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AR Concepts! Video, Sketches, and Photos Inside! Give me your feedback!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
Some of you have taken several surveys for me to help me with a school project--for this I thank you. Now is the time to see what I have been working on!

Augmented Reality

If you don't know what Augmented Reality (AR) is, check out these videos to better understand what I'll be working with.

This video shows very primitive AR that requires a marker for the graphics.

This video is a demo from BMW on using AR to repair a vehicle. This has no markers, and is more like what I will be trying to do.

Now that you know what AR is, let's get to what I'm doing.

My Project

My project is to use AR to create video games that get kids more active, due to the rising obesity rate in the United States. For more details, check out this PDF that has the introductory part of my project in a neat little package:

Project Introduction

My Work so Far

Now for the fun part! I have a bunch of concepts, and I need you guys to tell me what you think. Give me suggestions, tell me what you like, what you don't like, whatever. I've included some video of my concepts you can check out, as well as scanned sketches and photos.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Concept Sketches:

These concepts are standalone products, meaning that each unit is in essence a console, each one requiring a game. I don't feel this is optimum, as a central console would be best, but let's hear what you guys think. Click the image to view it larger.

For these concepts, I left the ear open, for safety purposes. If I fully enveloped the ear for in game sound effects, it would muffle the outside sound which poses a safety hazard.


This is the concept I'm leaning the most towards. What you have is the CPU in the back, and that is where the game/flash memory would be stored, as well as the battery. Goggles are pretty much necessary to allow for a display, as well as hug the head snugly. The form could use some work, but this is my personal choice in terms of concepts.


This is probably my last choice. There's just too much going on in the front. I think being as minimal in the front is probably the best bet.


As it is now, this concept won't work. The whole thing needs to be taut around the head, and the viewing piece as it is now doesn't have that. The viewing piece has to make contact with the face in order to keep everything tight, and this doesn't do that, albeit this is where I want to go in terms of minimizing the front end.


The premise behind this is that their is a central console that wireless transfers the game (similar to DS download play) to each individual console. Then the game relays streaming data about the game as it is being played, similarly to how online gaming works. I feel like this is the best option, considering each person won't have to have a copy of the game in order to play.


I'm a fan of this concept a lot, albeit the sketch doesn't do it justice. The ends house the wireless antennae, as well as rotate to form feet, creating a robotic looking console which I think is pretty cool. I haven't worked out where the game or buttons go, but I like this form the best.


I chose this form just because I really liked it. The 3-D model I made of it is a bit taller than what I sketched it as, which might be the problem, but I'm not really a fan of it. It's decent enough, but I just like the first one much better.


Laser Tag

Based off of your feedback, sales, as well as critical reception, shooting games rank very highly, so I will definitely be doing a gun type peripheral for some sort of laser tag game. More likely than not it will focus on team based games, most likely capture the flag. I want to downplay the violence aspect, so I don't feel like a deathmatch mode should be the most prominent.

Golf Club

I did this concept before I got all of your feedback, because sports games sell well and are critically acclaimed. However, hardly anyone listed sports games, so this concept might be a bust, but who knows. As you swing the controller, a motor activates to simulate impact with the ball, and the AR makes it seem like 30 feet is around 300 yards so you have plenty of room in your backyard to play. I don't think this concept is too strong as their isn't a whole lot of exercise involved. I feel like sports based games are a waste of time, since you can just play the sport without this expensive equipment., but I'm not sure what you guys think.

Gesture Based

This glove is obsolete. It's dead to me. I initially developed it to act as a marker so the software could pick up your hand, but it can do that without the glove, making it pointless. The premise behind this would be that you simply use hand gestures in order to activate certain gameplay elements. A lot of adventure based game design will be platforming and dodging a virtual obstacle course, as well as exploration. Less offense, more defense. I might include real world objects, like you throw a ball at an enemy to defeat them or something like that.

Other Work

This is just extraneous work that I have created to get to the point I am at. No notes, really, just look at what I have and make a note of it for later commenting.

What I need from you

Give me your feedback. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, give me suggestions, anything you can tell me will help a lot. I've made some questions which may help you give helpful feedback.

What concepts do you like? What concepts do you not like?

What do you like aesthetically? What don't you like? (appearance)

What do you like functionally? What don't you like? (how it works)

What game play elements would you like to see?

What peripherals would you like to see?

Should I incorporate voice chat (walkie-talkie-esque)?

Should I incorporate force feedback?

Do you want the head mounted units to be less pronounced, or is visibility of the unit not an issue (i.e. at first glance someone might not recognize you had on the gear vs. creating an interesting aesthetic that is apparent)? Think the difference between glasses and snowboarding goggles.

