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An Outside of the BOX idea - Qbby for Smash Support Thread!

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Qbby Support Thread
Qbby (1).png

Meet Qbby, Qbby can't jump very far... or very high. But Qbby has one thing on his side though... Boxes!
Yes! Qbby! (pronounced like Cube with a Y at the end) the Protagonist of the BoxBoy! series from the Nintendo eShop.

Why Though?

Why not? Smash Bros is currently lacking in representation of Nintendo's eShop franchises. with Dillon (From Dillon's Rolling Western) being an assist trophy in Smash 4. but other than that, there's really not much support for them.
And While Dillon, Mallo, Tempo or the Arcade Bunny would all also make decent choices.
I feel that Qbby has the most going for him to be a worthwhile addition to the Smash roster.
with 3 games under his metaphorical belt, the BoxBoy! series has been quite well received and Qbby is easily one of the more recognizable and charming characters among his eShop original compatriots

Moveset Potential
It's all about thinking ABOUT the box

My full moveset ideas are still a work in progress.
feel free to post your own ideas.

Qbby has no arms. no head. he is just a box with legs, that can make other boxes. But, therein lies the beauty of Qbby. such an unorthodox character is sure to bring about a fun and unique moveset. if Quadrupeds like Ivysaur can work in smash. then why not a box?

Drawing inspiration for the 3 games in the BoxBoy! series. Qbby is capable of spawning boxes from his body from in front of, behind or above him. (depending on the stage, how many boxes he can make at a time varies but smash would probably settle on a consistent number) Using these boxes Qbby could make Barriers for himself, projectiles to throw at enemies, platforms to get around. even obstacles for enemies to have to jump over.
Qbby can even use his boxes to grapple on to ledges or snake his way through tight spaces.

in BoxBoxBoy! he gains to ability to create two groups of boxes at the same time instead of just the one he could make in the first game. adding more options to what he could do with his boxes.

on top of that in the third game ByeBye BoxBoy! Qbby gains several new abilities to create special boxes. including Boxrockets that can fly into the air, Warpboxes to teleport himself around, Bomboxes that can explode and Remoteboxes that can move independently away from Qbby

Add to that the options of including some stage hazard elements from his games in his moveset (as some characters do) such as Spikies and lasers and you've got way more potential for a moveset than one would think.

Don't Box yourself in to thinking Qbby doesn't have moveset potential going for him

Just think outside the box!


With Qbby there are really 2 ways they could go about this. they could take the typical approach and just give him some re-colours, possibly based on the (very few) colours that appear in the BoxBoy! games (Boxrocket Red, Warpbox Blue, Bombox Orange, etc etc) as well as his inverted colour scheme from the Score Attack mode

Or (similar to the Pokemon characters and their hats) they could even draw from the multitude of optional costumes players can purchase for Qbby in his games

(tell me you wouldn't love running around in smash as a Box in a cape beating up the likes of Bowser and Gannondorf)

Or, if they want to include more Alt Charcters as costumes. all it takes is a Bow and some lashes to turn Qbby into his girlfriend "The one with the hair ribbon" Qucy!


Given they even made Qucy a playable character in ByeBye BoxBoy! this could actually be a possibility

Kirby Hat

Thanks to amiibo compatability in Kirby Battle Royale and ByeBye BoxBoy! there are already 2 potential options for what Kirby's copy ability hat would look like after sucking up Qbby

In ByeBye BoxBoy! touching the Kirby amiibo to the NFC reader gives Qbby a Kirby themed costume. which could work just as well as Kirby's "hat" in smash bros when he copies Qbby

This could also work as an alternate costume for Qbby in smash.

Or, If you prefer something that is more Kirby wearing Qbby as opposed to the other way around. In Kirby Battle Royale, touching the Qbby amiibo to the reader gives Kirby a special hat for his Bomb ability. the Qbby Cap!


The BoxBoy! Series has proven popular enough that Qbby even received his own amiibo to coincide with the release of his 3rd game.
Yes, having an amiibo doesn't mean a whole lot towards being in Smash otherwise we'd be seeing the likes of Blathers (animal crossing) and Yarn Poochy (Yoshi) showing up in the game too. but it still means that the programming for a Qbby amiibo is there, and the potential for cross compatibility is there too.


Most characters bring some music from their games along with them for smash. some potential music from BoxBoy could include stuff like this

Qbby's Resume
So, this is all well and good, but is Qbby a one hit wonder?
well, (if you haven't already noticed i mentioned 3 games in his moveset potential)
For his 3 short years of life, Qbby's already amassed quite the resume.

