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As a DK Main, Do I Have No Chance of Winning a Tournament?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008

I've known about this for a while, but I've never personally played anybody who actually used this technique against me. I'm not sure if it was because they didn't know about this technique or if they just wanted to be nice, but that's besides the point.

I know that in tournaments everything goes, no matter how inescapable or unstoppable it is. I'm fine with that. I just want to know what odds I have of winning a tournament that will have people playing DeDeDe in it. Is this technique as easy to pull off as it looks? Should I really rely on somebody messing up this technique to win, or should I just give up on DK all together. Will this technique be banned, like Wobbling is in some tournaments?

I was just sort of hoping that I would actually win tournaments with DK. I understand that some characters have an advantage over other characters, but that advantage usually isn't a 0 to death infinite grab unless your talking about Ice Climbers. So yeah, should I pick up another main to play when I have to fight a DeDeDe? Should I just give up DK all together?

Also, I understand that you can go a whole match without getting grabbed, but seriously, is that really possible against someone who is 100% focused on getting you in an infinite? At least with Ice Climbers you can kill Nana.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
Why would DK mainers know more about D3 than the people who main D3? I'm just asking in your personal opinion does DK even stand a chance? And I'm talking realistically because of course there is a chance, but would it really happen?


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2008
I doubt it would be banned, if the tournament doesn't allow you to switch characters then you might be f*cked against D3. If they do allow you to switch, then just pick someone else against D3. It's not really a hard CG to do either as long as the user practices the timing. It is sometimes hard to keep it going indefinitely because it's so easy to just miss the timing a little, but it will be a pain in the *ss even if the user can't keep it going forever. As for D3 being unbeatable by DK? No, but D3 has a gigantic advantage over you and you'll probably lose.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2007
one of the guys from my crew picked DK as a main character...

me being a DDD player showed him no mercy and infinited him...yea he complained but i explained to him that other DDD players would do the same thing in tournaments so he should get used to it...

basically he learned how to play marth vrs DDD

he still uses DK in tournaments...just not against DDD players...

pick a counter


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
Yeah almost all "good" DK players will also be good at a char that can beat D3 easy. So yes he can win tourneys but you'll need the help of another brawler in any serious tourney.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
thread creator: ddds infinite is banned in most tourneys i think(?) partly because it stalls the match.
a GOOD dedede player will know how to do this, but then again a GOOD dedede player wont need this, and usually wont resort to it. i dont think they would get away with it in a tourney setting.
if you get in this situiation you have to wait for your opponent to **** up, if theyre really going to play a match by pressing the Z button then you need to stay in the air.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2007
alot of tournaments are banning stalling...not infinites

a saw a few tournaments that banned the IC infinite after 250% because of stalling...

i can see these types of infinite stalling bans being put in place...

but even 250% each grabs gives the ddd player a huge advantage over DK...best to choose another char when fighting the king of dreamland...


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
I would suggest having a decent back up as well. Honestly some people hardly resort to it, but still it'd be good to have two characters to choose from.


Smash Champion
Oct 1, 2007
dont quit DK. especially if uve been using him for a while. Dk in this game is serious buisiness.

good dk players wont get grabbed and D3's perfecting or already amstered the infinite will eventually mess up or use it if their behind a stock. if ur that scraed tho u got ur grab and ledge spike which is a faster kill. also try getting an alt.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
See signature...
Bum is a famous DK player and he has won a lot of tournaments.
Buy you should have a DDD counter as an alt.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Tucson, Arizona
The infinite grab is VERY simple to do especially considering the timing does not change based on DI or damage. It takes seconds to learn the timing and any smart player will be able to do it easily. Do not rely on a DDD player to mess it up, pick a different character to use against a competitive DDD.

