Here's a nice topic that we haven't brought up since the Kickstarter.
Do you think that this game should use a proper Stop n Swop feature, and if so, how would it work?
Well, off the top of my head, I think that'd depend on how faithful they want to be to their original intentions with Stop 'n' Swop.
The premise of Stop 'n' Swop as the team originally thought worked with the N64, not just because data was saved to the console for a few 10 seconds before getting wiped (thus the possibility of this feature, of course), but also because physically being able to switch cartridges
was easy and quick as well (Edit). That's my opinion, anyway.
I don't think doing it like that would work now, since you can't switch game discs like you can cartridges. Plus, game consoles can now store game data on them directly, so there doesn't seem to be much need for the feature. It'd be more like a standard "get some more rewards for getting multiple games in the series" thing, assuming they make more Yooka-Laylee games. I wouldn't be against that, though, and similarly to @
, I think a reference to the mechanic is all that the team should do for sure. Anything more would be nice, but not necessary, in my opinion.