Smash Rookie
The decision of which tournament you want to go to is entirely up to you throughout the month. Until this UAB tournament, there hasnt really been major schedule conflicts. The tourneys have been doing a fair job of not overlapping hosting on the same weekend so that means it is still up to you where you want to go. For instance, if you want to be in a tourney that should have a determined j00t and an equally determined Rag then you would have to come to BB6. If you are close to Mobile than unless you want to drive a long way to Tuscaloosa or Birmingham or even Huntsiville than you have events in Mobile with some good players and you have events in Troy and Auburn.tournament over-saturation is a very real thing when people in intermediate areas have to make the decision of which AL tournament they want to go to on a certain weekend
having 5+ hubs in AL that all want their own monthlies is a problem if the TOs of those hubs actually expect people from other cities to come to their tournaments
at this point it's just important for everyone to realize that the "monthly" tournament format is one that should no longer aim to achieve state-wide (or even just non-local) talent
I think that the variety helps in terms of giving you a plenty of tournaments but a good number of subregions to scrimmage with until you want to spend some extra money traveling. It also lets people on the outside know that we have an active scene so that it can grow further and we have more opportunites down the line to host bigger events.
We could host a big regional here in AL since we have too many monthlies. We could even push for a national one day, you know? But for now, I think that this over saturation is cool for now and will help if it attracts more competitors.
In terms of PR rankings, I understand where the problem would be for that but I think it is easier to think about when you keep in mind that the best way of judging a true PR has to be based on tourney placings, number of tourneys entered in and out of state, head to heads in tourney and all that, which I am sure yall know but I felt a need to throw in because I dont agree with splitting the PR either. Good news is that it seems that we are going to get a lot of that settled in 2 weeks. I am actually interested to see j00t and Rag in the same tourney for a change. I think that issues between north and south AL are best settled in Bham or Tuscaloosa and hopefully the results of BB6 will show that.