I feel like the only person without a real-life nickname. Over the internet, I'm D-Man. In real-life, I'm just (real name)
Don't worry, I don't have one, either.
Man, you guys don't know what a tall Adeleine looks like, that isn't tall at all

I laughed
so hard at this. Thanks for the laugh.
Also, random question, but, how would you guys react if we got Bandana Dee, but, he was the only DLC character and we got noone else?
I would be disappointed. As you guys know, Bandana Waddle Dee is my second ballot pick, with the first being King K. Rool. With K. Rool having been facing being blotted out by the oft-rumoured Miyamoto-bias and lost to time entirely, with grass-roots fan-demand alone being what's bringing him back from the brink, I wouldn't be happy to see Bandana Dee alone, when Bandana Dee is in no such "danger".
Hey guys, is the Retro Amiibo 3-Pack Rare?
Because I found 6 at my local Game Stop on my first try.
It isn't, no - it's the first example of how long it takes to increase production lines (when they promised they would, this is the first run that it was going to affect), and they made more than enough to meet demand. Even small stores in the US were getting allocations of 32 to 64 units or so. (And yes, I know that I have no real reason to know that, but that's just how sharp on merchandise info I am!

EDIT: Here's my entire amiibo collection.
View attachment 79763
Congratulations on getting these, and especially on getting Mr. Game & Watch!
Now for my customary question when folks get new Amiibo: Any plans for AI names?
You just reminded me how hard it is to get those in America, it's easier to get them here. I had to look for so darn long to get my brother a Ike and a Marth amiibo for his birthday in the U.S.A., but now that I'm in Germany, I've seen like 5 of both at nearly every store that has amiibos. Which is super annoying because, if America had stock like that I wouldn't have to waste 5 hours of my time and shill over extra money for an import

, really makes me wonder what's up with that, like, why would they give Germany so many amiibos but America is given not enough? I don't get it?
Maybe Germany doesn't have as much demand for amiibos.
That's all I got. :/
It is a combination of two factors, and
has hit on one of them.
The first factor is that, back in the old days, arcades in Germany were age-restricted - kids weren't allowed in them. Bear in mind that home versions of arcade games were
the driving force behind home video game consoles for the longest time (maybe some of you guys here can still remember that, too?). The bans resulted in the home-console market never really taking off in Germany, because there was no demand to play the arcade games at home. Instead, the market for the home microcomputers took the lead, leading to Germany's games market being largely PC-gaming centred now.
The second factor is that Nintendo of Europe is based in Germany, and they've always been well-known for being...
very generous with stock allocations for Germany, to an unnecessary degree considering the first factor. When Europe was used as the testing ground for what eventually became Club Nintendo, which as we all know was also made available to Japan and North America later on, NoE, during their bad old days, rightfully got
a lot of flack for restricting most of the stock for reward items (most notably the reward-only The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Master Quest disc for the GameCube) to Germany, and making them available during hours convenient only for Germany. Whilst they're no longer notorious and chided for this, they do still do this with retail stock to a degree, which is what
is witnessing first-hand.