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All Purpose Donkey Kong Thread


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
No, only in an eventual Mario and DK actual crossover. Which I hope will also happen at one point.
The crossover title has to be called “Super Mario Bros. in Donkey Kong Country”.

Playable characters: Mario, Luigi, Toad (red, blue, yellow, green, purple), Toadette, Yoshi (green, red, yellow, blue), Peach, Daisy, Pauline, Nabbit, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, Funky Kong, Donkey Kong Jr.

Villainous team-up: Bowser and King K. Rool

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
The crossover title has to be called “Super Mario Bros. in Donkey Kong Country”.

Playable characters: Mario, Luigi, Toad (red, blue, yellow, green, purple), Toadette, Yoshi (green, red, yellow, blue), Peach, Daisy, Pauline, Nabbit, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, Funky Kong, Donkey Kong Jr.

Villainous team-up: Bowser and King K. Rool
It basically writes itself. Can be a sort of game similar to Mario Wonder, I loved that game.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Given that we're likely going to not have an original DKC on this current system (hey prove me wrong next Direct), I'm definitely left with some bittersweet feelings towards the Switch. It's a console with some well-deserved success that really did justice to a number of great Nintendo franchises... but ultimately didn't really have a Star Fox or Country game to effectively call its own, which is a real shame. Call it petty, but not having a real new Donkey Kong game (and the reliance on ports) might be the thing that will have me rank it as the 2nd best Nintendo system behind the SNES. A wonderful system that just needed a few more franchise releases to make it the best.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
With the Switch 2 rumored to be moved to March of next year (with a reveal this June?), Pokémon Legends 2 not being a holiday 2024 release, and supposedly a general Nintendo direct speculated to be coming in April, I have to admit... I think we might see some big DK news this year. Given my previous comments I didn't think I'd have that notion; it's just recent events shifted things for me.

It's probably a case of me huffing the hopium, but I believe a Donkey Kong release could pop up in one of two ways. First some sort of game being shown off for the next system, essentially being a graphics showcase (possibly another 2D game to compliment the likely 3D Mario game to come). The other possibility is (and I know this might be sheer wishcasting on my part) perhaps it's a Donkey Kong release acting as the holiday game releasing alongside a possible Prime 4. Metroid's never done quite the same numbers as other prominent franchises remember, and a major DK release could be the safer title to bolster up this likely last big Christmas for the Switch.

Furthermore, it's one of the few series that fits into the sweet spot of being big enough to do real sales for Christmas, yet not so big that Nintendo would be smarter in saving it for the next system. Mario Kart, Smash, 3D Mario, 3D Zelda, 3D Kirby, Animal Crossing, Splatoon 4, are all likely being pre-produced/worked on/polished right now, Luigi's Mansion is not getting a new game when the Dark Moon remaster is arriving soon, and 2D Mario just came out last year. As far as really notable holiday 2024 options outside DK, it's basically another Pokémon remake (which one would think they would have announced at the recent Presents) or maybe a new 2D Zelda.

Again, this could just be me seeing signs that aren't really there, grasping at straws with rumors, and ignoring the possibility that Nintendo could just release a bunch of HD ports to get good Christmas sales, but I'm more hopeful now than I was just a couple of weeks ago.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2020
Battle Royal Dome
Here's a video going over some of the development hell the next DK game has been in. I'm still hopeful that Nintendo will treat it like a flagship series again someday - the next game just keeps meeting hurdle after hurdle/Retro Studios is still busy with Metroid Prime 4.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
I still think Nintendo announced Prime 4 way too soon. It's been 7 years since we heard it existed and not a single glimmer of gameplay. Imagine they announced a new DK in 2017 then we hear they restarted development to get it right, with nothing to show between either updates.

It might as well not have been announced, and there should've been more than a logo's worth of footage to show how far along it was.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
It's remarkable in general how the perceived handling of Nintendo IP's can end up causing so many issues later. Just as the perception of DK was potentially harmed by a decade of the franchise being an ancillary part of Mario and/or a haven for gimmicky titles, Metroid's seeming lack of care by the company circa 2008-2016 would have its own PR consequence. Beyond even building up hype for the Switch. it's likely that the Prime 4 reveal in 2017 was done to reassure fans that the series was not in fact forgotten and that it was getting the kind of games the fans were interested in.

