"Rise! Oh, Dark Lord of Despair!
Crush the stars! Lay waste to care!
Rise and cover the land in sorrows!
May your symphony of emptiness
bring the end of all tomorrows!
Rise! Oh, Dark Lord of Despair!
Crush the stars! Lay waste to care!
Upon your wing, dark judgment bring!
May your symphony of tragedy
cause the end of everything!
The shocking true form of Void Termina has been
revealed! Born from the total absence of care
and composed of dark energy, he has awakened
from a state of mere existence to that of true
sentience. He now desires only one thing…
to CRUSH all opposition!
As the spring breeze blows, a young traveler appears.
After greeting new friends and bidding farewell
to old ones, his path has finally led him here.
Let’s beat this guy already! –After that, lunch and a nap!
[note: this is Kirby talking]
Rise! Oh, Dark Lord of Despair!
Crush the stars! Lay waste to care!
Rise and cover the land in sorrows!
May your symphony of emptiness
bring the end of all tomorrows!
Rise! Oh, Dark Lord of Despair!
Crush the stars! Lay waste to care!
Upon your wing, dark judgment bring!
May your symphony of tragedy
cause the end of everything!
Hatred, obsession, jealousy, greed… The darkness
gathered by Hyness has transformed into a corrupt
power within Void Termina that conflicts with his newly
forged soul. Chaos descends, but…you’ll be OK.
The Star Allies have your back! "
Here's the big ones.
"Hyness did not fully grasp how to completely
break the seal. All that was written about
Void Termina in the ancient scrolls was that
the progenitor of darkness was vanquished by
four heroes of yore, using four spears of the
heart. After that, they were never seen again."
"No telling if it’s true, but according to the ancient scrolls,
Void Termina may rise again in other forms depending
on whether positive or negative energy is gathered.
It seems this being of darkness will wander the galaxy
until one day he is reborn into a new existence.
When he returns, hopefully it will be as…a friend."
Void Termina was killed/defeated long ago before it's revival in this game but it has the ability to continually come back to life and manifest as different entities. Gee, I wonder what kind of entity Mr. Void became before this game? It'd probably have a similar name to Void that means the exact same thing like empty, null, nil or hey,
Zero. With the whole "We, masters of a
matter most
dark" line and Void/Nil meaning the same thing as Zero, it sounds like Void Termina is Zero's original form/incarnation, or that it's the Demise to Zero's Ganon.
Also about the "When he returns, hopefully it will be as…a friend." thing.
Perhaps it already happened.