Didn't you know? Nintendo linked the ballot on Twitter and facebook, specificly said Nintendo characters
Metroid and DK want a word...Why no DK AT?
DK deserves a rep and Metroid... uh if there's a more valid and probable character that makes sense OTHER than Ridley that can join uh... sure? but Smash owes it's very existence to Kirby and to be honest Kirby getting another rep when it's got 3 and PKMN+Mario (plus Mario spin off characters) has like about 7 each is not over doing it in the least bit and because of this franchise's VERY influence on smash I do think Kirby deserves more rep than it has.
I mean if someone lent you a few bucks to start a business and helped you and you took off and became successful than you owe your success to that person. You celebrate and mention them and even give back cause that's the thing to do. Well Sakurai wouldn't be the pretigous and influential game media celebrity he is if not for his very work on Kirby and smash would not be the way we iconicly recognize it if it weren't for Kirby... so I'd at least think to rep the series more and AT LEAST keep up with the lastest games and put something the fans who keep with will be pleased with...
I mean Rosalina, NSMB stages, Mega Evolutions, even Yoshi's Wooly world... and Sakurai can't even bother to put in a stage from Return to Dreamland or something? I love the Dreamland Stage but it's been several Smash games and I'm ONLY seeing nods to his stuff. I get that his stuff is great and KSS will ALWAYS be my fave Kirby game but yeaaah... I feel like because of smash 4 I can't expect anything new in a next smash game... cause I've yet to see it happen...
Kirby deserves it. Maybe Sakurai is afraid to come across as bias but I know and some of us know that Kirby deserves it and it would not be bias at all. There's no need to be humble about something you created and was amazing to so many people and help lead him to where he is and the very smash we play... There's no need to be humble about that because he deserves it, plain and simple.