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Anyone willing?

Jack Gup

Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
Hey everyone, this is my first post . Ive been lurking here for awhile and just got the game this week and so far im kinda bad with wolf. I wanted to main him since before the game was out and im wondering if anyone whos good with him could help me learn to play him. Thanks for any help, friends code is in sig


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
New York
It isn't that hard to get good with one of the cheapest characters in the game.


Smash Cadet
Mar 6, 2008
well don't do the mistake as many people do, think that spamming f & dsmashes also his blaster is the top notch way to win, if you meet someone that's at least a decent good player he'll just shieldgrab you. Short hop fair is a very good move when your opponent got a fairly high % and ofcourse levaes himself open, after that when you got him in the air the 2 attacks I use most is then fair and bair, but as you play some matches it might get predictable, so mix it up with other attacks and sometimes jump up after him but don't don anything just to confuse him, and maybe land a dsmash after you hit the ground.

Where do you live? if you live somewhere near sweden we can take some matches if you want ;D

Jack Gup

Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
Thanks for all the help all, vec why the mindless flameing? and sorry but I dont live anywhere near sweden
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