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B-sticking a throw?


Smash Cadet
Aug 18, 2007
Edison, NJ
I main Lucas, so I have the C-stick set to special, and I thought I'd give Ice Climbers a try. I used to C-stick out of a throw, so I used it out of force of habit. Popo threw the opponent down and Nana froze them in place for a second. It did around 30 percentage. Do you think this is useful? It's probably already known, but I was just wondering which throw you thought was most useful with specials, if they were at all. Thanks.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I main Lucas, so I have the C-stick set to special, and I thought I'd give Ice Climbers a try. I used to C-stick out of a throw, so I used it out of force of habit. Popo threw the opponent down and Nana froze them in place for a second. It did around 30 percentage. Do you think this is useful? It's probably already known, but I was just wondering which throw you thought was most useful with specials, if they were at all. Thanks.
Yeah umm... I suggest you make a name solely for B-sticking, for characters like Lucas, Pika, and whoever else are greatly effected by it. For the majority of the cast, B-sticking is not the best option, you'd be better off keeping the settings as is, i.e. smashes.

I say this for the Ice Climbers especially, they have many intricate combos, most of which require the c-stick. It would not be possible to get full use out of your Ice Climbers without the use of c-sticked smashes. Remember that c-stick smashes can be charged, so long as u perform the smash then hold Z to charge.

Anyway, B-sticking is only a setting for certain characters... not all. I myself have two names, one for B-sticking, and one for every other character.

--- Also, to answer your question..if you're going to use specials out of a throw. Blizzards aren't terrible, but... you could also squall hammer. If you grab someone, then without throwing, squall hammer them, they will be broken from the throw, trapped in the squall, and your ICs will be desynched. This means that you can follow up with a series of desynched Squall Hammers out of a single grab.

Realistically however, this is one of the last things I'd do. There are so many better options with throws that I find it difficult to stoop to the low of using specials from grabs. For example, though it may rack up some damage, specials don't have a whole lot of "comboing" potential. You'd be far better off doing any number of grab combos. For example, an alternating grab chain-throw. Or a d-throw to Nana f-air to alternating grab chain throw. There are simply to many 0-death chain throws to deviate and do something that's less effective.

In the end, considering that an experienced player will hunt and kill Nana, and that said player will also avoid being grabbed at all costs, grabbing is stressed even more. To make matters worse, they IC grab range is very short, so one must be fairly close to grab. Because of this, once you do pull off a grab on someone, it's best to take full advantage of the opportunity to lead into a chain-grab of sorts.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Like everyone said, normal C-Sticking is better for chain grabs. There's nothing you can do with the B-Stick with them that you can't do without it, if you want to do the ice thing, just press down B normally, Popo will still throw down and Nana will still do Blizzard all the same way, but there are things you can only do with a normal C-Stick for them. So just make two different names. I have two different names on my wii for different sticks, (KRD, and KRB) so I can freely switch between them.
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