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Alrighty, let's try this again.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
GBoro, NC
Like I said before, I'm moving the old Sons of Greil stuff onto a new thread with a list of all the names of people who have joined already.

There aren't enough people signed up at the moment to do anything, really, so I'd just like to leave it open and wait and see who signs up and may or may not happen

The deal is the same. Sons of Greil is a league just for online Ike dittos. You play Ike dittos, you record (as in write down) the matches you've played (as in who you've played against) and depending on how many wins you have, you are placed in a given rank. Credit to Shike for helping me with the ranking system, but here it is:

Boy with wooden sword - 0 to 3 wins
Bronze sword wielder - 3 to 6 wins
Steel sword wielder - 6 to 10 wins
Wind Edge Wielder - 10 to 15 wins
Tempest Blade Wielder - 15 to 20 wins
Cutting Edge Wielder - 21 to 25 wins
Ettard Wielder - 26 to 30 wins
Amiti Wielder - 31 to 35 wins
Alondite Wielder - 36 to 45 wins
Ragnell Wielder - 46+ wins

You can put your rank in your sig, along with your K-D spread if you wish, but I'm pretty sure I'll make it that know one has to know how many losses you have.

Some rules and other notices:
-The only real problem with this is cheating, and I think there's a pretty easy way to correct that. Whenever you win a match you have to post it in this thread. You post the day it happened, and who you beat. Say Comboking beat RoK yesterday. He'd just go into this thread and he'd say "Comboking beat RoK the Reaper on September 7th, 2008". If you wanted to, you could list more specific results like if you 2-stocked an opponent, or ended up getting three f-smashes on him, or two of the kills were with Eruption, etc.

-To make sure that RoK wouldn't do the whole "that match didn't count" thing, both players MUST agree that the given match is one that's meant to be recorded for the league. To avoid any lag excuses, I completely recommend that players do a little test match to see if their connections work well together. If they don't, then don't play each other. I kind of want this to be online only. I don't want the same players fighting at each others houses a thousand times and then posting it on this thread. Play as many different people as you can as much as you can and post the results in this thread.

-This is just for fun, there's no need to get serious. Respect your fellow Ikes.

-As for specific match rules...
3 stock
No items
No time limits

On the subject of stages: I was going tos ay that every stage should be on Castle Siege, but I'll just let that one go. Both of you should agree on a stage, so neutrals are going to be your best choice, but since your using the same character, any stage is viable. I would suggest those with little to hazards.

-Get your opponents AIM or pm them for challenges. Challenges can also occur here. Having your opponents AIM is a good idea to sort out stage rules and how many matches you want to play. Remember that each match that's agreed to count, counts. No excuses.

-I will most likely be posting the Top Five Ike's in the league (and thus, the world) in this thread. If two Ike's have the same wins, I will go by their K-D spread to tell the difference.

-To sign up, just post your stuff here. Same format as it is below. To make it more convenient for me, post your FC in your post so I can just copy and paste because I'm lazy.

-----The List of Ikes-----

Atlantic North
Name: Cross
FC: 0903-2406-1400

Name: HW_Dark Link
FC: 4425-1160-4028

Name: Shike
FC: 3952-9373-4407

Name: Combo
FC: 2020 1510 6702

Name: metroid1117
FC: 3737 9199 3629

Pacific West
Name: Faust
FC: 4382-3164-8609

Name: Lex
FC: 3652-0195-6126

Name: Kinzer
FC: 1504-5383-1123

Outside the U.S.
Name: Duker
FC: 1762-3912-3235

Again, I will keep this open to anyone who wants to join. It's okay if no one responds, I just wanted to be able to control the thread on this account and see if anything new happens. You guys can start playing with people in your region or from a farther difference if you want to. Remember to post the results in this thread and have fun.

Lex Crunch

Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
Alameda, CA
Right then, this initial list is quite convenient. I will register all the names posted here next week when I'm at my Wii again. Hopefully my wi-fi won't crap out on me again...


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
This actually sounded a lot better at first but now its nothing but Ike dittos which sounds like it would get boring fast.

Edit: yah I know but with the location think I thought it would be something better, meh o well.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Sign me up, I would really like to Brawl some of the better Ike's that I've seen going around the internet.

My FC and Location are up there.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Arlington Heights, IL
I'd totally do this, but the thought of doing SOLEY Ike dittos turns me off. I'm pretty much tired of those already unfortunately xD Once in awhile is ok...but I have my limits :o


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Meh, I wouldn't mind playing only Ike dittos; it's great to see playstyles of the increasingly sparse Ike players.

Name: metroid1117
FC: 3737 9199 3629


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
I'd actually do this if it became more than Ike dittos. If it had some involvement in tournaments and became sort of like an Ike crew where we could go to tournaments with other Ike's that live around us would be great. I know I'd like to meet some of the other Ike's when I start traveling to Dallas, Houston, and those areas of Texas.

Not only that but it could be used to keep a power ranking of Ike's trough tournaments if you keep track of them. it would currently have Kirk and some other guy only though:enforcer:. But just Ike dittos turns me off and I was gana crank one too. :suess:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
GBoro, NC
The whole crew thing does sound real cool. The main idea I was going for initially was strengthening the Ike boards, and thus the Ike community. Expanding the metagame? That was far from what I was looking for, but Ikes playing other Ikes and taking pride in their Ike skill (mainly against other Ikes) was the primary aspiration.

Lol, would the incorporation of an inventory of Ikes, power rankings, AND an Ike league be enough for Kirk and Arturito to join?

BTW: I don't plan on researching sh*t, so if you want tourney results to be posted, put them in this thread. Is that all right?

Lol, this is all very ironic as I rarely ever play with Ike and hate online. I might participate, but I just wanted to share this idea because it appealed to me so much. I really want to see how it turns out and who ends up on top...

Someone take over this when I get bored though.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
It appealed to me to because of the strengthening the Ike boards and expending the metagame as well but Ike dittos won't do that which was when It kind of gave me the meh it would be it could do more attitude.

I was actually planing on just posting my tournament results here I know its hard looking at all the tournament threads for results. Hard enough looking trough them for Ike when the search comes back with like as a result.
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