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APEX shoutouts (late I know)


Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2009
Double posting in ur threads.
Link to original post: [drupal=4966]APEX shoutouts (late I know)[/drupal]

Copying for those that don't have aib.

I will start off by saying I had fun at Apex but I had a cold and felt pretty crummy because I had a cold most of the time i was there, that's why I went to sleep almost as soon as I got to the hotel room.
So sorry if I seemed boring or uninterested at times, normally I would have been all over the place trolling people irl.

As far as the experience of Apex, it was nice being able to meet so many amazing player but to be honest I don't feel like it was worth me paying almost 70$.
Apex was sort of a mess, and I'm not sure if the staff is to blame for this or maybe the players not bringing enough TVs but it was a huge disappointment.
ESPECIALLY as a 100% low tier main.
When you use a character as bad as Zelda you pretty much know you aren't going to make it out of pools without getting extremely lucky.
Knowing this I came to Apex with the plan to get as many friendlies and MMs in as possible, this was made difficult for a few reasons.
Reason 1) The so called "friendly room" that was SUPPOSED to be dedicated to friendlies had nothing but SF4, MvC, Melee and 64 set ups. So pretty much every other game avaible but Brawl.
Reason 2) In the only room that actually had set ups every our the announcer guy would tell everyone they would be DQd if they were caught playing friendlies in there :/.

So in order to get my money matches in was pretty much had to go grab people out of whatever they were doing and tell them we had to MM now while TV was free.

I honestly don't feel like I got my moneys worth at Apex.

2. Nietono ($1,760): I doubt you will ever see this.
But srsly.....**** Olimar.


13. Mew2King:Nice to meet and play against you, and I have to agree Zelda could be worst off than Ganondorf in the MU match up, she doesn't really have any options against MK.
17. mikeHAZE: Sorry I Sd'd during our MM, I blame the guy who made an outburst out of nowhere though.
No johns.
17. Orion: Didn't get to see you, which is sad because I wanted to call you Onion in real life just to see if you'd notice.
25. Coney: So last time I saw you you refused to play me because you were qutting Dedede or something.
I see this was all some ruse because you're probably scared of my Zelda or something.

I totally understand though.
25. Tyrant: Nice to see you again brah.
Even though youre a TIER *****.
25. Seibrik: Didn't get to see you.
25. Atomsk: You stole my nametag and I NEVER SAW YOU AGAIN!!!
33. Leon: It was fun to play against you, I wasn't used to playing a Marth so aggressive, definitely a -3 MU though ]:.
33. Poltergust Yoshi is bad your pool/bracket must have been free or something.

33. Illmatic:Sorry I can't really put up a fight against Peach with Zelda :/
Your character sort of invalidates mine.
Nice to see you again though, your Peach is amazing.

33. Trevonte: I'm waiting for our MM to be uploaded because I know I got wrecked, I don't remember how badly though :I
Nice to play a good fox other than Zeton though.
33. Salem: Didn't get to see you :/

33. FOW: Ness is bad your pool/bracket must have been free or something.
49. san: Still mad that I didn't know your wii could record :/
I blame you for this entirely TBH......
49. Seagull: I thought you were a full Wolf main.
To see that you use MK, I am disappoint.

Tearbear: Didn't see you ]:

K Prime: Nice to see you again, but that other guy wearing your tag totally confused me.

Arban: LMAO at you hitting Ocean in the head loooooooooooool
Nice to meet you, thank you for not having body odor like someone.

Keitaro: Nice to meet you, shame we couldn't play though.

Riot: Glad you did so much better in doubles than I did.
Sucks we couldn't make it out of pools though.

PikaPika!: Nice to meet you, I wasn't really trying in doubles for obvious reasons...

Zekey: Didn't get to see you this time :/

Lucas should NOT be low tier.
Y is he still there???

Ripple: Dun laugh at me for getting bodied by Mikehayze.

Bizkit: HMM don't think I saw you.

Inui: Don't think I even saw you.

Zeton: Zeeeeetun!!!

Prawn: I feel like we played a MM...I think we did I'm not sure.

ScaryLB59: Nice to meet you, good job repping S/Z, the only one to make it out of pools ]:

Arty: Great MMs, we could have recorded them but BLAME SAN.

