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Am I wasting my time playing for glory?


Smash Rookie
Oct 13, 2014
I really enjoy playing against the computer on lvl9 difficulty. It's intense and requires aggressiveness along with reading and defensive play.

Now I bring my game online to for glory and it's a whole different world.

I'll never be able to go to tournaments and enjoy the competitive scene I guess. But playing these people in for glory has been so boring and depressing.

It's literally nothing but roll spammers and smash spammers. I don't get how these people can net wins when this game is supposed to be such skill and tech savvy.

I guess to have fun with the game playing solo and alone against the computer is the way to go. Cause these people online are so taint.

What am I missing here. Online for glory is nothing like these tournaments that are being streamed or the YouTube vids of really exciting fights.

Anyone else feeling fed up with the for glory competition?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2015
It's a hit or miss, sometimes you get decent opponents sometimes you get unlucky and you don't.

I remember having my far share of decent matches on for glory but yea, it can get a bit annoying at times.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
When you fight a roll spammer, leave after one round.

When you finally fight someone who doesn't, keep rematching against them as long as you can.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
When you say "wasting my time", I think about that one Friday night where I literally spent like 3 1/2 hours playing For Glory and when I looked at the time, it was 9:30 p.m., the time when I suppose to leave for work. The problem was...I wasn't dressed up. I didn't get to brush my teeth, comb my hair nor put on some deodorant. I just dressed up as quickly as possible and left. I was fed up with that and since then, I decided to limit myself to playing For Glory only during the daytime.

Well anyways, when it comes to fighting against certain players such as roll spammers, I just leave after the match, no matter if I win or lose. Players like those and the ones with poisonous minds are not worth the time and effort to horse around with.

If I find someone around the same skill level as I am, I tend to go for multiple rounds with that person until one of us decides to call it a day, as long as the person is feeling the same way.

Mizzy Moe

Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2015
i wouldnt say its a waste of your time cuz at the end of the day no matter how many level 9s you play its just an AI. its not the same as fighting a human depending on the skill level of the player it may be easier to beat the AI since the player is skilled with their character or it may be harder to beat the AI as the player may also just be bad as said its really a hit or miss. also reading your opponent is different ai to human because the ai may stick with a safer option as a human may be all out aggressive the ai may make a move you see commin but a human may shut down your potential punish.

pretty much what im sayin is yeah there may be alotta garbage in for glory but you gotta go through that before you can find a potential match thats worth playin. i dont mind roll spammers too much cuz if it makes me mad enough and they stay in the match ill pull out sonic and just chase them down


Smash Apprentice
Sep 8, 2014
For me, I just take a break from For Glory 1v1. Instead, I just played the For Glory Free-for-all until I feel like getting back into For Glory 1v1. Playing with friends is also a nice way to get away from For Glory 1v1 as well.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2013
Up yours, kid.
I wouldn't say 'wasting time' its a nice way to kill time. But if your honestly trying for improvement i would say, stay away from it. Especially if you find yourself winning alot, move on to external sources like Smash ladder and things along those lines.

I totally do the same thing as you but i just go to the lab and write stuff up. Its far better than partaking in the minors of FG.


Saint of Swords
Sep 24, 2014
If you aren't getting any latency I'd say go for it. People doing silly things can be punished.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Once in a while you get that good match :)
I.faced a good wario last time i was on for glory a WARIO!
we all know that aint gonna happen again.

He was good.too not a bike ***


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I wouldn't say it's a waste of time as I found my own skill improving vastly by playing in For Glory.

It's true, you are going to come across spammers and roll happy folks. You may even come across super passive people who won't take the initiative to attack you unless you approach them, resulting in getting punished. There's no way to avoid these kinds of people on For Glory at all, just like you can't avoid Taunt Parties in For Fun. In any case, don't give up on online play just because you run into terrible people now and again. CPU's are nice and all but unless you test your skills out on actual people you will never know what you need to work on or where you need to improve. Just keep trying it out.

I've come across a few epicly amazing players in For Glory that just screamed Tournament Player. I went against a Shulk a few days ago in fact and was shamefully beaten into the ground by him. Got two stocked and all I could do was a whooping 23% damage to him at best during the match. The second match I managed to KO him at least ONCE but geez did he make me work for it (and of course I still got pounded into the ground). I've also had some very good experiences in For Glory as well when it comes to coming across respectful players and even people I become friends with. Seriously, don't give up on For Glory.

At the very least you could use the Opponent Finder Thread here to find people to Smash against if you really are getting no luck on For Glory. I'm sure there's quite a few Tournament players hanging around, as well as others who will take you up on your offer.

