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David is way too cool to be seen with you in public

  • yes

    Votes: 53 64.6%
  • Its true. I am way too cool to be seen with you in public.

    Votes: 29 35.4%

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
indeed. Carl didn't pretty legit on the midterm even without a calculator.
I would comment on this statement if I could understand it.

If you do bad, yeah it's a real downer (I did really bad on ENG PHYS 131 midterm). Just make sure you pass the final, then you'll get around a C. Sure, it isn't the best mark but you'll make it into 2nd year without having to go into qual 2.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Sad that I didn't get to play a single one in bracket isn't it? (still angry about that D:<)

Uhhhh. I dont know, i'll point him out next time.

edit: sorry matt, edited the post for you. Typo.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
lol Tyler, 200 hundred ****ing dollars on the line yo. I don't know anyone who can keep there cool during that.

hahah Tyson, yo, XD you'd be kamehamehaing waterfalls out of your palms.

edit: It's mahvel baybe


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
lol Tyler, 200 hundred ****ing dollars on the line yo. I don't know anyone who can keep there cool during that.

hahah Tyson, yo, XD you'd be kamehamehaing waterfalls out of your palms.

edit: It's mahvel baybe
I would probs. I've had to make crucial shots in Curling that if I missed we wouldn't have gone to Nationals last year. Though, it's Melee and not Curling so ya never know. Though, I've never really ever gotten nervous playing anyone at smash =P

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
So, Birthdayoshi was awesome. I'm certain that I came off as an airhead beforehand, because I was oblivious to how different the game was. I went from CPU Slayer to a decent player in a day and picked up on a lot of ways to play better.

After watching videos and stuff, I was pretty certain I would do fine (which I did, I suppose) since I play a lot faster than players I've seen, but my tempo has gone drastically down over the weekend since I began to play differently. When I first played Brad and Alex, I only took a few games off because I played really aggressively and had a lot of dumb habits from fighting CPUs, but I broke them and played defensively before the tournament. I also began adapting like crazy and I also ditched Marth completely and am now a Sheik/Jiggs player.

Anyway, at the tournament I got 5th in Singles, placing under everyone I had a little to no chance on beating and tieing Allan. Also got 3rd in teams with Sid. I was originally expecting to do better, and after my realizations of the game, expecting to do a lot worse, so I'm happy with how I did. I'm just a little disappointed that me and Sid got 3-0'd by Allan/Simon after 2-0ing them, but they did much better in Loser's Finals.

I suppose it's a little over-the-top to do shoutouts, but it was a really great experience, so I'm doing them anyway. =D

LehVee - Thanks for housing and teaching me how to play properly. I have to say that our matches, while insightful on how I should play, were a little uninteresting for me as it was pretty much how softly you would **** me. =P Nah, it was a blast. Also your facial reaction when I started ranting about frame data and stuff about TMNT2 was awesome. I had a lot of fun.

Bread - Fun friendlies with your Ganon and Sheik. You also helped me a lot and made me break dumb habits and forced me to learn how to play defensively, and also that chaingrabbing is way harder than it looks. Apples to Apples was also hilarious with you. 'Grats on 2nd and 1st as well. Also, I'm not Jewish rofl.

Alex - After reading your guide about Kirby and just general posts, you suprised me with your hilarious and sarcastic personality. Your Kirby was fun to play against, but too bad we didn't do any friendlies after I got better. Thanks for the tips too.

Sickd - Hopefully you'll feel better once you're home. =P Teams was a lot of fun although we didn't quite get a solid chemistry. Pikachu and Roy were a lot of fun to play against. Nice job at getting through a couple rounds using Roy.

Riley - Sorry if you got a little offended by me gloating a bit, but I was really happy with taking the set. First game you 3-stocked me, but I completely adapted and managed to 2-stock you the next two games. =D I don't think we did any Singles besides our set, but teams with you was a blast.

Allan - GGs. Honestly, I never thought of Samus as a great character but you showed me otherwise. Match 2 of our bracket set was my favorite game I had on the whole trip.

Simon - You were another person I managed to adapt to during our pools set. You have a sweet Falco and would have ***** me in pools if you used it instead of Ganon. GGs with teams as well.