Any and all feedback is appreciated. If you have a suggestion, if you get it in early enough, I'll try to sketch it out and get some feedback on it.

Please, I need your feedback to help make some decisions for my progress. Through the week I will try to update this page with new work as I create it to get more feedback. This input phase of the project lasts until Sunday (not to say I won't take any more help, but after Sunday I have to move forward), so give me as much help as you can!


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2008
Woodstock, GA
also, portfolio looks amazing but on page 21, it should be parents'. You just forgot the apostrophe.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I'm trying to find out what genres of games that are the most popular, as well as gameplay elements that people responded positively to.

If you check my blog in the weeks to come, I'll update it with my work and you'll get a better idea of what I'm doing.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Florida
What if you don't have any of the systems listed?

I just answered as having a Wii (Nintendo), as the only system I have is a Gamecube (and computer).


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I had my critique today, and things went pretty well. I'll be uploading my complete work tomorrow, but now I'll give you a taste:



Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I have since updated the OP with my work, and I am now looking for people to comment on what I have, tell me what the like and don't like, as well as make suggestions to improve on my concepts. Any help at all will be awesome.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
in before migranes and brain tumors.

Good luck though.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Fix your first link.

I like the idea of both the standalone and console, but it's for different audiences. Standalone is really good if you play games alone, and console is for those who regularly play with others. Console is slightly more appealing in the sense everyone doesn't need to have (or bring) a copy of the game if I understood you correctly.

As far as headgear concepts, I really like the look of C, but I find that whenever I wear something with weight that it slides down. So something with top straps is probably a better idea. Something like a combination of B and C.

I like the Console A design a lot. B is probably a better design because it looks like you could put more interface on it. A is simpler and appears things would be hidden in general.
Once concern I have about the console is theft protection. It seems like this is mainly geared for live interaction in big places (ie. parks). While you are playing, what stops someone from walking up and taking it while you are off in wonderland? You certainly aren't looking over it and could be dozens of feet away, and it's small enough where someone can put it in their backpack or under their shirt.

The more accessible the games are, the better they will sell. If you have to own and carry around 2 or more to play, then people will be less inclined to buy it. A standard pair of gloves, like the ones you have would be ideal. Like you said, you could shape it like a gun and shoot with it, open door knobs, throw things, etc. I guess you could add additional compatibility with other peripherals, much like the Wii does.

I think the areas that this could excel in are FPSesque and adventure games. Most sports games are better played with the actual equipment in the environment most users will be in. So games that can be expanded on or combined with others are the ones that will do best (ex. CTF and Laser Tag). Adventure games open up the areas that reality just can't (You mentioned stuff like Indiana Jones). Multiplayer is one aspect that is a must for me. Umm. Microphones would be a great addition to have. For things like CTF, it opens strategy planning to things irl can't do because of distance. Stalking down the flag in low profile? Whisper to your team progess. So things like all talk and team talk would be neat.

Can't think of anything else to add now.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I fixed the first video.

In terms of theft, I had thought about that. I had thought about including GPS capabilities in the device in some capacity for safety and gameplay (set up a perimeter so all the gameplay elements stay inside the perimeter). I was thinking that maybe when the console is moved a warning could come up on the screen so people know someone is ****ing with it. I had also thought about lowjack type functionality in that it can be tracked via satelite, so if it gets stolen it would be easier to recover.

Maybe I can design it to look like something that's not worth stealing or try to blend it into it's surroundings or something.

You have any antitheft ideas?


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I also though about the motion warning idea as well, which seems best so you can react fast. You could probably put a password lock on it as well. These seem the most feasible.

Lowjack and GPS are also legit, but seems like it could be pricey.

And while the subject of game perimeter is there, it would be cool to have a small warning on the display (maybe in a corner) that let's you know you are nearing the edge of the perimeter.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I also though about the motion warning idea as well, which seems best so you can react fast. You could probably put a password lock on it as well. These seem the most feasible.

Lowjack and GPS are also legit, but seems like it could be pricey.

And while the subject of game perimeter is there, it would be cool to have a small warning on the display (maybe in a corner) that let's you know you are nearing the edge of the perimeter.
A password is something that will most likely be on it.

I had planned on doing the perimeter thing as both a gameplay and safety measure. Safety so that you won't sprint out int a street and get demolished by a car, and gameplay so objectives won't be inside walls and completely out of range bringing gameplay to a stand still.

GPS was going to be a feature I was going to include so the game knows where you are, and can set objectives in places and guide you to them. I figured cell phones have GPS and I got mine for free, so GPS in my product wouldn't be to unrealistic.
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