacks are Falcon-punch strong. The price is, of course, that D's defenses are utterly weaksauce. He can be sent flying all too easily and all of his attacks have a lot of lag to them. The use would be, of course, to switch from a more defensive posture (Normal, or Defense mode, f'rinstance) and into Attack mode for a few good hits to sent them flying.

Down+B: Switches to Defense Deoxys: When in Defense mode, Deoxys becomes a tank. Like, He can survive a Full home-run bat or a Bob-omb to the face, and could routinely be surviving up to and beyond 100% to 150% damage. He also takes slightly less damage, and takes no knockback on minor hits (Super armor effect, similar to Juggernaut in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2). The drawback is that He once again has a ton of lag on his moves, so he can't really attack effectively. He also loses some Jumping ability, so if he IS sent flying, he won't be able to get back to the stage without switching to Speed or Neutral forms which leaves him open to edge guarding. The use is obvious. "Hey, That looks like Cap. Falcon's Falcon punch, and I can't get out of the way quick enough. I'd better Tank it. DOWNB!"

Up+B: Switches to Speed Deoxys: When in Speed mode, Deoxy becomes fast, of course. Like Fox or Sheik fast. His attacks have less lag time. Also, Just so Deoxys has an actual recovery, You could say that Speed Deoxys either gains multiple jumps, or a Princess Peach style "Float" jump (Since he flies in the movies, it is justified). The drawbacks are that your attacks do less damage, and You can get KO'd absurdly easily. The good part about that is, however, that if you are Knocked back far, your Peach-style float or Kirby-esque jumps can give you some hope of survival. The uses for Speed for would be to rack up minor damage and get up some combos to soften them up, so you can go in for the kill with Attack or Normal form. A secondary use would be for Recovery. Say One of the other forms gets Knocked back, and you know you won't be able to make it back in two jumps. Well, switch to Speed form in mid-air and glide back to the stage.


You may ask me, why no attacks mapped to the B moves? It's simple. There's never been a character like that in Smash Bros. and I'm all about crazy out-there movesets and things. (My Olimar, Red, and Ouendan movesets are testament to that) Think about how interesting it would be to have a character rely completely on his A-moves, with stat bonuses from his B moves. The character would have such a steep learning curve for newbs, but I would see it as the kind of character that would have a ton of mind-games and advanced techniques just waiting to be discovered.

So yeah. You stoked my creative fire. Congratulations.


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
An Intruiging Idea Indeed!

This list gets a high five.

Also, congratulations. You have made me intrigued. To be honest I never really thought about Deoxys before (He's on my "wanted for Brawl" list under "Don't care, will probably get in") But hearing the idea of changing to a different form with each B move gave me an idea. I'll get to that later though.

Your choices are reasonable. There are the mainstays (Dedede, Ridley) Lumped in with a few of the less popular or lesser known characters (Olimar, Dr. Stiles) and any dissenting opinions you have about certain... er... firey characters are explained rationally. Once again, I give this thread a high-five.

Now, onto my Deoxys Idea.

My thought was to basically completely eliminate the actual "Move" part of Deoxys's transformation. That's right, have a character with essentially no "B" moves, but hear me out it could be cool.


Imagine Deoxys. When you hit one of his B moves, he does an instantaneous switch to one of his 4 forms, right? So that effects his stats and the appearance and effects of his A moves.

Now, I'd like to add some extra effects onto that.

Neutral B: Switches to Neutral Deoxys: Nothing really new. ultimately balanced. Possible uses would be just for doing a great deal of footwork. With no particular strengths or weaknesses, Deoxys is perfect for testing opponents boundaries and figuring out attack patterns without the inherent risks of using the other three forms.

Foreward+B: Switches to Attack Deoxys: When in attack mode, Deoxys' Attacks all have a huge Knockback and Damage boost. I mean, like, his smash attacks are Falcon-punch strong. The price is, of course, that D's defenses are utterly weaksauce. He can be sent flying all too easily and all of his attacks have a lot of lag to them. The use would be, of course, to switch from a more defensive posture (Normal, or Defense mode, f'rinstance) and into Attack mode for a few good hits to sent them flying.

