Tips. Don't play cpu's. Fer serious. Maybe level 1s to keep tech skill up. But if your planing on going to tournies. Don't train with cpus. I have been. and i though i was doing good. Then i went to a tournament yesterday and found that my link was seriously lacking. In almost everything. Mindgames, techskill, reads. Imo, practice on an empty stage. Just plug in an extra controller and have them stand on the edge. Practice all your techskill. waveleands, wavedashing, lcancels, ext. imagine in your head playing an opponent and how you would react to their play style. Adjust acordingly. Then find somone real to play, learn, adjust, adapt. and steadily get better. At least. Thats what im going to do.
But some people can play CPUs and not develop bad habits or still retain their old good habbits. It really depends on the player. so. You can take my advice or not. Its your choice. Good hunting. =)