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aether spike


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
illinois peoria area
does any1 here use this on commmand or is it just situational cuz the only time i ever get it to work is when someone comes out to fight me of the edge and then i hit them with it but thats the only situation ive gotten it to work for also this puts u into the perfect position for a d-air spike if the aether spike didnt kill them


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
illinois peoria area
i love landing it tho every 1 i hit it with is always like wtf! and then i d-air spike them if it didnt kill works great on offensive players who go out to chase u away


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
I did partly by accident on a recovering Lucas(in his PSI rocket) xD It looked awesome, and it really upset him :p He couldn't keep his cool after that and begun to run straight at me =)

Easily the coolest Aether spike I've done. If I'd done a combovideo, I'd want it in it :p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Calabasas, California
Switch FC
1284 3127 1819
The only time I usually Aether spike is when I'm recovering and my opponent is either recovering near me or he jumps off the stage and tries to hunt me off the screen. It's always fun to Aether spike someone whose intention is to spike you himself/herself.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2008
uh yeah. it's pretty easy to do. i use it whenever i have an opportunity to.
you can hang onto the ledge while ike is falling from his up b if you just space it right, which isn't too hard. he can hang on when he's facing the other way so it's pretty useful; it'll send your opponent straight down. while you edge hog.

an easy noob combo to do is your A A A near the edge, and (move closer if you have too, side b works for moving to the edge) hit ur opponent with aether. if you hit them when you're going down they will be sent downwards as well, and if spaced properly you will hang onto the edge. (if you use side b to move and you're teetering on the edge, you may have to tilt the control stick towards the stage a little while you're using aether).

if your opponent manages to survive somehow, say samus, then you can ledge hop dair them. hopefully your invincibility frames will be put to good use. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
Some of you guys seem to be talking about "aetherCIDING." That's different...


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
people pretty much explained aether spiking so I'll just talk about aetherciding on purpose.

well I actually don't have much to add to it except that when you get into a WoP its a good time to aethercide because chances are that with Ike you won't make it back. Same with people who chase you more than needed off the stage. Some people who are easy to aethercide with are probably donkeykong and bowser since there up B's cover more horizontal distance than vertical so they'll go out pretty far and really on that since they've already wasted there up B.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2008
Frozen Hell
people pretty much explained aether spiking so I'll just talk about aetherciding on purpose.

well I actually don't have much to add to it except that when you get into a WoP its a good time to aethercide because chances are that with Ike you won't make it back. Same with people who chase you more than needed off the stage. Some people who are easy to aethercide with are probably donkeykong and bowser since there up B's cover more horizontal distance than vertical so they'll go out pretty far and really on that since they've already wasted there up B.
I used it on a guy using fox, I was falling far away from the ledge with absolutely no chance to get back on the stage, the guy was trying to look cool by unnecesarily shine spike me... Aether! we both died, he had like 20% I laughed so hard.

Lex Crunch

Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
Alameda, CA
Seriously, though, I need to ask on this subject. Is there any factor that contributes to the effectiveness of the spike itself? I'm under odd superstitions that if you hit them with the spike and only the spike (meaning not any other part of Aether itself) then it sends them down further. Does distance play ANY role in it? I'm having a hard time experimenting with it, and I wanted to know if anyone knew of any contributing factors if any existed.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
You can get people below the edge as well. Just jump off backwards and fall a bit. Plus Lex, I think that damage contributes to the spike, of course, and I believe that the spikes with the whole thing and just the aether are equal. People might think just the spike has more downwards knockback, but that is because they forget that the whole aether sends them up in the first place, and they fail to account for that.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Seriously, though, I need to ask on this subject. Is there any factor that contributes to the effectiveness of the spike itself? I'm under odd superstitions that if you hit them with the spike and only the spike (meaning not any other part of Aether itself) then it sends them down further. Does distance play ANY role in it? I'm having a hard time experimenting with it, and I wanted to know if anyone knew of any contributing factors if any existed.
well at least you didn't put it for a useless reason. The only things that plays a role in it is how degraded the move is, at what point you hit with it, and how much damage they have.

The spike is pretty much the entire hit box while Ike is falling till he reaches the ground or a ledge. I'm hoping you know how spikes work in brawl but if not you basically fall down for a certain amount of time before you can break out of it. Since the spike isn't very powerful people actually break out near the ledge if they where hit at its peak. If you used it from the ground. The more degraded it is the sooner they will be able to break out of it. The more damage the longer they fall.

In order to insure an actual kill you need to try and land it near the height of the ledge. Even though its true that on a few characters aether spike kills at any percent even DK can break out of it if you hit to high.

Lex Crunch

Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2007
Alameda, CA
Thanks much, both of you. I was already doing the spike, but I was noticing that I was only ever really killing DK, Bowser, Ganny, Falcon, and a small group of others. I've gathered that it's probably most effective to use it as an edgeguard from an edge grab. This ought to help much. And Akkon, I don't believe damage plays into the spike. I'm fairly certain that the only hit from Aether whose knockback isn't set in stone is the final helm drop after the spike.
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