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An interesting converstaion over a game of Melee


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1397]An interesting converstaion over a game of Melee[/drupal]

"Hey, Matt." I asked my friend as I quickly airdodged to avoid a energy ball from Samus. "What was your favorite Zelda?" My friend quickly responded with, "Majora's Mask." I nodded. "What did you like about it?"
"Well, I though the storyline was awesome. And the masks were cool. I remember getting the Fierce Deity Mask and betting Majora every day for a week."

"How about you, Ian?" I asked his old brother as I wavedashed to avoid an attack. "Ocarina of Time." There was brief silence for a bit, the only thing piercing it was the Fourside BMG and a few attack sound effects. "Why?" I asked. "Because," he replied, "it had an awesome storyline and was the first game I ever owned."
"So?" I said, "just because something is the first game you ever owned doesn't make it goo-" before I could go on to talk about how the first game I owned was a crappy football game for the Genesis, he interrupted me. I cannot recall what he said, because I automatically tune someone out if they rudly interrupt me. I waited for him to stop making noise with his mouth and continued. "What did you like about the storyline?" I asked, not realizing that I had already infuriated him by more or less saying that Ocarina wasn't that good of a game. "Because I did." He said firmly, I could tell that he was getting aggressive. He then continued to go on a rant about something, probably about Ocarina being a gem-encysted work of God. I just decided to tune him out, if he wasn't going to be calm then a debate with him was pointless. From there I just decided to shut my mouth and play the game.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
MM was deeper, darker, and superior in gameplay to OoT.

OoT was amazing and a true revolution but if you don't let that cloud your vision, you may find that MM is infinitely better crafted in the more subtle aspects. It's probably the only game where I've ever grown attached to characters and a world.

Lol I'm such a loser.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Personally, I enjoyed OOT more than MM not because OOT was a revolution, but because OOT was just funner to me.

I don't know why it was. I played OoT and it hooked me immediately. I loved the story, I loved the sidequests (I KILLED GANON WITH THE BIGGORON SWORD.) I just loved everything about it. I tried Majora's Mask and I have to say, after all the hype I had gotten from it...I judt didn't like it that much. It bored me, for some reason. I couldn't get into it, even without the 3 day time limit. It just didn't hook me.

Windwaker was excellent, in my opinion. My second favorite. I loved sailing, no matter how monotonous it got. I loved the story in that, the most. Ganon never actually came accross as some crazy old guy trying to take over the world. It was the game that made him seem...Human. Which I liked.

Twilight Princess was EPIC beyond all comparisson, in my HONEST opinion. The weapons you got, the areas you visited, there was NOTHING I could find wrong with it. It was the PERFECT Zelda game. It even had my beloved snow area, which I spent a lot of my time in. It was huge, immersive, with a compelling storyline that I can't shake off even today. My first Wii game, and I love it more than anything else on the Wii, save for Brawl.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Windwaker was excellent, in my opinion. My second favorite. I loved sailing, no matter how monotonous it got. I loved the story in that, the most. Ganon never actually came accross as some crazy old guy trying to take over the world. It was the game that made him seem...Human. Which I liked.

Twilight Princess was EPIC beyond all comparisson, in my HONEST opinion. The weapons you got, the areas you visited, there was NOTHING I could find wrong with it. It was the PERFECT Zelda game. It even had my beloved snow area, which I spent a lot of my time in. It was huge, immersive, with a compelling storyline that I can't shake off even today. My first Wii game, and I love it more than anything else on the Wii, save for Brawl.
This is more or less my thoughts on the Zelda series. And to be honest, I hate it when people give a game a lot more praise than it deserves just because it revolutionized the industry. Before I get flamed, hear me out. Yeah, if it wasn't for OoT things probably would be a lot different now but think about it like this: how good was OoT, not as a game that changed everything, but as a game.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I played Ocarina of Time as a sparkly-eyed and delicious youth and got bored of it somewhere around the dungeon with all the Poes. I played Majora's Mask around the same time and nearly finished it before I got bored, but that was probably only because it was significantly shorter. Later in life, I replayed both of them. I finished Majora's Mask in entirety, sidequests and all, and I stopped playing OoT after getting killed by those ****ing bats again before I even got to the adult Link segment.

I enjoyed the atmosphere of Majora's Mask quite a bit; the ever-looming presence of doom literally hanging above your head for the entire game gave it a sense of urgency I'd never seen in a game before. The sped-up Clock Town music with a slow, deathly tune playing faintly in the background on the third day was a stroke of genius. Coming out of a dungeon for the first time and looking up at the sky to be greeted by an enormous angry rock waiting to crush me instead was something I won't forget.
The characters were enjoyable, too, unlike most of OoT's; it's rare that I can strike up empathy for an NPC, but seeing little brain-fried Romani on the third day made me feel like a miserable ******* for not getting there in time to save her. The scene near the end of the third day where Cremia braces for death with Romani was particularly touching, too.
Maybe it's just 'cause I have a thing for adult-on-chiNO BAD

I never finished Wind Waker because I spent the majority of my time sailing around to random places and exploring them instead of progressing, so much so that when I had to sail around to fish out the Triforce pieces, I had already been everywhere and it was too much of a chore to bother finishing. I liked Wind Waker's Ganon.

