I am quite fine with his move set, the homing could maybe be a bit buffed in speed, power or accuracy but otherwhise it's nice. Side B is basically what you use if someone is in the air and not above you, or if you have someone in front of you and they are solo and more focused on you. Also to recover vertically.
Down B is good for thoose platforms where people eventually have to land or are about to land, charge it up and let loose when they land. Also seems it is one of thoose dashes that will rip through a crowd. Probably easier to dodge for enemies if they have attention on you
Homing seems useful the times an opponent is above you, and maybe for the odd recovery but seems risky. Potentially dodge uses when someone is about to hit as I heard it's supposed to stop you in midair shortly.
While they are all some kind of spinning attack and not maybe so varied in looks, it also means the opponent will have a bit of a problem knowing what you using. But I'll reserve final judgement for the release of the game.