@ Kaffei
I play the fox matchup rather differently to be honest.
Stage Selection
In terms of stages, I like FOD and Yoshi's Story the most. I will ban either PS or Dreamland depending on how campy the fox is. I tend to view that smaller stages are significantly better for sheik as opposed to larger stages. In larger stages, Fox has the ability to roam around and platform camp, which is hard to deal with. On FOD and Yoshi's, I find that stage control plays a significant factor and it becomes easier to push Fox towards a corner and eventually get a grab or good hits in.
Approaching the match against a new player
In the beginning, I will play relatively safe to get a feel for the type of player he is. Some question I ask myself:
How does he approach (nair, drills, dash attack)?
How does he vertically space (Full hops, diagonal bairs, SH nairs)?
Is he aggressive or defensive?
With more aggressive foxes, it's really important to figure out his approach patterns, and how he'll respond in different positions. To get a feel, I will tend do DD camp and runaway Fair/Bair to see how Fox responds. This will give you a basic game plan to how to play the matchup. There are many different Fox styles, so it's a little difficult to write a guide about all of them.
Fox at low %
Percentages in this matchup play a heavy role. I'm not as intricate as KirbyKaze, but I like to keep a few %s in mind.
- Most foxes will have many options off the jab reset
- Dash attack and some other moves are harder to crouch cancel for Fox
From 0-40%
- I will look to space fairs and bairs mostly. I think one key part in spacing to hit correctly is to anticipate where the fox will go. Like I mentioned previously, be very observant of how the fox gets in and out against you. If the Fox is really aggressive, then I'll pre-hit an area where I think Fox will be 0.5 seconds later. This allows me to get some free hits in most of the time because they will run into the moves if they aren't careful enough and I can rack out damage.
Against more defensive Foxes, this can be more difficult and it honestly becomes a game of attrition. Don't over commit to tilting or aerials because they will weave in and out and dominate you with grabs and well timed nairs. To counter this, I will change my attack timing by simply choosing not to attack and aerial camp as well.
Racking up Damage
Unfortunately, going for 1-hit combos (aerial) is a losing proposition against Fox because Fox tends to outpriortize Sheik and will eventually get the upper hand. To win the matchup, it will come from follow ups and tech chases.
Techchasing fox
- What I find is that many Foxes tend to have the same exact pattern
1. Most will begin the match by teching in place to test your reactions. If you mess this up, prepare to get shined and then upsmashed/owned =(
2. If you cover the tech-in place, then most Foxes will tend to start to tech roll away (tech rolling in is definitely the worst option for Fox because it takes the longest) because they are scared.
3. If you keep guessing correctly, eventually they will begin to miss the tech/getup attack
This is my baseline to tech chasing. If the Fox has an unusual pattern, then here's my general guideline
1. I will try to be 1/2 a character space away from fox when he lands
a.) This will prepare me for the tech in place option
b.) If I see a non-tech, then I will jab reset
b1) If they are at lower %s, I will assume that they will tech in place after the jab reset
b2) If they are at higher %s and savvy, then I will assume they will tech away
c.) If i begin to see the screen shift, then i will immediately dash to cover the tech roll away
c1.) If they are at <40%, I regrab. If they are not, then I will dash attack and follow up with tilts/more dash attacks
d.) For the tech in place, if I feel that I'm a little late, then I will bail myself out and simply d-smash, rather then risk missing and getting shined
I'll write more to this guide later, are there any particular aspects of the matchup, you want me to discuss more?