Hey everyone. I've recently been getting into Melee again (I last played in... 2007, maybe?) and it occurred to me that there are some mods I could do to my controller to make certain actions easier. Before even finding this thread, I managed to remove the spring under the R button, and I've replaced the analog stick with a 360 stick. What a difference that made! Dash dancing is significantly easier now, and so is wavedashing, of course.
I come bearing a question, though. Has anyone heard of a mod to the X or Y button that could terminate the signal early, therefore always resulting in short hops? I imagine that could be a questionable mod in a tournament setting, but since I'm still not on top of my short hopping game, I think it would be quite beneficial to me now, since I'm trying to improve on my spacing and move choice. It's frustrating to full hop (with Fox) every time I actually wanted a short hop. I'll get around to mastering the legit short hop eventually, but for now, I'd like an easier alternative.
After further research, it seems such a mod would require pretty solid knowledge of electronics and/or circuit boards, which I don't have. That's fine, I'd rather be actually skilled in the long run than have to rely on a mod to accomplish short hopping.
Speaking of which, though, is it true that most tournaments ban the use of modded controllers? To what extent does this ban apply? I've read posts by many others who have removed the spring from under their R buttons; would this technically be banned? And how about the 360 stick? It seems to me that using a different analog stick doesn't affect the functionality of the controller at all, although an R button spring removal does.