Down+B: Switches to Defense Deoxys: When in Defense mode, Deoxys becomes a tank. Like, He can survive a Full home-run bat or a Bob-omb to the face, and could routinely be surviving up to and beyond 100% to 150% damage. He also takes slightly less damage, and takes no knockback on minor hits (Super armor effect, similar to Juggernaut in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2). The drawback is that He once again has a ton of lag on his moves, so he can't really attack effectively. He also loses some Jumping ability, so if he IS sent flying, he won't be able to get back to the stage without switching to Speed or Neutral forms which leaves him open to edge guarding. The use is obvious. "Hey, That looks like Cap. Falcon's Falcon punch, and I can't get out of the way quick enough. I'd better Tank it. DOWNB!"

Up+B: Switches to Speed Deoxys: When in Speed mode, Deoxy becomes fast, of course. Like Fox or Sheik fast. His attacks have less lag time. Also, Just so Deoxys has an actual recovery, You could say that Speed Deoxys either gains multiple jumps, or a Princess Peach style "Float" jump (Since he flies in the movies, it is justified). The drawbacks are that your attacks do less damage, and You can get KO'd absurdly easily. The good part about that is, however, that if you are Knocked back far, your Peach-style float or Kirby-esque jumps can give you some hope of survival. The uses for Speed for would be to rack up minor damage and get up some combos to soften them up, so you can go in for the kill with Attack or Normal form. A secondary use would be for Recovery. Say One of the other forms gets Knocked back, and you know you won't be able to make it back in two jumps. Well, switch to Speed form in mid-air and glide back to the stage.


You may ask me, why no attacks mapped to the B moves? It's simple. There's never been a character like that in Smash Bros. and I'm all about crazy out-there movesets and things. (My Olimar, Red, and Ouendan movesets are testament to that) Think about how interesting it would be to have a character rely completely on his A-moves, with stat bonuses from his B moves. The character would have such a steep learning curve for newbs, but I would see it as the kind of character that would have a ton of mind-games and advanced techniques just waiting to be discovered.

So yeah. You stoked my creative fire. Congratulations.
Hmm... no B-moves, but instead transformations to different stat forms? :chuckle: Forget my idea, yours is awesome!:chuckle: I'd +rep ya, if I could...

I had considered that idea, of Deoxys transforming and getting different A-moves and effects, but I wondered if it might be too hard to program...

Lol, seems like Deoxys is the character getting most of the spotlight in this thread!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 29, 2007
He thinks he's so good but he isn't. Even Torchic is cooler.
And it would be totaly awesome( but it's not going to happen) if Mew or Ditto was a playable character. Ditto would copy someone, and have all his attacks, and when he wants switches back to his firstform so that he can be everybody. Would be a cool procharacter, a little hard to play maybe.
And for Mew, I don't know any of the attacks or something, but it's totaly cool. Look at it, it's cutiness, his power, his IQ. It's the best pokemon EVER.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
The Periphery of Socio-Realist Valuation
Blazekien is way to generic to make an appearence in brawl. How could they make him barely any different from C. falcon. Think about it. Falcon fights with fire and fighting techniques. Blazekien could be a clone, and if not he would just be too similar.

And u forget that Deoxys, like Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi, is an event pkmn, and could follow the line of rare pkmn that give u points and a trophy. Also, Mewtwo is another phychic legendary, so they may not need two. Yes he's unique with his form changing but that's not that big a deal anymore, since there are plenty of pkmn that can do that now (Mew, Ditto, Castform, Minnomochi, etc.)

Gengar, on the other hand, is one of the most rememberable pkmn of the 1st gen, and he has a farely large fan base. He belongs to the first family of ghost pkmn, which is becoming a more popular type with the inclusion of the first ghost-legendary, Giradina. He has great stats, and he could have a unique moveset combining Ghost attacks (shadow ball, Confuse Ray, Night Shade), physical punches and kicks, and a variety of tongue-based attacks (and Deoxys doesn't really have a lot of unique moves to his name). So that's why I say Gengar>Deoxys for brawl.
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