Lately I've been trying to focus on my work but the focus just doesn't seem there. Something else seems to always have my attention and distancing myself from it wont help...
I would highly appreciate any advice you would be kind enough to offer me.
If you can't focus then take a break. I'll give a personal example.
I'm into cards and I usually don't want to do work so I can practice tricks. My remedy is that I do work, stop and do trick for a couple minutes, do work, etc. I also sometimes practice left handed card tricks while writing with my right hand.
I guess what I am trying to say is: do work, take a short break to do whatever, then continue where you left off. Also, I suggest exercising before you do work, the rush of blood makes you more attentive and less likely to be distracted. Of course I don't mean exercise
too much, to the point that you are exhausted, but maybe a lap or two around a track.