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Argument Against Alt Costumes


Smash Rookie
Aug 17, 2007
the problem is that the development team would not make alternate Kirby forms to go along with each individual alternate costume.
If they did decide to put in alternate costumes, They wouldn't neglect Kirby at all. But if they would put in alt. costumes, they would probably make sure that the characters would have costumes that don't seemingly will influence gameplay. And even if they wouldn't do that, it wouldn't make much of a difference; Even if Mario looks like Dr. Mario, he would still shoot fireballs, right? So Kirby would too. I mean, it's still just Mario.


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2007
Alt costumes would rock. And hopefully we won't have to worry about the Pichu thing, because Plusle and Minum hopefully won't be playable.
And everyone else answered the debate for me, the same thing with the colors in Melee.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
Sigh. The thing is, alternate costumes are an absurd fan idea for the most part. Basically, unless they are just accessories (think Pika/Jiggs in Melee) or color mimics of other characters of their series (Melee's "Daisy" Peach, "Blood" Falcon, "Wario" Mario, etc), then theyre not going to happen...

Alternate Costumes should not change the character's size, weight, range, moves, voice, IDENTITY, etc because then it would be a clone character sharing the same spot, and you might as well separate them because they take just as much space!

I can see a case for the Pokemon Trainer being a different person when you change colors, but the Pokemon themselves definitely wont change species... But most of the time the idea of alternate costumes is ridiculous; some think that stuff like Birdo being a costume for Yoshi and Paper Mario being a costume for Mario would be acceptable...

They cant be, because if the costume has different dimensions than the regular character, then we would be dealing with invisible hitboxes and the like...

Say, Pichu was a costume for Pikachu. Okay, so what happens when "Pichu" uses its forward tilt? Its feet have little reach so they wouldnt jut out far, but the foe just got hit from as far away as Pikachu's legs extend! To stretch Pichu's feet to the length of Pikachu's legs would just look dumb...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2006
Sigh. The thing is, alternate costumes are an absurd fan idea for the most part. Basically, unless they are just accessories (think Pika/Jiggs in Melee) or color mimics of other characters of their series (Melee's "Daisy" Peach, "Blood" Falcon, "Wario" Mario, etc), then theyre not going to happen...

Alternate Costumes should not change the character's size, weight, range, moves, voice, IDENTITY, etc because then it would be a clone character sharing the same spot, and you might as well separate them because they take just as much space!

I can see a case for the Pokemon Trainer being a different person when you change colors, but the Pokemon themselves definitely wont change species... But most of the time the idea of alternate costumes is ridiculous; some think that stuff like Birdo being a costume for Yoshi and Paper Mario being a costume for Mario would be acceptable...

They cant be, because if the costume has different dimensions than the regular character, then we would be dealing with invisible hitboxes and the like...

Say, Pichu was a costume for Pikachu. Okay, so what happens when "Pichu" uses its forward tilt? Its feet have little reach so they wouldnt jut out far, but the foe just got hit from as far away as Pikachu's legs extend! To stretch Pichu's feet to the length of Pikachu's legs would just look dumb...
I guess you don't know the difference between an alternate costume and alternate characters.

I don't think anyone would expect the devs to make Pichu a costume for Pika, that's just stupid. People were thinking more along the lines of a Dr. Mario costume for Mario. It's just a basic texture change. And even if they do add extra frills to costumes, they won't have hitbox properties. Go play Tekken 5 and tell me if the alt. costumes and accessories that are included change any hitboxes or move properties (I'll give you a hint, they don't).
The Birdo/Yoshi idea sounds cool though.

Deleted member

What I see it as, is that an alternative costume could simply change the model/texture of a character slightly. For example, Ike is in as his FE9 self. However, what if an alternative 'costume' could be his FE10 incarnation? (I'll post a comparison later.)

The hitbox and weight of the character would not change, but the model would slightly, for example with shorter hair and more muscle.

Just an idea though, and Ike's the best example really.


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
I guess you don't know the difference between an alternate costume and alternate characters.

I don't think anyone would expect the devs to make Pichu a costume for Pika, that's just stupid. People were thinking more along the lines of a Dr. Mario costume for Mario. It's just a basic texture change. And even if they do add extra frills to costumes, they won't have hitbox properties. Go play Tekken 5 and tell me if the alt. costumes and accessories that are included change any hitboxes or move properties (I'll give you a hint, they don't).
The Birdo/Yoshi idea sounds cool though.
Umm, so you think its fine for Yoshi to have a "costume" of a completely different character? Like one that would never use a tongue for instance? Just like Pichu would never use its stump of a tail for an Up Smash?

Thats what makes me against costumes that change identity of the character. Some people like the idea of Slippy being a costume for Fox for crying out loud! It wouldnt make sense for the announcer to say Fox's name when he wins in a costume of Slippy...


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
How about a "create your own color mode"? Ever play Soul Calibur 3? Each character could just have 4-6 colors and then you can even customize their colors.
I'd love this. Give every character 4 defaults (red, blue, green for teams, and whatever their default color normally is, or something else random if their default is one of the team colors). Anything else could be edited in, and saved to a wiimote to bring to tournament. Much better idea than nametags for telling people apart, as most people will pick different color edits anyway. And if you haven't made one or forgot to bring yours, just use a default color..

Anyway, Kirby isn't a good argument against alt costumes. A kirby that swallows G+W will turn black, regardless of what color G+W he swallowed. So, if Kirby swallows Wario, he'll gain the same color hat regardless of what color Wario he swallowed.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2006
Umm, so you think its fine for Yoshi to have a "costume" of a completely different character? Like one that would never use a tongue for instance? Just like Pichu would never use its stump of a tail for an Up Smash?

Thats what makes me against costumes that change identity of the character. Some people like the idea of Slippy being a costume for Fox for crying out loud! It wouldnt make sense for the announcer to say Fox's name when he wins in a costume of Slippy...
I just said it sounded cool and that was that. You read way too into that. I didn't say, "Oh Birdo should be Yoshi's clone." Or anything remotely like that.

Your argument was that alternate costumes should not change the way characters perform or act, and I argued that they don't (or cannot) because if the characteristics of the character changed it would become a different character. Then I gave an example of another game that features alternate costumes/accessories and how they do not affect gameplay. Please man, read what I post well before replying. You took things out of proportion with that.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2006
Roswell, GA
1. I'm completely for alt. costumes
2. It was good that you thought about the Kirby/alt. costume problem, but it sucked for a thread topic since its not too big of a deal if there are no alt. costumes
3. Boshi would make a much better alt. costume than Birdo, who would seem more like an AT


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2007
Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if Kirby sucked in Mario in a Dr. Mario costume and still got a red hat, but it's not like they can't make a different Kirby outfit for each alternate costume. You're making it out to be some huge problem, when in reality, it probably wouldn't be a big deal to program in Dr. Mario headgear for Kirby to wear.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
This argument is stupid...

Especially since when kirby sucks people up NOW and he gets something from them it doesn't change depending on their "Costume" (Color)
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