-ill kill my self the day i see the MLP games become one of the main fighting games of evo
Ok, forget the fact that it's pony related. I have to say, if you look into the game, it's actually like... super well done. It plays pretty similarly to guilty gear. Actually has tech skill.
where would the event take place?
That I am unceratain of, it really depends on the date and availability. I personally would prefer it to be in the south since it's easier for me, but it REALLY depends on what I can get for what price since well, it's my pocket. By the time February comes around a lot of clubs are usually around.
Again, how did Jack and people do at Apex
Again, brackets weren't up last I checked, however I know nobody made it into top 16, I think Jack must've made it out of his pool, so top 128. But I honestly have no idea.
Dan got 3rd in 64.
Isai got 2nd.
i thought 4chan was just all over mlp being in evo, thats why its first place lol
Believe it or not, 4chan hates MLP, and even more unlikely, they actually have less internet power than bronies these days.
Brad, maybe just make like a doodle poll for dates and let everyone fill it out?
I would like to make a poll in this thread, Victor? can we make it so?
Melee might make it into EVO, since MLP is DQ'd because of the status of it's production.
Allow me to mention, the reasoning for this is really respectful, the creators of the MLP game realized it really shouldn't be in EVO and opted out, or at least discussed it with the EVO guys, they even asked the community to only donate beforehand if they really wanted to play it, not for just general brony-ness.
Although mad respect for EVO for DQ'ing it while still promising $1000 for them if they win. (or to whoever beats them)
And thank you to people finally responding, it still seems like 16th is gonna be the day of days, but I will keep you posted.