I just caught my ever "Sneaky" mother bolting through the hall with a large box in her hands.
How could I resist?
I ran after here, grabbed it, and looked. A Wii. Just as I epected. Another quick glanced showed it was bundled with Wii sports, and a controller. And then another contoller for good measure, and Mario Galaxy.
Naturally, I feel my usual mix of "AWESOME!" and "I spoiled my presents AGAIN".
Then I looked up Galaxy on wikipedia. Released less than a month after America for us. I then thought of Brawl, and how we have NO idea when that's coming for us.
With the knowing now that Nintendo IS capable of giving us games soon after their yank release, I wonder why Brawl may not come for 6 months after for us.
Someone once said "Godamm NOA to hell" on this thread. (Mic?)
I would like to fully agree now, as I have a Wii, and suddenly the pain is amplified by at least 562937 notches.
I hate NOA.
(Unless that pull through, that is, lol!)