BOXBOY! - April 2015 (Debut, Playable Character)
BOXBOXBOY! - January 2016 (Playable Character)
BYE-BYE BOXBOY! - March 2017 (Playable Character)
Nintendo Badge Arcade - (Appears in all 6 BOXBOY! Badge sets)
Kirby Planet Robobot - April 2016 (Cameo)
UNIQLO app - August 20 2017 (Featured Minigame on app as part of a merchandise promotion)
Kirby Battle Royale - January 2018 (Amiibo Functionality Cameo)
Kirby Star Allies - March 2018 (Cameo)
Part Time UFO - (Cameo, Playable Costume)

Popularity and Merch

Despite not being the biggest of Nintendo Stars, Qbby has managed to get a few pieces of merchandise released over in japan including a key chain pair (alongside a box-ified version of Kirby.) A ... well a box to hold things in. and of course the aforementioned amiibo

They're almost like a pair of fuzzy dice

Besides these there were also briefly Boxboy! themed T-Shirts and tote bags sold at Japanese clothing retailer UNIQLO

On top of that, the official BoyBoy! series Youtube channel (in Japan) posts new videos often

Clearly there is some love for the series.

The future of the series?

While the third title in the series ByeBye BoxBoy! was promoted as the last game in the series. recently there have been some interesting teases floating around. The official BoyBoy! Youtube channel recently uploaded a video ending with the logos of each game in the series alongside the words "To Be Continued...?"
And the series director Yasuhiro Mukae had also claimed in the past that he'd like to continue the series on the switch

Trailers for the series

If you need more convincing about what this little box is capable of. why not give the series a look. they're a great trio of puzzle games that aren't all that expensive.
here are some trailers for the games
Or, why not give the demos a try?

Fanart, Sigs, Support Items

(made by Sailor Waddle Dee) (art from Nibroc on deviantart and Drawnamu on deviantart)

(made by Golden Icarus)

Fan Movesets
Sailor Waddle Dee's Unfinished Moveset

Power: 5
Speed: 4
Jump: 3
Throw Strength: 5
Weight: 3
Range: 4
Jump Info: Single jump

Standard Attacks

A: A headbutt
Rapid A: repeated headbutts
Dash A:
a tackle


Forward Tilt
Upward Tilt
Downward Tilt

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash: Qbby performs a headbutt and as he does creates a box in front of him to add extra range/ damage/ launching power
Upward Smash: creates a tower of boxes from above him (4 boxes high) for high launch and moderate damage
Donward Smash:


Neutral A:
Forward A
Backward A
Upward A
Downward A


Grab: Qbby creates a line of 2 boxes in front of him if it connects with the opponent Qbby will “snake” to them and keep them held using the sticky substance from some levels of Boxboy
Pummel: Knees the opponent in the stomach
Forward: Quickly creates a forward trail of boxes that push the opponent away

Special Moves

Neutral B: Box Creation – Qbby crouches down and closes his eyes. While holding down the B button the player can create a trail of boxes in any direction just like in Box Boy (maximum of 4) after the player lets go of B Qbby will stand back up. Pressing B again will make the boxes vanhish. Pressing any direction plus B will make Qbby throw the boxes and they will remain in place until the player creates new boxes. These boxes can be used as projectiles when thrown. Can be used as platforms once thrown or can be used as a shield to protect Qbby from attacks in the direction the boxes are covering. If a hook shape is created Qbby can also use this to grapple onto ledges for recovery
Upward B: Boxrocket - Qbby summons 2 Boxrockets to lift him into the air. Players under the Boxrockets receive heavy damage from the flames. While players above receive moderate launch.
Side B:
Downward B:
BomBox: Qbby sets an explosive box which will explode after a few seconds.

Final Smash: Big Box – Qbby creates a giant box made out of several smaller boxes like he does after completing a world in Boxboy. Once the box is 5x5 in size he launches it into the air and moments later it comes falling down acting similar to Snorlax.


Sidestep Dodge:
Forward Roll:
Warpbox (Forward) – Quickly creates a bluewarp box trail 2 boxes forward and warps to the location of the second box
Backward Roll: Warpbox (Backward) – Quickly creates a blue warpbox trail 2 boxes backward and warps to the location of the second box
Aerial Dodge:



Entrance Animation: Qbby drops from the sky as a box before opening his eyes and jumping to his feet. Just like at the start of Boxboy

Winning Animations

1: The Dance Qbby performs after completing a stage

Losing Animation/Clap: Nods his head/body in acceptance of the winner.
totokekedile's moveset ideas


Neutral B - Launch Box: Creates a box on the side that he's facing, then pushes it forward as a projectile. Disappears after a distance. Based on his basic box creating and pushing ability.

