But what say you about the bassterd children of live action and animation, movies Like A Scanner Darkly, or Beowulf(I know it hasn't been released yet, I just couldn't think of another example.). In these movies, they film the whole thing live action, then when it's over, redo it animated. With A Scanner Darkly, they drew a picture over every single frame in the movie so they could make an animated movie while still capturing the motions and likenesses of real actors. In Beowulf (this is just what I've heard, don't quote me on this, I'd have to kill you.) the entire movie is filmed and then they go through enhancing every aspect to make it look entirely CG for the same reasons as in A Scanner Darkly, although in beowulf they also add CG creatures and effects while A Scanner Darkly only added the shifting suits while keeping everything else the same. Anyways, I thought it was a good movie, what say you?