So, apparently the question about if Ado and Adeleine are the same character is still open...
Despite it has been heavily implied that they are the same character (also by the move "Ado's Painter" done by Adeleine in Kirby Star Allies), HAL's stance on the subject seems to be still that it's unknown if Ado and Adeleine are the same or not.
I'm waiting for them to talk about her in those Twitter posts, but they will probably bring this up again.
So, I've been thinking for a while...
What if Ado and Adeleine actually aren't the same character?
Recently the Kirby franchise has been populated by countless "Mirror World", "Parallel" and "Another Dimension" versions of the major characters, so it wouldn't be too odd if it comes out that Ado is Parallel Adeleine or something.
The only issue is that it doesn't make sense for Adeleine to have a move called "Ado's Painter" if Ado is supposed to be another character (it's like if Metaknight has a move called "Dark Metaknight's slash" kinda).
I have always been a supporter of the "same character" theory because the two being separate didn't make any sense (and especially it came out of fanfictions of people who believed that Ado was male and shipped the two

)... but now with the parallel universes and all, it's totally possible, and I'm open to it.
Since Metaknight's beta design became its own character now (Morpho Knight), I think it's totally possible that one day Ado will come back as a separate character from Adeleine, and I would be ok with that, because honestly, while Adeleine is awesome, I always prefered Ado's original design (the additional details on the dress, the color scheme and the haircut), and it would be nice to have that design back, even if as another separate character.
Currently they should find a way to fully reintroduce Adeleine in the franchise (I know she's back, but so far she's just there, without a consistent role in the cast aside of being that old character from Kirby 64; they should involve her more in the story and the lore). If that happens, I'd be totally ok with Ado as her parallel version (though Ado is not evil either, she was possessed in Kirby 3).
In case Adeleine & Ribbon are now a duo character and can't be separated, I would be happy to see Ado in team with that angel from the last level of Kirby's Dream Land 3, doing the equivalent of Ribbon to Adeleine... maybe instead of launching crystals, use a bow and throw heart arrows like the Cupid ability, I don't know...
Anyway, I think that along with being playable, she should get a new bossfight, updated with new moves (maybe instead of hiding behind the canvas all the time, she could be more active and attack in team with Ribbon using the crystals and stuff... it would be odd to have Ribbon as an enemy, but the boss fight would be cool and a bit more bullet hell).
An idea would be to have her back to the role she had in Kirby 64, helping Kirby from the background... maybe her bossfight can be a trap, a surprise boss... she usually gives you food, but later in the game, you find a room where she gets possessed/controlled somehow and attacks you instead of giving food. As always, possibilities are infinite. Maybe Ado can take her role if you play as her, or simply be a DX version of the boss (now that I think, maybe they want Ado and Adeleine to stay separate because they're planning to make a new bossfight and Ado is the DX version of it).
By the way, I've finally got a Switch Lite. I'm planning to get Star Allies soon, but for now I'm just grinding a lot in Super Kirby Clash and I'm level 99/almost 100 (Adeleine is in my village!

). I'll probably get Smash too but it depends on who the last DLC characters are (if Adeleine is in, it's an instant buy).