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Atlantic South recommend me some good comics/graphic novels.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I've been in a big mood for some very recently after reading V for Vendetta last week. So far all I have is that, The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns (the latter two are Batman GNs and I bought TDKR today, pretty good so far).

As far as the Marvel/DC stuff goes, I tend to lean more towards DC, but it's probably cuz I grew up around DC-based cartoons and merchandise a lot more than Marvel, and Batman is my favorite mainstream comic book hero. I wouldn't mind some good Marvel stuff though, and I'm especially interested in Deadpool. I'm also looking into the DC Vertigo material which there is quite a lot of stuff there that I'm interested (and of course V is on that label). I'm mainly looking for graphic novels since I prefer singular stories over trade paperback issue #435814, but I definitely don't mind trade paperbacks at all if it's finished.

Right now these are some comics and GNs I have in interest:

From Hell
The Sandman
Sandman Mystery Theatre
Watchmen (blah blah overrated divisive opinions etc. heard it all before. I liked the movie and I heard the comic's better so I'll definitely be wanting this).
Any good Batman
Any good Superman
Any good Punisher
Any good Spawn
100 Bullets: First Shot, Last Call

I'm up for anything good that's outside the two big labels if anyone has any recommendations on those as well, and you can recommend me any really good material for mainstream stuff I haven't mentioned (Hulk, X-Men, The Flash, Green Lantern etc. stuff like that).


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
Daredevil is my personal fav, so I definitely have to recommend it even though it wasn't mentioned in your post :) DD's ongoing series has some of the best comic book writing out there imo. If you're at all interested, Pick up Frank Miller's run, especially Born Again. It's the best comic story i've read to this day. Also the recent stuff from Bendis and Brubaker on DD are really good.

For Batman your must haves are: The Long Halloween, Batman: Year One, and the Dark Knight Returns imo.

Punisher, you can really pick up any of the Punisher: max series by Garth Ennis and you'll be set. He writes the perfect Punisher, seriously.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
Yeah, being a big ex-comic collector that now only buys tpb's to save money I know what to recommend.I read mostly Marvel so I can't help you out with the DC stuff. that much. Though Batman hush is sick.

For independents, Watchmen(really is great), Wanted, Ronin(really fvcking good),and 300(dope book) are all must haves.

Like AL said if your looking for average story and but action/violence get Punisher Max by Garth Ennis.
ATM im reading a lot of Daredevil, start at like issue # 20-something when Bendis starts his run. It might take a while to work your way up to the current run but it's worth it as the plot is great and Bendis/Brubaker are geniuses.

Anything with Brubaker is gold, and captian america is too. Make sure you get that, its so gooood. Start from the beginning of Brubakers run,its 50 issues in but just buy the tbp's slowly it's a great revamp.

The best comic out there right now is Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman is beast, and its too intense. Great art too. If nothing else get that.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Thanks guys I'll probably check those out at Tate's in the next couple weekends, they're holding a sale on the 25th-26th.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Marvel all the way.

I would recommend reading the M-Day events and/or messiah war from X-men and surrounding series, any recent issues of 'The Amazing Spiderman' are also really good imo. Spiderman has hilarious lines and his villains are all pretty **** cool.

I also really enjoy anything Hulk, especially if you can get your hands on the World War Hulk shiz, soooo intense.

Civil war stuff and/or Secret Invasion are both pretty cool events.

Cable & deadpool as well as the new deadpool solo comics (i think its 4th/5th addition deadpool?)


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
These opinions are all very much super-hero comic based:

For MARVEL, Runaways is a fun series. Current Spider-man is pretty fun too, like Omni said. Well, Black Cat is back. So that automatically makes me a huge fan of whats going on right now. I'm a Moon Knight fan and he has a new series at second issue right now, and also I love the symbiotes and the stuff going on in Sinister Spider-Man (Venom story) and New Ways to Die (Anti-Venom story featuring the Punisher) are on-going and good.

I'm enjoying the current Batman goings-on: Batman and Robin, Streets of Gotham, and Gotham City Sirens. Those are all on-going.

For must-read Batman, Angrylobster recommended The Long Halloween, Batman: Year One, and the Dark Knight Returns. Batman: Dark Victory comes after The Long Halloween and is similar and enjoyable. In fact, Year One, The Long Halloween, Dark Victory, and Catwoman: When In Rome take place chronologically in that order and are all good.

Outside of DC and MARVEL, I can recommend Invincible. Its in like issue 65~ and its a teen-aged superhero comic that is written independently and you can tell in the development of the series and the characters that the guy who is making it has great control over doing what he wants.

Omni is right that the MARVEL Civil War stuff was fun.

In DC right now, theres a huge universe crossover going on called Blackest Night that is pretty fun so far.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I do have The Dark Knight Returns as I mentioned in the OP. Finished it tonight. It was really good. I'm pretty much getting all the other Batman books you've guys mentioned haha, and the other stuff as well once I have the chance.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
The Daredevil Marvel Knights series is probably my favorite book ever

Black panther marvel knights is good too

i havent read the thread but i'm sure someone's mentioned Watchmen its a given

The Dark Knight Returns is GOAT

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Yeah I listed Sandman, actually that's pretty much on the top of my priority list right now as far as comics go. I'm gonna try to get the first volume at Tate's this Sat.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I haven't heard of that one, judging by the wiki though it doesn't seem like a bad choice to read.
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