That was the point.No. Airdodge baiting is a thing for pretty much every character (especially those with lingering aerial hitboxes), and airdodging even remotely close to the ground is death when you're up against any character with above average punish ability.
Of course, it's no wonder you think airdodging needs to be nerfed. You're judging it by what level 9's/amiibo can do with it! You said it yourself, they have frame-perfect reactions, so of course they're just going to airdodge everything. In an actual match, continuously airdodging to the ground will get you killed.
Air-dodging to the ground sucks, air-dodging in any other situation besides when your opponent is falling with you or is right below you (and have an aerial with tonnes of active frames) is amazing .
Some character's air-dodges come out on frame 2...FRAME 2, and spamming them gives your opponent around a 6 frame window to actually hit you. That's identical to the window for the average Brawl spot-dodge, and you get to move while you're doing it. (and obviously you have way more options out of air-dodge than just more air-dodges)
Like everyone who claims air-dodging sucks, just look at the frame-data, actually watch games and count how many air-dodges get punished vs how many the player gets away with. You're just cherry picking the hard punishes players will get because their opponent will routinely air-dodge a lot because it's actually ridiculously strong.
Garbage?Airdodges are honestly kind of garbage in this game. Pretty much everyone can hard punish them, lots of character like Falcon will straight up kill people who airdodge at the wrong times. It's almost always better in actual competent play to just double jump out.
Wtf are you smoking, go play the game and try not to air-dodge, see how it goes for you.
If air-dodge was garbage people wouldn't ever use it. Samus's roll is garbage, saying air-dodging is garbage is like saying sheik or diddy's rolls are garbage. Just because they can be read doesn't mean they're not amazing in every other circumstance.
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