Danny - Puff dittos! Our first game was really tight, and I almost had the second one if I didn't miss Rest; nice one avoiding it and Allan realizing he had to wait for another game was hilarious. I think in the third I picked up on Bairing from above you, but it was still really intense.

Paul - 'Grats on winning. You're ridiculously technical and it was fun watching someone like that in person. Twelve games against Brad was really exciting to watch.

Abdi - Hehe Sheik dittos. Lots of fun playing those, and you and the dog was too funny.


Dan - I beat Levi 2-1 in SSB =) And yes, you'll gangrape me and I'll john about not being able to play properly with N64 controllers.

Tyson - Lol no, I still suck.

The tournament was a blast and hanging out with you guys was really fun. I'll be starting school soon, but I could see about Martch Break, and I'm very likely to attend ADAT3.

I just have to find some Melee players here so I can actually get better at playing. I'm also considering switching my ancient main of Sheik to Jigglypuff, possibly even exclusively. Lethbridge is mostly about Brawl though, but I can do both. =)

Sooooooooooooooooooo fun. Thanks for the trip guys.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2007
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
come to more smash events eric. Like everyone else asked. Whens the next monthly for edmonton? I wanna play some more 8 minute matches against solaris and victor. Also teaming with solaris would be fun.

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
$200 MM wouldn't seem so big if you had done the $3000 MM that those MvC players did. >_> Those players looked pretty calm, though.

Still, so funny watching them choke XD That match defines west coast DI.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
come to more smash events eric. Like everyone else asked. Whens the next monthly for edmonton? I wanna play some more 8 minute matches against solaris and victor. Also teaming with solaris would be fun.
SK8! It's both brawl and melee, head up son!

And holler, those 8 minute matches are....xD

$200 MM wouldn't seem so big if you had done the $3000 MM that those MvC players did. >_>
wtf are you trying to get at lol. $200 dollars is still a lot of money.

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
I think my favorite big money match like that was Blunted_Object vs Dieslow. That was awesome.

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
SK8! It's both brawl and melee, head up son!

And holler, those 8 minute matches are....xD

wtf are you trying to get at lol. $200 dollars is still a lot of money.
read my post again? I'm saying if I bet $3000 on a set, $200 would be peanuts the next match. XD

Then again, if somebody's risky enough to bet $3000, I'm guessing they're probably pretty well off, if not, crazy


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Why is it that in one thread Tyler will say something that makes perfect sense and then in the other he makes none >_>. I mean sure that's true but how is that all relevant?

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
iunno I guess it isn't. Speaking of irrelevancy, I'd wanna see people here do a $100 MM or something. victor vs matt? who'd choke harder? matt cause he chokes hard sometimes, or victor because he's super asian and needs the money?


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
I still don't understand what point you're getting at.

I mean, I get what you're saying but...why even bring that up? lol.

edit: no. Plus, I have nothing against Matt. I'd MM you though, but not for $100.

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
It'd only be entertaining to watch if it was $100 though =/ and I'd probably lose that MM so I wouldn't do it vs you. It's gotta be between two people that are roughly even, hence why I chose Matt.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
who is good at Starcraft here?

how do you use medics properly? I suck with them.

also, what is a good ratio of medic to marine in say a 12 man group? 3/12? 4/12?

Shawn is teaming with Carl? thats awesome


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
who is good at Starcraft here?

how do you use medics properly? I suck with them.

also, what is a good ratio of medic to marine in say a 12 man group? 3/12? 4/12?

Shawn is teaming with Carl? thats awesome
Uhh lol? Generally 2 medics per 10 marines is good. Remember that marines/medics should only be used in terran vs zerg.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
Uhh lol? Generally 2 medics per 10 marines is good. Remember that marines/medics should only be used in terran vs zerg.
I see.

also, what is the best way to keep the medics where they need to be, seeing as they charge off where ever you tell your marines to go. i really dont want to have to micro all of them.... should I tell them to follow a marine or something lolololol.

I also didnt realise M/M was only good vs zerg. makes sense tho, seeing as protoss does too much damage all at once.

(im not as bad at SC as I sound lol)

im honing my sc skills inb4 sc2
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