Side B - Follow Box: Similar to Pac-Man's Side B, Power Pellet. He gets four boxes that he can spawn, each one attached to the last. Shortly after the fourth box is created, he reabsorbs them by following the chain he created. After absorbing the last box, his momentum continues to send him in that direction. Also like Pac-Man, this slows his decent when used in midair. Based on his ability to follow a chain of boxes like this in his games.

Down B - Drop Box: Creates three boxes beneath him, then drops them similar to Pac-Man's Fire Hydrant. If BoxBoy is close enough to the ground that the boxes hit the ground when being made, they continue to be made such that their creation pushes BoxBoy into the air. Where he would normally drop them, he simply lets go and gets pushed into the air a short distance, hitting anyone in his path. The blocks stay on the ground for a short while. Based on his simple box creation ability.

Up B - Rocket Box: He gets four boxes to create in a chain, just like with his Side B. Instead of reabsorbing them, however, they change into the rocket boxes from Bye-ByeBoxBoy and he is carried into the air with them. After a short distance, Qbby detaches from the boxes and they continue up off the screen without him.
Drawcia's Moveset


Neutral: Box Throw.

Qbby creates boxes to throw at his enemy. Can hold to create more boxes, and you can shift them into different shapes.

Side: Remote Box.

Qbby makes a singular Remote Box to control and hit the enemy. Press the special button to disintegrate.

Up: Rocket Boxes.

Qbby creates his rocket boxes to fly him up to the stage. Little horizontal movement, but a good vertical recovery. After a few seconds, they turn gray and fall back down.

Down: Gravitational Arrows.

A space of gravitational arrows form around Qbby, making anyone who gets near slower and heavier.


Forward Smash: Three boxes in front of him. Retracted once move finishes.

Up Smash: Three boxes above him. Retracted once move finishes.

Down Smash: Two boxes on each side of him. Retracted once move finishes.


Forward throw: Qbby quickly makes two boxes forward, launching his enemy forward.

Back throw: Qbby throws a bomb boxes behind him, launching his enemy backward.

Down throw: Qbby jumps above he enemy and begins pelting them with the diamond-coins.

Up throw: Qbby throws the enemy up, and a laser hits the enemy.


Forward Tilt: One box forward. Retracted once move finishes.

Up Tilt: One box up. Retracted once move finishes.

Down tilt: One box on both sides of him. Retracted once move finishes.

Dash Attack: Qbby runs, and summons those black blob enemies in front of him.

Final Smash:

Qbby jumps up into the air and begins to form a gigantic block. He throws it down onto the stage, and upon impact, it begins separating into smaller (but still larger than average) blocks. Those blocks then begin separating into the regular blocks upon impact to the ground, and when those impact, they break into pieces and stop bouncing around.

Sailor Waddle Dee
oddball, fogbadge, WhiteEaglePL, waddledeeonredyoshi, MERPIS, pikadrewuniverse, ryuu seika, GoodGrief741, Drawcia, YouSeemFRAZZLED, totokekedile, Ghirahilda, D-Man9293, KokiriKory, Mr.J, Auroxeon [sbvpXVII], a smart guy, Koopaul, smileMasky, Organization XIII, Sheng Long, smash puffle, Spirit Toons, MrElectroG64, SEGAGameBoy, SkullKidKing, mybodyisridley, Dixie Kong, Vingag, Zabadoo, GreatKnightEcho, Penroze

Just look at him dance.​
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
id love to see him in smash, stretching out boxes to attack would be so much fun, count me in for support

id forgot he got an amiibo aw man it such a shame we never got it

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
id love to see him in smash, stretching out boxes to attack would be so much fun, count me in for support

id forgot he got an amiibo aw man it such a shame we never got it
Exactly. who needs to punch when you can extend a trail of boxes into someone as a battering ram!

And yeah, sadly the amiibo was pretty hard to come by. Nintendo Autralia briefly sold a limited amount on their eBay page. but sadly I missed the very narrow window of opportunity for it.
Now if I want a Qbby amiibo it'd cost me as much as 4 other amiibo. and while I'm tempted because I really like Qbby. that's a lot of money.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Nice OP.He would be a creative character ngl but in a way similar to Game and Watch... thematically yet the opposite. White Vs black rounded edges Vs straight. Random different things Vs same things used in random ways to fit certain attacks and uses.

