Excuse me for this, but I kinda want to ramble my heart out about a cartoon video game bear with a backpack with a bird in it for a bit. Is that cool? Good, because I got carried away writing this.
Banjo and Kazooie are the ultimate pipe dream for me. They're characters that absolutely deserve a spot in Smash, but legal circumstances have made that difficult, if not impossible.
Banjo Kazooie and Tooie are my childhood. They're some of the greatest games I had ever played as a kid. I'd spend hours playing in my brother's completed save files just getting lost in every single one of the worlds, and when I eventually decided to start my own adventure, I was greeted with some of the most full experiences I had ever played at the time. From the way they controlled, to the worlds I got to explore, from the fun missions and the frustrating ones, I had conquered both games to completion and I craved for more. I couldn't wait to see how amazing a Banjo Threeie would've looked like!
... Needless to say, I was disheartened to learn their rights were bought to Microsoft, and not only was the next Banjo on a non Nintendo system I had no interest in, they turned it into a weird kart game, the artstyle was made boxier and less lively, and... I hated every inch of it. I couldn't believe that is what Banjo Kazooie was reduced to. And not to mention that is still the last Banjo game ever released. Of course, I've softened up to Nuts 'n' Bolts, but I'm still bitter about the predicament they're in.
So yes, while I'd love to see them in Smash, I highly doubt it. Yes, MS and Nintendo have been quite chummy lately. Yes, MS themselves have shown interest in letting Banjo being in Smash. But despite that, I still can interpret that as a hint, or even as a glimmer of hope for the duo. I can't bring myself to vocally express my desire to see them in the game because their inclusion would require an honest to goodness miracle for it to occur. I just can't have hope seeing them in the game...
... Because I'd honest to good cry tears of joy if they made it in. These childhood icons of mine deserve to return to Nintendo, they deserved to be redeemed, they at the very least deserve a spot in Smash. They're Nintendo characters in everything but copyrights, and as a mostly Nintendo based crossover, they are worthy of being acknowledge. It's honestly unfair being deprived of this dream coming true, and I'd swear I'll never ask Sakurai for anything ever in my life if that were to ever happen.
I mean, yes, I've vocally advocated for characters like Ridley and K. Rool for the longest time, but they're characters that had all the reasons to be included in the last two games, but just plain didn't for some cosmic reason. I always considered Geno as an impossibility, but he finally has a shot in this game as the circumstances are just right for him. I never imagined the day would come when I can finally have hope for Geno in Smash.
... But despite this, I can't bring myself to hope for Banjo because, what if Sakurai doesn't want to go though the trouble to add him? What if Microsoft wants something in return that might be frowned upon by the Nintendo higher ups? I don't want to get hopeful for something that, as much as I want it, might not happen, and have those newfound hopes dashed by the ensuing reality of the situation. I already went through that when Ridley was officially disconfirmed back in Smash 4. I don't want to experience that again. I don't want to soil my excitement for this game over a dream that might be unrealizable, and after the bore that was Smash 4's newcomer selection, I WANT to stay excited, dammit!!
Ah well. There's my rant. While I may not actively support Banjo because of the aforementioned reasons, I'm still keeping a mental tab on this thread in case the impossible happens because God actually does exist or something. And for those that do have hope for them, those that have been vocal about this, and think they might happen... I can only wish the best of luck for all of you, and my sincere respect.