I'm 14. I've been playing smash since I was 6. Melee for around 2 years, brawl for 6 years, and now Smash4 is out. It sounds far fetched but someday I want to be the #1 player at a Smash game, whether its this game or the next. I feel like I don't have the resources to really compete. I did get my Dad to drive me an hour to my 1st tournament, but I didn't even get to play all my matches before I had to go. Once I'm able to drive I'll attend as many tournaments as I can. I just need experience. It also doesn't help that NONE of my friends play Smash so I don't have many people I could have over for a smashfest. Maybe my parents would be cool with me inviting a random person from my local smash scene over just to play, but I doubt they would like the idea of that.