PK Hexagon

Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
Dallas, TX
thread creator: ddds infinite is banned in most tourneys i think(?) partly because it stalls the match.
a GOOD dedede player will know how to do this, but then again a GOOD dedede player wont need this, and usually wont resort to it. i dont think they would get away with it in a tourney setting.
if you get in this situiation you have to wait for your opponent to **** up, if theyre really going to play a match by pressing the Z button then you need to stay in the air.
Lol. How many tournaments have you been to? :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
Lol. How many tournaments have you been to? :laugh:

your question makes no sense at all, its hard to be elitist when you cant make a point...Maybe you should elaborate what the **** you are talking about? infinites are banned in tourney play, if you have been to a tourney you would know that. if youve been to a tourney with infinites legalized you arent playing competitively.

tourney organizers do things different depending on WHERE you live and who is in control, infinites are usually(always) banned due to one grab=stock loss. If they arent banned the tourney organizer is typically school sponsored or has poor knowledge of smash.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2008
you're just gonna have to have a counterpick character for ddd. Just pick up MK and GW, they're really easy to play and counter DDD pretty well

PK Hexagon

Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
Dallas, TX
your question makes no sense at all, its hard to be elitist when you cant make a point...Maybe you should elaborate what the **** you are talking about? infinites are banned in tourney play, if you have been to a tourney you would know that. if youve been to a tourney with infinites legalized you arent playing competitively.
Yeah? Sauce me a tournament wherein the rules clearly state that no infinites are allowed. And by infinite, I mean true damage infinites, not stall tactics. I live in Texas. The most ban happy state outside the EC. lol. We banned the Ice Climbers infinite in some tourneys. But guess what? The Ice Climbers have an infinite on every character. There's no helping that.

If you play DK against a D3: you'd best just hope that your counter pick is a good one...

Also, even in the event that D3 doesn't use the infinite CG, he could just grab DK, CG about 5 times, let DK go, and as DK approaches (and he will, otherwise he faces waddle dee spam) CG again 5 more times and repeat the process so it isn't considered stalling.

EDIT: Oh wait. You live in the EC, lol. No wonder. Never mind then.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
Yeah? Sauce me a tournament wherein the rules clearly state that no infinites are allowed. And by infinite, I mean true damage infinites, not stall tactics. I live in Texas. The most ban happy state outside the EC. lol. We banned the Ice Climbers infinite in some tourneys. But guess what? The Ice Climbers have an infinite on every character. There's no helping that.

If you play DK against a D3: you'd best just hope that your counter pick is a good one...

Also, even in the event that D3 doesn't use the infinite CG, he could just grab DK, CG about 5 times, let DK go, and as DK approaches (and he will, otherwise he faces waddle dee spam) CG again 5 more times and repeat the process so it isn't considered stalling.

EDIT: Oh wait. You live in the EC, lol. No wonder. Never mind then.
you just agreed that the ICs infinite is banned(proving what i said...)
in the west, AKA where you live.
you dont have any point at all, i still dont know what it is you wanted with your reply, was it confirmation that i go to tourneys? yes, because i can recognize something as obvious as infinite death grabs being banned. your second paragraph doesnt make any sense,
why are you telling me that ddd can chaingrab DK. i know this obviously, im not a falco main.
thanks for this useless discussion.
was it really worth the elitist "does u go tew turnyz" statement?

PK Hexagon

Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
Dallas, TX
you just agreed that the ICs infinite is banned(proving what i said...)
in the west, AKA where you live.
you dont have any point at all, i still dont know what it is you wanted with your reply, was it confirmation that i go to tourneys? yes, because i can recognize something as obvious as infinite death grabs being banned. your second paragraph doesnt make any sense,
why are you telling me that ddd can chaingrab DK. i know this obviously, im not a falco main.
thanks for this useless discussion.
was it really worth the elitist "does u go tew turnyz" statement?
The point, the very obvious point, is that D3's infinite chaingrab is not banned. You are wrong.

Heavenly Cloud

Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2008
Yea, chances of beating a practiced D3 main with DK are minimal. But definately dont give up on your favorite character as a main (I assume DK is your favorite anyway). Tournament results/tiers/disadvatages shouldnt dominate your character selection. (yes I know tiers exist and I believe in them, I just dont pick up characters based off of them. Personally im waiting for people to flock to another character so I can be somewhat unique in the playing of my MK. But im rambling here, pick up an alternate/secondary, but dont drop your main over this.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Listen, DK is awesome, and really good. But until the CG gets banned (which it won't) you have to have a character to use whenever playing DDD.


Smash Rookie
Jun 16, 2008
In Brawl...... one should should always have a sub-main... for example........ if I played the IC and someone choosed C.Falcon against me, I would pick my sub-main because that fight'll be in his favor.....
If your main is DK... when someone chooses D3... switch to your sub-main... (MK is a good choice against D3).
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