So you're going to buy the game you constantly complain about..?
Doesn't that seem rather hypocritical. If you don't like it, don't complain, and don't go to the Dojo.
Sakurai gives us these out of kindness, he could just as easily give us nothing at all. The least we could do is respect them.
That's right. We can respect them, Pluvia.
However, we are entitled to opinions. That is the whole point of a forum---to talk about things pertaining to a particular subject. Personally, I don't think all of the updates thrown my way are all that great. Last night's update was a good example of mediocrity in my book (although Fox's FS seems pretty cool). It wasn't anything earth-shattering like the confirmation of Wi-Fi play or even as shocking as the Pokemon Trainer being playable. To me, those latter two updates were amazing.
It isn't to say that I don't appreciate all of the updates. By God, I do. Not many video game developers give you a taste of what they are making. It's a treat for Sakurai and Company to give us insight on what to expect out of Brawl.
So simmer down. Let people talk. If you don't like what they have to say, then just blow it off. Or, better yet, discuss it with them. Civilly, of course.
Smooth Criminal