Anyway, as far as Fire Emblem reps go, i'd want to see them in in this order, greatest to least:
1. Tiki
2. Anna
3. Ephraim
4. Micaiah
5. Kamui
6. Caeda
7. The Black Knight.
What are your guys' top picks?
1. Eliwood (He's too different from his boy to be reduced to a simple alt)
2. Sigurd (Our first Knight Lord in FE history)
3. Ryoma (Dual wielding and has a signature katana. Not to mention his design is awesome. All hail the Lobster Lord)
4. Ninian (I had a moveset for her based on ice and dancing and her rings)
5. Micaiah (Magic based moveset)
6. Morgan (As a Robin alt. or even a semi clone)
7. Chrom (Use that scrapped moveset, Sakurai!)
8. Decloned Lucina
9. Tharja (too bad her trophy was taken out due to it being too lewd for the kiddies)
10. Leif
Special mentions:
- Tiki and Laguz characters. (We know Sakurai's stance on transforming characters)
- Hector (Ike is his spiritual successor)
- Black Knight
- Anna (series mascot of sorts)