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Anyone get frustrated playing AS Ike online?


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
I'm not sure about you guys, but I get frustrated playing AS Ike online. Most of my friends are avid wi-fi players, but I have a decent local scene by me so I don't bother with wi-fi. Anyway, they always want to test themselves or new tactics on me so I get roped into crappy online.

Well, I'd like to consider myself a good Ike so I need my attacks to happen when I say and where I say them. Sure, in Basic Brawl and when you start the game it is great to have people lag into your attacks and you score a massive victory, but now that I'm good with Ike online frustrates me because Ike doesn't react when I tell him too.

Understand? Anyone else have this problem with their Ikes? (This also effects my Ganon game as well. :mad:)


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
I've always thought it's funny when people say Ike is uber online. Really, the characters with faster attacks that can quickly used repeatedly have an advantage in lag. This is because when there's lag, you actually lose the ability to do anything between the attacks, whereas normally you could jump out, air dodge, shield grab, etc.

Basically, if someone is getting hit by a forward smash that they tried to dodge in lag, it's because they haven't adjusted to the lag. However, with someone with faster, spammable attacks, there's actually nothing you can do except try to amp up your prediction game even more.

This has been my experience, at least.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Learn to lead shoot your attacks. If you and your opponents really have crappy connections and you're forced to play with high button lag all the time, it's too bad. Playing with and without lag are different. Without lag, you can just rely on your reflexes to save you. If you're playing with lag, then it becomes a game of throwing inputs and seeing how they do against stuff. Sometimes, as a Sonic player, I have to lead, or input my movements ahead of time, and sometimes I go on to 3-5 move strings all inputted .2-1 second ahead of time, including airdodging and counter attacks. Freaking spindash combos pulled off in LAG >:/

For other, faster attacking characters, it's like watching someone follow you with rolls. You know their roll pattern, so you roll with/ahead of them then do a dsmash. Online, there's the 50/50 chance that they'll roll with you or away from you. Assuming they're coming toward you, then you just input roll>dsmash and see if you predicted your opponent correctly.

Come to think of it...
if you can think ahead of your opponent's moves somewhat consistently in online play, you should be able to pull off Ike's counter attack fine in offline play, and that can put your opponent off momentum if you can pull it off enough times :o


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
Ohio, northeast
i love being ike online. im not sure why but the lag between his attacks seems easier for me it might just be that i slightly lag against everyone though due to crappy service =(

its true though the slower characters do get screwed over online against "good" players
i like to play as bowser and sometimes its just frusturating to play online

Pegasus Knight

Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2007
I do indeed get frustrated. Playing online is my only option (I have literally no Smash community/scene for hundreds of miles), and my Ike just gets annihilated by competent Marth, Snake, and Metaknight players. It's bad enough that I've honestly given up on Ike completely, changing to Pokemon Trainer and Zelda for my mains. Sure, Ike wrecks the noobtards at record speed, but Ivysaur, Charizard, and Zelda finish the job almost as quickly. And I can actually do things against the top-tier characters with them, so...


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
jumping the ledge into eruption is not fun when you were either trying to QD or Aether...its easier for people to dodge your moves and see what you are doing...

yea wifi fails..


Smash Rookie
Feb 18, 2008
The only thing that frusturates me is when there is enough lag online to mess up the button strings I pressed. Namely stuff like doing a RAR Bair. I pull it off easily offline and in most WiFi matches but occassionally in laggy matches it doesn't count the RAR so it ends up being a Fair. There are other stuff like this but I don't feel like naming all my little WiFi quirks.


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2007
I've had a decent bit of trouble online with Ike. I'm usually ok after I get used to the lag.
With Ike's slow moves the other person can predict Ike much easier in lag. The only real way to get some good damage/killing moves on anyone is Jabbing or jab canceling.
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