Boss: We were supposed to MM, I didn't get to see you though.

Berserker Swordsman: Didn't get to see you :/.
I wanted to mop the floor with your Ike too :[.

Xaltis: Didn't get to see you :/.

Kai: I thought I knew the Sonic Mu and that it was much easier than that, I was wrong apparently :I.

Tkbro: Nice to see you again!!!

Rai: My long lost brother, where were you???

BPOW: Nice to see you again brah.

Jarvitz: You randomly using the n-word in out hotel room was uncalled for extremely disrespectful.
I'm half black(which should have been very obvious) and idk how you were expecting me or Tony T not to be offended by it.
If I didn't feel like **** or think you weren't worth my energy I would have set you straight, this was irl, not 4 chan.
That changed what little opinion I had of you.

aisight: Make sure you cherish my page I left in your book

Penta: Didn't get to see you.

Vermanubis: Nice to finally meet you, didn't get to play though
It's hard being a bottom tier in a tournament this big.

MeekSpeedy: Not sure if I saw you...

Dapuffster: You beat Riot IDK how tho...

Mink: Nice meeting you, didn't get to play though :/.

Red Ryu: Didn't get to see you this time.

Chudat: I had fun playing dubs with you, wish I could have entered with you instead of who I ended up teaming with :/
Great Kirby.

Steep: Fun MMing you!

THuGz: I remembered you this time!
Good MMs.

Sakram3nt: I am disappointed TBH....
Glad I got to spend time with IZUMI instead

Izumi: it was nice meeting you since Ingway was a disappointment.
Sorry I was playing kinda ****ty during our MM.

Skirby: Nice to meet you, our pool was kinda hard.

Zorai: I THINK we met briefly, right?

Korobeniki: Sorry I kicked you out of my bed <_<
Nice meeting you.

Mr.Eric: Are there two Mr. Erics or.......

Ori: Fun MMs with you!

2link121: Hay qurl

Anyways nice MM.
Scared to use Yoshi I c.

AlexoftheAura: This name sounds familiar...I think we played in doubles or something.
GG maybe?

ghost: GHOST!
Fun playing with you, though sorry if I was playing kinda crappy it was first thing in the morning when we played.

Tony T: Nice to meet you, I loath Lucario though.

John123468710: Why are you so smart :o???

Viva: Glad I got to share the bed with someone who had good hygene,
If I got you sick, sorry <_<

Garm: I owe you for keeping me updated with pools and everything, nice to meet you.

Kayla: Nice to meet you, shame you don't play anymore

whoever made our hotel room smell like a locker room in the middle of summer

Seriously that was gross, I was actually glad my nose was stuffed up half of the time.

I'm probably forgetting a lot of people, just let me know if you want a shoutout.


Feb 6, 2009
So many "I play zelda" johns.
stop using your main as a crutch, or play a different character.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Raven Symone, and New York? In the same post?

I'm in love.


Feb 6, 2009
Unfortunately your gifs have much less meaning than you think they do.


Feb 6, 2009
I'm probably the only one who sees the irony in that post.


Feb 6, 2009
That's not what I was talking about.

When are you gonna stop being such a tryhard and go out of your way to start arguments with me about the exact same thing? The least you could do is change up your posts a bit.

There's probably someone in tactical discussion right now implying marth might be high tier.
Time for you to put on your high heels and show doc king what the word justice means.
You're welcome.


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
That's not what I was talking about.

When are you gonna stop being such a tryhard and go out of your way to start arguments with me about the exact same thing? The least you could do is change up your posts a bit.
when are you going have a reason to be on these forums? You go around being a critical ******* on a video game forum for a game you don't play... I guess I'd stay in hiding too if I knew I'd just get stomped by a relatively awful region, definitely wouldnt talk so much **** though.



Smash Champion
Sep 17, 2009
Double posting in ur threads.
when are you going have a reason to be on these forums? You go around being a critical ******* on a video game forum for a game you don't play... I guess I'd stay in hiding too if I knew I'd just get stomped by a relatively awful region, definitely wouldnt talk so much **** though.

Now is this REALLY the place for that.
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