I would like to remind everybody that we already have Knuckle Joe as an assist trophy, and I'm highly doubting that Bandana Dee would turn into an assist instead of much more fit characters, such as Adeleine, Gooey, or Dream Land 2 and 3's Animal Friends. I would think that Adeleine would be the most fit for a second Kirby assist trophy, as she could paint items such as Maxim Tomatoes and throw them out to help the fighters, or she could use some of Ice Cream Island's Boss, Paint Roller's attacks. This includes Waddle Dee's, Nimbus, Cars, Baseballs, Parasols, Bombs, Microphone, or even Kirby. These would all work out correctly as painted enemies to be thrown out and wouldn't be confused with other things due to the fact that they're all crude paintings. The other biggest contender for Kirby's second assist trophy would be his Animal Friends. This assist trophy could use Triple Deluxe's assets from Kirby Fighters stage, Coo's Forest. The assist trophy could randomly select Rick, Coo, or Kine that can come through and attack opposing players.