Winnnn _AKA_Walt Piffney

Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2015
No you aren't. Is it frustrating initially? Yes but after you "get gud". Roll spam and especially smash spam are jokes. The more you play the dumber most people on FG seem. Its literally impossible to get hit by smash attacks on FG unless you try to challenge and upsmash (especially marios it has invincibility). Why? This is how people smash attack on for glory. Charge in place lol i don't understand this but I'm going to grab you. Charge at the ledge ok I'll tether to the ledge wait for you to release then use get up attack or roll past you. On top of smash attacks sucking and just almost never being good kill options at least not for good players. Roll spam can be tricky but can be conditioned out with a forward smash charged the other way. Its such an embarrassing punish lol.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
in a way you are wasting your time in for glory.

FOr glory will rarely get you decent players to play against. Most of the time its noobs who are easily dealt with. The few times you get decent opponents it can catch you off guard. Its just not consistent enough to use to train for any serious competitive environment.(assuming that is what you were wanting to do)

granted this doesn't take into account all the other issues with for glory that make it bad for training if you want to get into competitive play, such as its forced final destination only(no respectable Tournament organizer in the world would make Final destination the only stage playable, it arbitrarily buffs some characters while nerfing others. The stage striking and counterpick setups the smash community uses are the only way to make stages being played on as "fair" for both characters/players as possible)

With all that said I waste plenty of time on for glory...simply because I don't intend to ever get back into tournament play again. To me its fun destroying all the noobs who just roll around and spam smashes all day, love watching them freak out when all I do is either turn around and grab em when they attempt to roll behind me, or predict exactly what they're going to do and counter it.

It can also be exciting sometimes when I find an opponent who is of similar skill to me.

Granted I can get frustrated sometimes, when I either face an opponent who is a challenge...but also an asshole if he wins and is a terrible sport, or when I face a player I can normally beat, yet lose because of something stupid such as either, me picking a character i'm not familiar with out of boredom, lag, or I did something extremely stupid in the match that got me punished.

HOwever one thing i will say; even if its lol for glory mode, playing real people is 100x better then playing cpus if you are wanting to train. the best thing you can do though is to play against people here, as opposed to the random for glory players.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2016
Millbrae, California
I really enjoy playing against the computer on lvl9 difficulty. It's intense and requires aggressiveness along with reading and defensive play.

Now I bring my game online to for glory and it's a whole different world.

I'll never be able to go to tournaments and enjoy the competitive scene I guess. But playing these people in for glory has been so boring and depressing.

It's literally nothing but roll spammers and smash spammers. I don't get how these people can net wins when this game is supposed to be such skill and tech savvy.

I guess to have fun with the game playing solo and alone against the computer is the way to go. Cause these people online are so taint.

What am I missing here. Online for glory is nothing like these tournaments that are being streamed or the YouTube vids of really exciting fights.

Anyone else feeling fed up with the for glory competition?
For me, as I've recently started a thread about it, it's mainly about how it feels annoying when you lose against someone who has a very thin veil of showing either "I respect you" or "I'm putting you straight on YouTube for MLG GET DUNKED MATERIAL OOOOOOOH you wanna come at me again bro?"
Thus, you can't tell which is which when you're fighting online, especially in any game with no commutation system towards the anonymous online foe.

Perhaps the matchmaking was VERY lucky for me, cause I've been mainly fighting against REALLY good people and not the typical Little Macs, Links and Rosalinas everyone seems to complain about in the past (I've fought against a notable variety of characters thankfully). I so far, have not encountered any actual roll-spammers I can recall.

It's more about me trying so hard and yet being too dumb to bait and avoid properly. My morale can easily drop enough to the point where I wish I could visually show I'm outright forfeiting and giving up instead or ragequiting.

P.S. Sadly, I too am guilty of roll-spamming occasionally; some people say it's because defensive options are too reliable in comparison to the existing offensive options.
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
Now I'm sort of new to For Glory, but from what I've seen there are some good players during some of the hours that are usually down-times in other games. I haven't encountered any smash spammers, or roll spammers yet, but that's probably because there's almost no one on so I keep getting matched with the same few people that play constantly. However, when it started to get later in the day, there were some people that were clearly not as good as the first few people I fought in For Glory.

As for Fighting AI. Fighting level 9s is probably a waste of time with many characters. Some Level 9 AI is better than others. I can usually just Falcon Punch level 9 AI to death for example (I just sometimes do this cause it makes me laugh because it shouldn't work). With Amiibo I can't get away with that. Amiibo has a faster reaction time, and won't fall for that. Amiibo, while they form some habbits, they usually change their habbits mid-match unlike normal Level 9 AI. Let's just say stuff never works 3 times in a row on them. They helped me get used to side stepping which I never needed to do with Level 9 AI or playing people I know in real life.