Twilight Princess' useless dungeon items were badass. Swingin' around like I'm God**** Spiderman with dual clawshots taking down a dragon, speeding across a gap in the wall running into *****es with my spikey top thing, totally crushing suits of armor in one blow with the ball and chain and killing my enemies JUST BY WALKING INTO THEM, stomping around with a badass invincible statue with a megahammer that crushes anything; all of that was awesome, but that was pretty much the only thing I really liked about it. Even so, I finished it, which puts it a peg above OoT on my list.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Well, are we comparing it to games now? Or games then? Becuase comparing it to games now isn't exactly fair since developers have alot more experience in the 3-D game making business and no doubt much better tools to use to make said games.

OoT had a great stoy line and really likeable characters, good graphics for it's time. It's gameplay was really good (aside from MM having aditional mechanics, I don't see how it's game play was "better" than OoT) It was fun right up there with DK and Mario 64 imo. It had good length and a decent bit of replay value if you didn't get everything done the first play through.

Even if it didn't revolutionize the gameing industry I'd still give it a 10/10 because good enough that I still love to play over a decade after it's release

MM was surprisingly longer than you would expect with the limited number of dungeons, and a 72 minute time limit. The saving with the owls erked me becuase once I forgot to save and was back to start over a dungeon and some of the events before it when I was just about to fight the boss lol

The Story wasn't your normal Zelda story. It was more of a side quest thing like you'd find in the gamboy Zeldas. But it was impressive deep and dark story nevertheless. Link's Awakening was my first Zelda. OoT was my second so that was the first time with me actually going through Link's "usual" story's theme. So I'm torn between the storie of the two.

MM's main plot is kinda short but all the deep branching sidequests with all the even better thought out characters kept it long and powerful. But the character's quests sorta came at the expense of the main part of the game. You'd lose a bit of the game's longetivity if you didn't do the sidequests. Some were mandaotry but other's were not. The longest one which takes all 3 days to do was completly optional.

Often as a prize for getting through these quests you'd get a mask. They played an essential role in this game. And are one of the main things that made it stick out from being just a sequel to OoT.

It's a sequel. it's supposed[/bs] to be better. It's not alot better but it doesn't have to be because the game it's compared to was amazing.

Another game I still play lol and another 10/10

WW had an interesting art style, good gameplay. A cool story that made related to OoT. And was quite long (stupid triforce pieces) Fiishing for the triforce pieces was a pain. Once you had done all the work to get the map for them you should have been able to see them. Even if you had to be almost on top of them. Anything would have been better.

Other than that was too easy. I died once the whole game becuase I wanted to completly beat Ganon head on lol. I fought the "right" way the second time and won with fairys to spare. I lol'd at the pajama second playthrough thng though. It was a good game over all 9/10

Twilight Princess was sorta like OoTs second coming. Except it wasn't. The wii controls made gameplay somewhat sluggish and the enemies were again on the easy side. Not as easy as WW but still I expected a heavier difficulty to go with the darker characters and story. For the amount of crappy waggle (bow and the fishing rod was the only thing I liked) they put in it wasn't neccesarry to flip the game and mess up the locations. If I'm just going flick the controller any which way to get Link to swing then it doesn't matter which hand he's holding it.

Midna was a cool character and a great adittion to the series. Thought I doubt we'll see again ever. Zant on the other hand was a total let down once you actually got to fight him. Also his voice was ******** lol. Sword fight with Ganon was win. And even though it in some ways felt like a re telling of OoT and others like a "what would have been" if Link never got those spiritual stones, I loved anywayXD

Is it just me, or do the characters legs all look a little bit too short? Also Link's face and different voice bothered me for a little while but I got over both.

I'm going to get the gamecube version eventually and see if my opinions change. 8.5/10

EDIT: ok now I'm done XD


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I didn't enjoy MM as much as OoT.

Thus, your argument is invalid.

Beside, it's all opinion anyway.


I'd give OoT a 10, MM a 8.5, WW a 9, with TP being a 9.3 and Alttp a 8.9 out of ten.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I didn't enjoy MM as much as OoT.

Thus, your argument is invalid.

Beside, it's all opinion anyway.


So because you didn't enjoy MM as much as OoT that means my argument is invalid. However... yours isn't?

