Some of us (brawlers) don't even want brawl at evo. For various legit reasons like the possible rule tweaks that we would have to endure (it's not even about items, as Mr.Wizard has confirmed it, but to think they'll let us play bo3 pools with 3 stocks and 8mn, no tripping hacks as well as extended replays and other useful hacks ? There's a whole world to be conquered here, not just a tweet), the FGC trolls are actually the least of our concerns even if they value themselves much more.
But there are brawlers out there who wouldn't mind separating themselves from a couple bucks if it can get Melee to EVO and save lives at the same time. I'm not shying the fact that some brawlers WILL donate to Skullgirls if you guys ask them, but they're a minority.
European players abandonned AiB last time I checked, so I won't have any way to get the message to reach anybody there by myself. Try to find a US brawl top who's willing to make a blog post. Chances are if my fellow brawlers are asked by somebody they already know and respect rather than a random melee player they've never heard of, they'll be more incline to help.