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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

  • Total voters


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Seriously, the **** is a pink name?
I've been on this thread and the puff boards before you were even a thing. Get out.
And that matters why? How dare you speak to me that way, do you know who I am? I am a prophet sent by Lord Jigglypuff to spread His jiggly word. I could have you both smitten at this very moment.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Look at TehEpicRyuga's name, it's pink.
Premium members, like Jiggly, can make other members's names pink for a certain amount of time, it's a prank.
....Really? That's it? That's the big bang? I'm not impressed. But thank you for the information. Lord Jigglypuff shall reward you.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
How would you feel if I told you that it lasts for a whole month?
Oh. Well that changes absolutely nothing.
I am lord Jigglypuff nerd.
How dare you call yourself the
great Lord Jigglypuff? The insolence! I could have struck down to an ash pile right now! Lord Jigglypuff's name shouldn't even escape your mouth.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
So apparently i got a bunch of alerts from likes, in this thread on Wednesday, from posts about a year ago i think

Sooooooooo. . .i decided to drop on by to see how the fanbase is doing
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random rendum

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2014
Why does gamefaqs hate Bandana dee? there's a specific hater named cute Chihuahua I assume he's a troll he even has a gamefaqs wiki page

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
because gamefaqs has idiots, I looked up stuff on the verlisify controversy and saw people there saying dumb things. "I can beat Mega Salamence, it's not OP" What if it has it's Intimidate before it goes Mega, Ice Shard won't beat it then "Then I switch out to save Mamoswine"
Why does gamefaqs hate Bandana dee? there's a specific hater named cute Chihuahua I assume he's a troll he even has a gamefaqs wiki page

random rendum

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2014
because gamefaqs has idiots, I looked up stuff on the verlisify controversy and saw people there saying dumb things. "I can beat Mega Salamence, it's not OP" What if it has it's Intimidate before it goes Mega, Ice Shard won't beat it then "Then I switch out to save Mamoswine"
Well did you notice a guy named cute Chihuahua? he calls dee supporters idiots and stuff and is an Adeliene fanboy (no offense @
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random rendum

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2014
because gamefaqs has idiots, I looked up stuff on the verlisify controversy and saw people there saying dumb things. "I can beat Mega Salamence, it's not OP" What if it has it's Intimidate before it goes Mega, Ice Shard won't beat it then "Then I switch out to save Mamoswine"
Yeah but there's a specific one if you read gamefaqs you probably know of cute Chihuahua he insults dee supporters and is an Adeliene fanboy(no offense @ Iko MattOrr Iko MattOrr )

EDIT That was an accident
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Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
Yeah but there's a specific one if you read gamefaqs you probably know of cute Chihuahua he insults dee supporters and is an Adeliene fanboy(no offense @ Iko MattOrr Iko MattOrr )

EDIT That was an accident
I have no problem with that, if he insults people he is a bad person anyway.
I end in some GameFAQ threads sometimes when I'm searching for things, but I never went into that site. It seems like one of those very chaotic video games communities where 40% of the people are trolls and the remaining 60% are just casual users who make an account then disappear forever after a day, I don't like those kind of sites.
Okay, stuff time...!

Master Hand's Origin confirmed!

Throughout the Smash series, speculation has gone around forever about who Master Hand is, it's origin, etc., yet it all comes down to Smash Bros. 64. For as long as the games have been out, Master Hand has been considered a Super Smash Bros. character, as many consider Smash Bros. 64 to be it's first appearance. However, I have news for you! Master Hand originated from Kirby and is a Kirby character. Now, many may be asking "But isn't Kirby & The Amazing Mirror the only Kirby title that Master Hand appears in?". Well, I now have official confirmation that this isn't the case.

Master Hand first appeared in Kirby's Dreamland. It's always been speculated about whether the hand on the Game Over screen is Master Hand. Through Return to Dreamland files, it is now confirmed that that hand is, indeed, Master Hand! While I was looking over the files for the Game Over screen, these were included...


GoMasterHand.brres.cmp holds the model for the Game Over hand. This means that throughout the Kirby series, almost every game has Master Hand in it. Which means... Master Hand is a Kirby character!

This also ties into that Game Theory about Master Hand being Sakurai. While I'll let you guys speculate about that, Master Hand made his first (and last) full appearance in Kirby and The Amazing Mirror. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this the last traditional title (possibly the last title overall) relating to the Kirby series that Sakurai was involved in? At his ending point, Kirby utterly destroys and crushes Masahiro Sakurai's hands, then devours them for an ability. wtf

Energy Spheres are evil...?

I can't go that deep into this because I'm still confused myself about this. When I was messing with Return to Dreamland bosses, I discovered something odd. Over every Sphere Doomer in the game, an Energy Sphere is placed right where the boss is located. Directly on top. The odd thing is, if this Energy Sphere is removed while the boss is kept, Sphere Doomer (or Grand Doomer with the Starcutter part) will not spawn. While this can be interpreted in many ways, here's what I think about it.