However, if you are using projectile users as a main, do not bother with AI. AI is incredibly dumb with projectiles. They usually either get hit, or they don't think 2 steps ahead, meaning you'll be able to place them where you want them faaar easier than a good human opponent. However, if you're learning a character's moves, Amiibo is still nice, but with how long the game has been out, you've probably already mastered the basics with your characters.

If you're having a hard time finding good opponents, go get a sparring partner and teach each other. It's a good thing no matter what game you play. If you know a really good friend, and they are willing to play competitive, it might be worth it to teach them, since they might end up beating you in the end. Thus you can start learning form them. (Though I should probably take my own advice and find a sparring partner of my own)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2016
Millbrae, California
If you're having a hard time finding good opponents, go get a sparring partner and teach each other. It's a good thing no matter what game you play. If you know a really good friend, and they are willing to play competitive, it might be worth it to teach them, since they might end up beating you in the end. Thus you can start learning form them. (Though I should probably take my own advice and find a sparring partner of my own)
To nod to that, I remembered ZeRo's USA vs. Japan video:

In Japan, their nation is more compact and social. Tournaments don't occur often and winning money at them is considered to be illegal gambling. Because of this, they spend A LOT of time online both practicing AND helping each other improve at a steady rate. It's justified in that when you look at Pokemon, the trading mechanic was created at the very start with Japan's more social circles in mind (even if they're rather stoic in public).

In America, aside from us screwing up our Asian vowel sense (and I'm Chinese American lol), we tend to be a bit more independent, and thus there's a larger inconsistency of skilled players to take note of (thus we also keep more secrets from each other A LOT), which also causes more "bad players with less variety" to form a majority of the playerbase here. Also, tournaments happen more often with money as the prize, causing matches in general to be more at stake.
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Smash Rookie
Jul 30, 2016
I feel sort of the same way. My problem is that even though I run into some good people who are about as good at the game as I am, I feel as if I'm not at the skill level to go to a tournament or even Anther's. The main ordeal is, you should just try Anther's. It's a slightly better way to meet opponents of your skill level. Although I haven't tried it, I have a couple friends who have and are way better at the game.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2013
Lurking in the darkness.....
To nod to that, I remembered ZeRo's USA vs. Japan video:

In Japan, their nation is more compact and social. Tournaments don't occur often and winning money at them is considered to be illegal gambling. Because of this, they spend A LOT of time online both practicing AND helping each other improve at a steady rate. It's justified in that when you look at Pokemon, the trading mechanic was created at the very start with Japan's more social circles in mind (even if they're rather stoic in public).

In America, aside from us screwing up our Asian vowel sense (and I'm Chinese American lol), we tend to be a bit more independent, and thus there's a larger inconsistency of skilled players to take note of (thus we also keep more secrets from each other A LOT), which also causes more "bad players with less variety" to form a majority of the playerbase here. Also, tournaments happen more often with money as the prize, causing matches in general to be more at stake.
That might explain why it's a bit on the hard side to find a good sparring partner in my town. People usually either don't care enough about games to win, or are willing to cheat if they can to win and getting better is just an afterthought. There's like no middle ground. Luckily it's not that hard to find someone online though.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2016
Millbrae, California
That might explain why it's a bit on the hard side to find a good sparring partner in my town. People usually either don't care enough about games to win, or are willing to cheat if they can to win and getting better is just an afterthought. There's like no middle ground. Luckily it's not that hard to find someone online though.
True. People are playing this game to this day compared to say, J-Stars Victory Vs. (+). I sadly have the Vita version (the PS3 and PS4 versions arguably have more players), and the Arcade Mode Ultimate Difficultly AI gives me a massive run for my money like Smash 4's AI at Lv. 9 (making it very akin to Classic Mode).

Thus, Smash is actually quite lucky to be popular to this day, so it's actually very easy to play online with anyone like you said; sadly, due to cultural differences between Japan and America as ZeRo explained, us Americans develop at a more independent rate with a smaller pool of characters out of possible complacence (:foxmelee: Fox from Melee as explained by TV Tropes, anyone?).

Meanwhile, I've heard on a random Smash 4 video long ago a player who was the top-rated :4peach: Peach player in Japan, unless Peach is actually top tier as well (nevermind, she's around high-to-mid-tier as usual).
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