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An in-depth and color-coded stage discussion - JUNGLE JAPES


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Austin, Texas
Who's up for a thread that discusses stages with numbered pictures pointing out strengths and weaknesses for our pal ZSS? You all are, that's who. I'm going to start off with Jungle Japes because I think it demonstrates the numbering/color-coding process well.

Green are things that benefit ZSS.
Red things are a hindrance.
Yellow are things that can either help or hurt ZSS, or things that are just of note.

Jungle Japes

1. Hey look at that cool distance. If you're on the platform and your opponent is on the edge of the middle part of the stage... well, you all know what's coming next: SIDE-B! Smaller characters and characters with good crouches (Sheik WTF that is not humanly possible) may be able to avoid it. Nothing too spectacular.
2. Platform, platform, platform.
3. Whipping out (pun totally intended) an Up-B here can spike an overhead opponent into the water below if you're standing at the very edge of the side platforms. Clearly it's more useful on the left-hand side, but it can happen on the right too.
4. A good place to stun+spike too.
5. These are helpful places to recover during the fight. Remember that you can tether and hang out (lololol) in the water without being swept away, but watch out for the Klaptrap! Pretend the green dot on the left has a green number because I'm too lazy to change it. :p

1. Working from the centre platform to the sides is a little bit tough for ZSS since they're elevated a bit and several of her moves rely on a strictly horizontal path. Your Paralyzer isn't going to do anything but you may be able to land a grounded Side-B... if your opponent lets you.
2. These ledges, while viable recovery options, hurt you much more than they help you. A SH Side-B from the centre platform will lock-on to these ledges and do nothing.

1. The left boundary line is very close to that platform. Getting caught in the water any further than the ledge is almost a definite sweep-away. Stun-kills are helpful here but ZSS herself is at risk of being pushed just a little bit too far into a KO.
2. The water... it moves... like water. It's a big change for us Melee folk, but a welcome one nonetheless. You and your opponent can both comfortably move from the right of the stage to the left without plummeting to your doom... but you already knew that, right?
3. Klaptraps seem to appear at these spots the most, or are at least most lethal here. You can knock an opponent into the two on either side for a guaranteed kill at over about 20% (sometimes less), but you're at risk too. If there's a Klaptrap underneath the centre platform, be careful not to jump because it'll jump too and you'll hit it. You can probably just swim right underneath.
4. The upper blast line is pretty high compared to the others. This means ZSS's light weight isn't as much of a problem, but it also nerfs your U-Air's killing power.

I'm hoping to do this with several stages. Additions and criticisms are welcome and I can change the pictures to fit them. Heck, you guys should do your own colorizations of stages! It's fun!


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
I agree with most of it, but yellow ledge #4/red arrow #1, the real disadvantage to it is that when you attempt to use Plasma Whip from a SH it will immediately tether to the edge rather than do the actual attack. Same with the one on the other side.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Austin, Texas
THAT'S what it was! I marked it red and then when I was typing out the explanations I couldn't remember why, so I BSed it.


Mar 16, 2007
It's all well and good that the side platforms are beneficial to ZSS, but they really are to anyone. This is why any opponent that wants to beat you can just wait it out on their side platform. You are stripped of your Plasma Whip approach, so you have to close the gap much more than is comfortable. Fighting on those platforms isn't fun for ZSS, and that's really what Japes comes down to. If you can win here, you're pretty **** good. But if you can't it's far from surprising.

Unless you have a second that you're confident in and does well on this stage, Japes should be the stage you strike.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
You may want to use a different color green because it looks an awful lot like your yellow in the picture you made.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
not to be contrary, but I think the platforms on the sides help ZSS a lot more than most folk. D-Smashes into the center **** here. Unless the opponent decides to fullhop over you (answer with an Up-B/U-Smash), or drops under the platform and around (begging for a klaptrap), they are in a perfect position to get D-Smashed (and a subsequent flipspike). Plus the super ridiculous height means less vertical KOs, so it's a good choice against those that rely on ceilings, (Snake, Fox, Dedede, etc.). True, your u-air can't KO anymore, but hey, make up for it with spike kills over the water.


Mar 16, 2007
not to be contrary, but I think the platforms on the sides help ZSS a lot more than most folk. D-Smashes into the center **** here. Unless the opponent decides to fullhop over you (answer with an Up-B/U-Smash), or drops under the platform and around (begging for a klaptrap), they are in a perfect position to get D-Smashed (and a subsequent flipspike). Plus the super ridiculous height means less vertical KOs, so it's a good choice against those that rely on ceilings, (Snake, Fox, Dedede, etc.). True, your u-air can't KO anymore, but hey, make up for it with spike kills over the water.
Point of order-why are they on the center platform trying to approach you on a side platform? You should be able to defeat them anyway if they're that stupid.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
Point of order-why are they on the center platform trying to approach you on a side platform? You should be able to defeat them anyway if they're that stupid.
*shrugs*, if they don't have a reliable projectile then they're gonna hafta come at you some time. You should have acquired the lead with suit pieces, so out-camping seems legitimate. I have to admit, I haven't developed too much metagame on JJ myself, I think it's a ******** stage, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Austin, Texas
Alright, so I've updated the picture with everyone's comments. Anyone want some more time to discuss it, or should we move on to another stage? What stage should be done next? I think I'll also stretch out the next picture before adding things so that it's not so busy-looking.


Mar 16, 2007
*shrugs*, if they don't have a reliable projectile then they're gonna hafta come at you some time. You should have acquired the lead with suit pieces, so out-camping seems legitimate. I have to admit, I haven't developed too much metagame on JJ myself, I think it's a ******** stage, lol.
You can use the suit pieces to defend your platform, yes, but camping with them isn't such a great idea because it will generally give them to your opponent. You can be aggressive, but only as long as the pieces are around. And even then, you expose the platform.

And even then, your pieces won't last you the whole match.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Against most characters I tend to stay on the side platforms and threaten them with down smash and forward B. The stage does offer good potential for down smash - down B spike, but it's probably her worst stage. That still isn't really saying much though because I don't think there are any really bad stages for ZSS. Btw, if a character is standing on a side platform you can still hit them with a standing forward B through the platform if they're standing close enough.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Wow, that breakdown of Jungle Japes is impressive. I like it. Anyways, I have a question for you Nakee Samus's. Would any of you agree on this?:

:zerosuitsamus: Zero Suit Samus
Best: Pokemon Stadium 1, Battlefield,
It's for this thread, discussing each character's 3 general best and worst stages.

If no, suggestions?
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