The Energy Spheres have some evil energy going on with them. Despite the fact that the pause descriptions say that the Sphere Doomer came from Another Dimension because Energy Spheres is their version of Strawberry Cake, I believe this may be their soul/heart/brain/something. Every time you encounter a Sphere Doomer, they start out as an Energy Sphere until they take their full shape. Sphere Doomer is an enemy trying to kill Kirby. Energy Spheres go towards fixing the Lor Starcutter, a flying spaceship thing controlled by Magolor, the main villian of the game. The Lor Starcutter, when under Magolor's control, is evil (before/after defeating him), trying to kill Kirby and Landia. While I don't have any way to fully connect this, there's a possibility that Landia knew Magolor was evil, and tried to break his ship instead of killing him, as to prevent him from attacking anybody else, as regularly Magolor is weak.

I dunno, you guys do some of your ten page long theories.


Alright, onto Kirby's Adventure in Dreamland. AiDL sounds weird.

I've run into a couple problems, so I'm asking you guys for ways to alleviate these.

The main problems are that none of the old bosses can be re-created for this mod, which also means that Magolor and the Lor Starcutter must stay. This affects the main storyline, as it replaces the dreams being stolen, along with the Star Rod. The main solution to this is to edit the levels while keeping the same plot of Kirby exploring for Lor Starcutter's pieces, but the existing bosses clash with Adventure's world theme. I'm not sure how to fix this, so...

Anyways, the main things I'm going to be changing are the levels (including level set models, backgrounds, music), as most of the enemies that I need are still in the game. I'm also trying to make it so that when Kirby gets certain abilties (Ice, Stone, etc.) he changes colors, as he did in the older games. Also, I'm not sure whether to have Copy Ability hats re-modeled to resemble Nightmare in Dreamland or Right Back at Ya! as both have some cool designs. Any other ideas?

Also, going to be recording the first ever modded Return to Dreamland level later today. It's a basic level re-designing Cookie Country 1-1 to look similar to the Lor Starcutter, but it wasn't easy to do.
The Master Hand thing is the confirmation of a very unpopular theory that I was the only or one of the few persons in the world sustaining it. I'm happy that there is an official confirmation that the Master Hand in the gameover screens of Kirby is the real Master Hand!!!

About the doomers, since KRTD's story happens after Magolor attacked Landia and failed, and since Landia has the power of the crown, I think that the doomers and the super enemies (the ones that give you the super abilities) are generated by Landia in order to prevent Magolor to repair the Lor Starcutter and attack again.

P.S.: I just had some new ability ideas for my Kirby game concept I'm working on in my rare free time.
Since the concept has the power combining feature, you are still able to inhale even when you already have an ability, and inhale is also use as a grab move in some abilities (if you press attack while inhaling an enemy, instead of sucking it, you will simply grab it and start a new move).
Reaper Kirby (it's a bit dark for Kirby, but after Necrodeus and Ghost Kirby I don't think it would be too much out of place)
and Farmer Kirby!
I also made some movesets.
Reaper Kirby is made by fusing Sword and Stone, he attacks using a sickle. Some attacks are similar to Sword attacks, with the difference that they are slower and have a bigger range.
Attack+down will spawn a stone grave in Kirby's mouth, and he throws it down; if performed mid-air, the grave damages enemies while falling; the grave has the same proprieties as Stone Kirby, so it can slide on slopes. Doing the slide (down+jump) will do a different move instead. Kirby will use a shovel and launches a stone while digging an hole in the ground, in a similar way as those sand canyon enemies in Kirby's Dreamland 3.

This move is actually inspired by Dampè from the Zelda series.
Farmer Kirby is a weak ability that basically is only useful to heal yourself (you can hold up to two abilities at the same time and switch vetween them at any time, so it makes sense doing some defensive-only abilities).
atk+dir will plow the ground walking in the selected direction.
basic atk will launch seeds around, doing some minor damage to enemies.
If seeds fall on the plow ground, some plants will slowly grow on it.
Atk + down will cut the grass. It also damages enemies but it's very inefficient because it can only be performed on land and has a very short range.
Cutting a grown up plant, will give you some random food, sometimes Maxim Tomatoes as well!
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
We've gone a surprisingly long time without any Dee puns. Is something wrong? This is kinda Deesturbing.

I regret nothing.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Your home is in a grave. You don't deeserve to live. You tried to say that dee Lord Jiggly sent you, when dee lord Jiggly is me, and I deedn't send you anywhere. You have deesgraced dee brigade.
Faker! You don't deeven have the balls to pronounce the Great Lord's full name! If you truly were Lord Jigglypuff, as you claim, you would have no problem speaking His name. However you harm me, Lord Jigglypuff will return a thousandfold, you deespicable, deesgraceful, deemented, deescombobulated speck of dust. You should be ashamed to call yourself a follower! It is only by His mercy that you are still alive right now.
Yeah, please stop with that Jigglypuff lord thing XD
Can't stop, won't stop.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There


I'm addeected to them.
I'm not gonna Dee-lete dees deespicable sentence my dee-r friends.

Dee tears are dee-licious.

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