I wouldn't mind seeing him IF done really well and is fun to play as buttt I'm sticking with Dillon... especially since his new Japanese game makes him even cooler.
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Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Nice OP.He would be a creative character ngl but in a way similar to Game and Watch... thematically yet the opposite. White Vs black rounded edges Vs straight. Random different things Vs same things used in random ways to fit certain attacks and uses.

I wouldn't mind seeing him IF done really well and is fun to play as buttt I'm sticking with Dillon... especially since his new Japanese game makes him even cooler.
Thanks, I hadn't thought about how he'd pair off with Game and Watch thematically. but that's actually a really cool comparison. and yeah, it's the variety of ways in which Qbby can use his boxes that makes me think he'd be fun and unique.

Hopefully if he does happen he'll be done really well and fun.

Also I hadn't heard about Dillon's new game. thanks for bringing that to my attention. it looks really cool. and I like his updated look. will probably get it if it gets localized.
either Qbby or Dillon would make a good eShop rep. :)


Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL
He's not near the top on my ''Most wanted'' list, but I'll support him.:)

I would like to see the Boxboy trilogy being ported over to the Switch first. I've only played and beaten the first game and it looks like my 3ds is starting to be a bit janky.

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
He's not near the top on my ''Most wanted'' list, but I'll support him.:)

I would like to see the Boxboy trilogy being ported over to the Switch first. I've only played and beaten the first game and it looks like my 3ds is starting to be a bit janky.
Yeah I'd love a Switch port too. especially if it means another run of the Qbby amiibo.

and thanks for your support! :)


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Exactly. who needs to punch when you can extend a trail of boxes into someone as a battering ram!

And yeah, sadly the amiibo was pretty hard to come by. Nintendo Autralia briefly sold a limited amount on their eBay page. but sadly I missed the very narrow window of opportunity for it.
Now if I want a Qbby amiibo it'd cost me as much as 4 other amiibo. and while I'm tempted because I really like Qbby. that's a lot of money.
is that just always the way? still we can try and remain optimistic about his smash chances

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Hey all!
sorry I kind of vanished for a while. still definitely in support of Qbby in smash. even updated my first post with a potential moveset for him. if anyone has a moveset idea of their own they want to share, feel free to.

with the new smash now on people's minds. it's a better time than ever to push for Qbby in smash.
so lets all get into the Box frame of mind with a comic from the Boxboy official website



Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
it really hope they consider putting him in smash this time

at the very least i imagine he'll get a trophy

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
yeah, I'm confident we'll at least see a trophy of him.
and if he doesn't end up playable. maybe he can be an assist trophy.
but right now I really hope to see him be fully playable.

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Let's have another Boxboy comic from the official site (because I find them amusing and am not good at keeping conversations going)


hm, i guess based on the comics. here's a question.
"Should Qbby have a voice?"
he doesn't speak in his games (as far as I remember) but apparently, based on the comics. he can talk.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
YES YES YES! While playing his games I couldn’t help but imagine how well he’d fit in as a fighter. I would imagine his moveset to be entirely different from everyone else, with him playing exactly as in the games (so, no different B attacks, just boxes). If I’m not mistaken, the BoxBoy games were made by HAL, right? If only Sakurai still worked there, maybe we’d get some of his trademark favoritism.

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Yeah the series is made by HAL. which would explain why Qbby's the only non-Kirby amiibo that creates a special hat in Battle Royale.
and the Kirby and Qbby merch.

It is a shame that despite being from HAL he has no connection to Sakurai. but hopefully he still sees the good Qbby can bring to the series.

having him play EXACTLY like in his games could be interesting. but i think they might not go for that. would be pretty awesome though.

Another Question

How many boxes should Qbby be limited to in his box creation move? In his games. depending on the level the limit changes from 4 boxes to 5 and even sometimes 9.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
How many boxes should Qbby be limited to in his box creation move? In his games. depending on the level the limit changes from 4 boxes to 5 and even sometimes 9.
I would guess that’d depend on Qbby’s size, and also maybe the stage’s size. Maybe for “big” stages (New Pork City, Palutena’s Temple) he’d get more? Sounds like a balancing nightmare though.

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Yeah, the balancing is a pretty major problem.
setting a permanent limit on his boxes on Qbby himself seems like it'd be a smarter idea than trying to preserve the different limit for different stages concept of his games. would be easier on the programmers too i imagine.

but then what do you make the limit?