Besides, it's all opinion anyway.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Twilight Princess was sorta like OoTs second coming. Except it wasn't. The wii controls made gameplay somewhat sluggish and the enemies were again on the easy side. Not as easy as WW but still I expected a heavier difficulty to go with the darker characters and story. I'm going to get the gamecube version eventually and see if my opinions chnage. 8.5/10
Really? ****. I thought the controls on TP were aboslutely perfect.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Really? ****. I thought the controls on TP were aboslutely perfect.
Agreed. I don't see what everyone's problem was with the controls. They were sharp and right on the dime.

Here's a question for everyone who thinks that Ocarina is the perfect game: what makes it the best game ever in your eyes? How is it perfect?


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
For the wii? Are you serious? I'd climb up vines and instead of hitting up I'd have to hold diagonal right or left to get him to actually climb it. o_O The sword swinging could have been so much better. As it was I would have preffered a button. My biggest problem was the analog movement. It had trouble telling a walk and a run and exactly what direction I was hitting.

I had absolutly none of this trouble in Mario Galaxy so It's not my controller either=/

Oh and more stuff up there. I'm done with it now XD


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
For the wii? Are you serious? I'd climb up vines and instead of hitting up I'd have to hold diagonal right or left to get him to actually climb it. o_O The sword swinging could have been so much better. As it was I would have preffered a button. My biggest problem was the analog movement. It had trouble telling a walk and a run and exactly what direction I was hitting.
Weird. I had absently no problems with the Wii controls. They worked perfectly for me, how odd.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2009
Canada :o
I liked MM more I think but OoT was also good. I just liked the in depth storyline to MM that OoT didn't have.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
Tp's Wii controls sucked. I played Wii TP at a friend's house, and decided that I'd buy the GC version. It gets boring just swinging your Wiimote from side to side, the attacks could've been much better implemented, like vertical and horizontal cuts, etc. I guess that since it was ported it was the best they could do.

OoT made me want to save Hyrule. I liked Zelda's character, and wanted to save her more than anything. The land was amazing, the story compelling. It is the game that practically sucked me in the video game world. Also the epicness of the Master Sword, Temple of Time, and the transformation onto Adult Link all awed me.

MM lacked that. It was just an inverted OoT for me. Same characters, different roles. Although I would've liked if Ganondorf were an ice cream vendor or something in MM. Termina was interesting, but not really captivating. One strong point that made me dislike MM is the 3 day thing. I loved seeing how my deeds affected the regions I helped in OoT. In MM, I'd bring spring back to the Gorons, and then I'd play the song that takes me to the 1st day, and it's just as I left it. Masks were awesome. Flips and pirouettes were sexy. But it never drew me in like OoT did.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2009
Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess are the best in my opinion.
Ocarina of Time has the best minigames and story, it just is a little too long and
has a few insanely hard dungeons,
but they just make it even better when you finally beat it. I like how you can get different tunics and do the long sidequests in OOT, and the exploration is alot more fun and the world is bigger than Majora`s. I like the world better
(and that Zelda is actually in it) more than Majora`s. Majora`s Mask was still really
cool though, how people have sceduals and the 3-day system.

Whatever, its hard to chose a favorite, I just think Ocarina of Time is a great game.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
OoTs dungeons are better. Hence, the majority of what you're doing in the game is better.

I think that OoT is better than MM, but only by a little. They are my two favorite Zelda games (though WW is starting to threaten them...).

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Link's Awakening eats every Zelda game for breakfast. *hums Ballad of the Windfish*

Seriously, tho... I started playing MM but didn't like it. I beat OoT, but didn't get every goodie. <.<


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008

So because you didn't enjoy MM as much as OoT that means my argument is invalid. However... yours isn't?
That's the point.

Go****it I hate people who just ruin good jokes like that.


Smash Hero
Jul 12, 2008
I liked MM more and I didn't even beat the game tbh. I only got to like the 3rd dugeon and it was still way better than OOT once I got used to the time system, and the race the clock system. And it especially got better once I learned the reverse song of time.

I liked OOT, but not as much as MM, but tbh my favorite 3d Zelda would have to be Wind Waker. It had a charm to it (aka whole lotta sidequests) and a great way of travel that made it actually fun while traveling. It was kind of boring going around in OOT backtracking to the temple of time and whatever (Which is why I was glad to get the teleportation songs) but in Wind Waker I actually enjoyed the travelling, which is why sometimes I just like to sail out on the sea and just explore it. That's one of the many things that IMO made WW the best 3d zelda.

I haven't played many of the overworlds (phantom hourglass, four swords, and the first loz, that's it) but four swords would hit my top charts if I were comparing those.

I got completely off track, but I say MM > OOT due to the different forms of gameplay (the shapeshifting masks), the sidequests, and the music.


Deleted member

I've never played Majora's Mask actually, I thought it looked really stupid.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
whoups wrong thread lulz.

EDIT : even the OoT manga was better than the MM one.



Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I'll go ahead and say this now, I never liked either of them.

Deleted member

I realize MM is good now, but back then I thought it looked dumb.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Honestly, I absolutely loved every Zelda game except Wind Waker (well, no, I did like it, but it pissed me off to the point where I never finished it.).

OoT: Great storyline, probably my favorite so far. The game was really good, though it's been a while since I played it, and had some pretty awesome bosses.

MM: The mask system was awesome. I loved the time system in this game. The story was also pretty good, though I prefered the others' story to it. Deku/Goron/Zora/Fierce Deity masks were a great concept and a whole lot of fun.

WW: Great combat system, and I actually liked the cell-shaded look. The story was pretty good too, and I did like a lot of the game mechanics too. HOWEVER. all of this was obscured by the sailing, which seemed to take forever, the dungeon where you have to be in your boat and waddle from room to room, which was annoying as balls, and finally the implementation of the feature that has turned me off of the Metroid Prime Series: You get to the end of the game, then you're asked to go all around the map finding triforce pieces. As if this weren't bad enough, you have to do it by buying ridiculously expensive maps from the most annoying character ever made: (no Slippy, I'm not talking about you.) Tingle, then go sail around the map fishing out those random pieces. I can't tell you how anything past that point was, because I didn't have the patience for it.

TP: Great storyline. Probably my favorite after OoT in fact. I loved the items you got in this one (especially the ball and chain!). The cavern of trials was also a really neat addition. The combat system was about as good as WW's too.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2009
What, how could you not like Tingle?
But yes, it was annoying that the maps were so expensive,
I loved the game anyway and didn`t really mind getting the shards,
but that`s because I liked sailing.


Smash Hero
Jul 12, 2008
Kind of agreed, sailing was one of my favorite parts of Wind Waker because of the environment in the game. I especially liked it when it stormed. I like stormy weather.



Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Windwaker was excellent, in my opinion. My second favorite. I loved sailing, no matter how monotonous it got. I loved the story in that, the most. Ganon never actually came accross as some crazy old guy trying to take over the world. It was the game that made him seem...Human. Which I liked.
I agree with this.

This is more or less my thoughts on the Zelda series. And to be honest, I hate it when people give a game a lot more praise than it deserves just because it revolutionized the industry. Before I get flamed, hear me out. Yeah, if it wasn't for OoT things probably would be a lot different now but think about it like this: how good was OoT, not as a game that changed everything, but as a game.
It was good? I don't know why you wouldn't like it. Good music, good gameplay (sure it wasn't perfect, but what is on your first try?), good story (even though it was essentially a remake of LttP), good puzzles and action and unique characters, though there wasn't much character development on most of them, but is there usually in Zelda games?

Anyway, I would gladly replay that game, and not only because of the nostalgia. It's simply an interesting game.

ALttP > All.
Yesz, someone knows what he's talking about!

I own A Link to the Past (SNES), Ocarina of Time (N64), Majora's Mask (N64), Wind Waker (GC) and Twilight Princess (GC). I deeply enjoyed every one of these games.

LttP is probably my favorite. I got the game when I was like 5, and it was too confusing for me to beat at that time. I didn't beat it until years afterward, if I remember correctly. Still, it's a great game.

Now I just want to know what your friend's brother was saying about why he liked OoT. I think it was more rude of YOU to ignore HIM because he seemed to be elaborating his answer by answering the immediate question you had asked. Oh well.

I do agree that OoT has a little too much "fanboyism" going on, similar to how Final Fantasy 7 does (which is also a great game :p)


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
*Doh* How did I forget ALttP? That game was also amazing. Then again, even the older NES ones were fun (though I didn't like LoZ2 all that much.).

Still, ALttP was another excellent Zelda game, and one I replay every now and again.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
That is the s***tiest argument I have ever seen.

The Sims is the highest selling PC game of all time. It's definitely better than Half Life 2, System Shock, Command and Conquer Red Alert series. For sure, because it sold more.

Wii Fit also >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Twilight Princess

by your infallible logic of course.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona

Flawless eh? Let's see, the water and shadow temples were a ***** and made me want to rip someone's head off, that's quite a flaw. The horseback riding felt kind of tacked-on, and do I even need to mention Navi?

Plus, that's GAMESPOT. A professional game reviewing website, they're obligated to agree with the masses otherwise they'd be called unreliable by the stupid fanboys.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Flawless eh? Let's see, the water and shadow temples were a ***** and made me want to rip someone's head off, that's quite a flaw. The horseback riding felt kind of tacked-on, and do I even need to mention Navi?

Plus, that's GAMESPOT. A professional game reviewing website, they're obligated to agree with the masses otherwise they'd be called unreliable by the stupid fanboys.
This man knows what hes talking about.

Anyone who goes to gamespot for a review of a game from a major company is ********...
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