In hindsight I suspect Nintendo wised they hadn't said anything and its telling that ("sequel to BotW is in development" aside) all announcements since have been much closer to release when games have largely finished development. The MP4 announcement is so clearly the product of a time when the company needed to regain broader hype for their titles and undo the backlash Other M and Federation Force engendered.
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Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
I still think an under-discussed issue with DK may be that its ROI isn't as great as some might think, especially for a mainline platformer. The fact that Nintendo clearly isn't scrambling to find a studio to handle DK going forward says a lot more than just them not caring for it.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Odd thing to bump the thread for, but I feel pretty safe in saying that the Nikoderiko game announced today pretty much is DKC by way of Crash Bandicoot:

As someone hankering for another Country-like title since finishing Impossible Lair (and since getting another Kong game from Nintendo is apparently a huge ask) this one looks pretty promising. Plus David Wise composing means I basically have to pick it up.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Odd thing to bump the thread for, but I feel pretty safe in saying that the Nikoderiko game announced today pretty much is DKC by way of Crash Bandicoot:

As someone hankering for another Country-like title since finishing Impossible Lair (and since getting another Kong game from Nintendo is apparently a huge ask) this one looks pretty promising. Plus David Wise composing means I basically have to pick it up.
I think I'm gonna buy this


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Left with neutral feelings after that Direct. It's nice that Nintendo has enough common sense to realize that a theme park section based on game you can't actually play is a bit foolhardy and having a definitive edition of Returns without waggle or a compromised resolution is nice. However, at the end of the day it just another port of a 14-year-old game and confirms that the Switch will be the first home console since the NES to not have a DK game of its own.

On one hand it's nice to have that band-aid ripped off and at least contextualizes what the Switch era will be for DK. Its lifespan will essentially be that not to dissimilar to that of the Gamecube where the potential of the franchise ultimately went fairly wasted either due to canceled projects or lack of prioritization of the franchise. There's an additional bitter sting given how successful the former console has been and seemingly every Nintendo IP (barring F-Zero & Star Fox) has had their shot in the sun, but not really Donkey Kong. The lack of more expansive use of the brand (literally waiting until the last moment to even get Diddy and Funky in Mario Kart, a K Rool appearance in Smash basically driven by fan damn to name two examples) certainly didn't help much either.

But I'm not saying to give up hope either. From a practical standpoint, the indie scene has produced some really solid DKC tribute titles like the Nikoderiko one noted earlier in the thread and realistically that's the best chance to experience a new Country title than waiting on Nintendo to do it. The latter could be potentially working on a major new DK game for Switch 2, with Returns acting as an appetizer before the series gets its proverbial BoTW on the next console. Personally, the company hasn't really done much to earn my faith in that regard, but Nintendo's always an unpredictable beast, and the disappointing Gamecube years did lead to the fantastic experience of Returns on Wii, so perhaps history is bound to repeat.

Fuzzy Pickles!

Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2020
Switch FC
Left with neutral feelings after that Direct. It's nice that Nintendo has enough common sense to realize that a theme park section based on game you can't actually play is a bit foolhardy and having a definitive edition of Returns without waggle or a compromised resolution is nice. However, at the end of the day it just another port of a 14-year-old game and confirms that the Switch will be the first home console since the NES to not have a DK game of its own.

On one hand it's nice to have that band-aid ripped off and at least contextualizes what the Switch era will be for DK. Its lifespan will essentially be that not to dissimilar to that of the Gamecube where the potential of the franchise ultimately went fairly wasted either due to canceled projects or lack of prioritization of the franchise. There's an additional bitter sting given how successful the former console has been and seemingly every Nintendo IP (barring F-Zero & Star Fox) has had their shot in the sun, but not really Donkey Kong. The lack of more expansive use of the brand (literally waiting until the last moment to even get Diddy and Funky in Mario Kart, a K Rool appearance in Smash basically driven by fan damn to name two examples) certainly didn't help much either.

But I'm not saying to give up hope either. From a practical standpoint, the indie scene has produced some really solid DKC tribute titles like the Nikoderiko one noted earlier in the thread and realistically that's the best chance to experience a new Country title than waiting on Nintendo to do it. The latter could be potentially working on a major new DK game for Switch 2, with Returns acting as an appetizer before the series gets its proverbial BoTW on the next console. Personally, the company hasn't really done much to earn my faith in that regard, but Nintendo's always an unpredictable beast, and the disappointing Gamecube years did lead to the fantastic experience of Returns on Wii, so perhaps history is bound to repeat.
The Returns port is an obvious tie-in to the upcoming theme park that’s opening next year. It really should have been a holiday release though, especially since this looks like a straight 3DS port upscaled to HD. There’s no reason why DKCR can’t sell at least half as much as the Wii version did.

I’m still hopeful that we’ll get a new game announced by summer of next year though. Between the theme park and tons of Donkey Kong Country characters showing up in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, it’s hard to imagine Nintendo doesn’t have something planned for the franchise when it comes to games.
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