4 boxes? well now Qbby's virtually useless in places like New Pork City
9 Boxes? now he can hit you from anywhere on smashville. have his boxes reach from one side of the stage to the other.

it would probably be wiser to go with a lower number. even if it limits how useful Qbby is in large stages.

I have an idea for a gimmick for how Qbby plays (another gimmick) which would only really work for having 4 boxes. since it would be broken with any more than that. but I will talk about that later.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2018
Created an account just to reply-

I have been wishing that Qbby gets in, and I am very much supportive of this idea.

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Awesome. Welcome to the Boards Drawcia!
Great to see more people who support Qbby in smash :)
I've added you to the support list in the first post.
Feel free to post any ideas you have for how Qbby would be in game

Let's steal another comic from the Boxboy official site to celebrate another supporter of the worlds Squarest hero

I'd love for this to be one of his Taunts haha


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2018
The comics are my life.

But, one of the ideas I have for his moveset is for his down special. It may sound really weird, but I think it’d be cool if he could use the gravational arrows pointing downward, so that when a foe comes near him, they’re slowed down and become very heavy. Does that make sense?

I hope it makes sense-

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
That's a pretty neat idea. his moveset could draw from the game obstacles and not just on his boxes. and given those environments include gravity altering arrows, lasers, sticky goo, warps, spikes, clamps and all kinds of other stuff. he'd be pretty dangerous with all of that at his disposal. giving him the arrows to alter gravity could make him really dangerous against opponents who are in the air off the side of the stage. like a long range meteor smash.

Deleted member

Support. I love HAL Laboratory and think that they deserve recognition for more than just Kirby. Plus, it'd be fun to see that humble little box with eyes and legs going around around fighting in all these environments.

At least make him an Assist Trophy. (And also I want that physical Qbby box.)
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2018
Support. I love HAL Laboratory and think that they deserve recognition for more than just Kirby. Plus, it'd be fun to see that humble little box with eyes and legs going around around fighting in all these environments.

At least make him an Assist Trophy. (And also I want that physical Qbby box.)
Hal has said that they want Qbby to get as much love as Kirby, so it’s possible they want this too. There’s also a better chance that he’ll get in, since Hal is apparently helping develop this Smash game.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2018
In fact, Mukae said he’d find it really cool if Qbby was in Smash.


Smash Rookie
Mar 16, 2018
I actually made part of a moveset for Qbby a while ago.

I thought this character would be a hilarious addition.


Neutral B - Launch Box: Creates a box on the side that he's facing, then pushes it forward as a projectile. Disappears after a distance. Based on his basic box creating and pushing ability.

Side B - Follow Box: Similar to Pac-Man's Side B, Power Pellet. He gets four boxes that he can spawn, each one attached to the last. Shortly after the fourth box is created, he reabsorbs them by following the chain he created. After absorbing the last box, his momentum continues to send him in that direction. Also like Pac-Man, this slows his decent when used in midair. Based on his ability to follow a chain of boxes like this in his games.

Down B - Drop Box: Creates three boxes beneath him, then drops them similar to Pac-Man's Fire Hydrant. If BoxBoy is close enough to the ground that the boxes hit the ground when being made, they continue to be made such that their creation pushes BoxBoy into the air. Where he would normally drop them, he simply lets go and gets pushed into the air a short distance, hitting anyone in his path. The blocks stay on the ground for a short while. Based on his simple box creation ability.

Up B - Rocket Box: He gets four boxes to create in a chain, just like with his Side B. Instead of reabsorbing them, however, they change into the rocket boxes from Bye-ByeBoxBoy and he is carried into the air with them. After a short distance, Qbby detaches from the boxes and they continue up off the screen without him.

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
In fact, Mukae said he’d find it really cool if Qbby was in Smash.

He did? do you have a link to where he said it? I don't doubt he'd want Qbby in smash. but I'm curious if anything else as said

I actually made part of a moveset for Qbby a while ago.

I thought this character would be a hilarious addition.


Neutral B - Launch Box: Creates a box on the side that he's facing, then pushes it forward as a projectile. Disappears after a distance. Based on his basic box creating and pushing ability.

Side B - Follow Box: Similar to Pac-Man's Side B, Power Pellet. He gets four boxes that he can spawn, each one attached to the last. Shortly after the fourth box is created, he reabsorbs them by following the chain he created. After absorbing the last box, his momentum continues to send him in that direction. Also like Pac-Man, this slows his decent when used in midair. Based on his ability to follow a chain of boxes like this in his games.

