i have a white smash 4 japanese controller available to me for $20, ive been using a black american one for about a year.
should i look for a better controller or is that fine? im somewhat confused as to if there are any differences between the white japanese gamecube ones or the white japanese smash 4 ones
a quick response would be great, thanks
Both white and black Smash 4 controllers are functionally the same as each other. White non-Smash 4 controllers (the Japan-only ones that came out earlier, also referred to as Japanese Whites to help distinguish them from Smash 4 whites) are different to the Smash 4 types.
See this table (in Section 2 of the thread) for an overview of some of the differences between controller types:
Smash 4 controllers have a different, rougher texture to their shell than other types of controller; all others have the same shell texture as each other (the smoother kind). I don't like the rough texture; contrary to what I would expect, I feel like it actually provides less grip than the smooth kind. It's a matter of preference though, so you should compare for yourself.
In my experience (I haven't seen/compared enough controllers to be able to say anything for certain about the existence of the differences), Smash 4 controllers have sticks with more "wobble" (distance the stick moves without resistance) and will more easily develop increased dead zone size than White controllers. I don't like the Smash 4 sticks.
I don't know how the sticks of the White and Smash 4 types compare to other types of controller because original controllers (Purple, Orange, etc.) can't really be found new anymore (to allow for an accurate comparison).
Smash 4 controllers are considerably cheaper than white ones at the moment, and will likely stay that way for some time. I would predict that unless a new batch is released, the prices of each controller are only going to increase if they change at all.