Down B - Drop Box: Creates three boxes beneath him, then drops them similar to Pac-Man's Fire Hydrant. If BoxBoy is close enough to the ground that the boxes hit the ground when being made, they continue to be made such that their creation pushes BoxBoy into the air. Where he would normally drop them, he simply lets go and gets pushed into the air a short distance, hitting anyone in his path. The blocks stay on the ground for a short while. Based on his simple box creation ability.

Up B - Rocket Box: He gets four boxes to create in a chain, just like with his Side B. Instead of reabsorbing them, however, they change into the rocket boxes from Bye-ByeBoxBoy and he is carried into the air with them. After a short distance, Qbby detaches from the boxes and they continue up off the screen without him.
Those are some pretty nifty ideas totokekedile :)
I've added them to the first post.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I actually made part of a moveset for Qbby a while ago.

I thought this character would be a hilarious addition.


Neutral B - Launch Box: Creates a box on the side that he's facing, then pushes it forward as a projectile. Disappears after a distance. Based on his basic box creating and pushing ability.

Side B - Follow Box: Similar to Pac-Man's Side B, Power Pellet. He gets four boxes that he can spawn, each one attached to the last. Shortly after the fourth box is created, he reabsorbs them by following the chain he created. After absorbing the last box, his momentum continues to send him in that direction. Also like Pac-Man, this slows his decent when used in midair. Based on his ability to follow a chain of boxes like this in his games.

Down B - Drop Box: Creates three boxes beneath him, then drops them similar to Pac-Man's Fire Hydrant. If BoxBoy is close enough to the ground that the boxes hit the ground when being made, they continue to be made such that their creation pushes BoxBoy into the air. Where he would normally drop them, he simply lets go and gets pushed into the air a short distance, hitting anyone in his path. The blocks stay on the ground for a short while. Based on his simple box creation ability.

Up B - Rocket Box: He gets four boxes to create in a chain, just like with his Side B. Instead of reabsorbing them, however, they change into the rocket boxes from Bye-ByeBoxBoy and he is carried into the air with them. After a short distance, Qbby detaches from the boxes and they continue up off the screen without him.
Loving that moveset! However, wouldn’t it be neat if the Rocket Boxes had to be thrown like in the game? That way, it’d bring an extra level of strategy, with enemies also able to use them. (To account for recovery when off stage, maybe the boxes could be heavier than Qbby?)

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
Here’s the link: https://www.google.com/amp/s/kotaku...e-of-the-year-s-best-3ds-games-1702235041/amp

Scroll down and you’ll see an interview between the author and Mukae.
Awesome, thanks Drawcia. was an interesting read.
Seems he feels the same way we do. there's so much potential from Qbby's boxes and how that could apply to smash

Having more conversations going on. and more supporters joining. this support thread is starting to feel like a home.
a BOX HOME (or a box house)


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
i had a thought wouldnt it be great if qbby was one of the dream friends for kirby star allies in a future apdate


♥Smash Beauty♥
Aug 6, 2012
I must admit. The Op is AMAZING!
Really, look how detailed this is! Makes anyone like the idea! This is how a support thread can get power to add supporters!

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
i had a thought wouldnt it be great if qbby was one of the dream friends for kirby star allies in a future apdate
I hadn't even thought about that!
But I could definitely see it happening.
The two series do intermingle a lot
Man, now I really hope that also becomes a reality. :D

Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
I must admit. The Op is AMAZING!
Really, look how detailed this is! Makes anyone like the idea! This is how a support thread can get power to add supporters!
Aww, thanks. you're gonna make me blush.
I really wanted to give the Op my all and show just how much potential Qbby had.
Glad to see it's working.

I have some more ideas to add to the Op soon too. hopefully I can make it even better!
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Sailor Waddle Dee

Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2014
i had a thought wouldnt it be great if qbby was one of the dream friends for kirby star allies in a future apdate
I hadn't even thought about that!
But I could definitely see it happening.
The two series do intermingle a lot
Man, now I really hope that also becomes a reality. :D
well well well. he may not be a dream friend (yet) but Qbby apparently does make a cameo in Kirby Star Allies. based on this image

yep, that's a teeny-tiny Qbby as part of one of Stone Kirby's forms.
I don't have the game yet myself so i can't see it for myself and get a better picture. but this image from Nintendo Everything will suffice
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