EPF... how would this worsen the the competitive scene? Not to sound rude, I just really don't see how it would.
The competative scene is a enviornemt based on stability. Rules are established and we play based on what has been established as a "Balanced" enviornment. The curent meta-game as of now is based on the rules. Character counter picks, stage counter picks, advantages, disadvantages etc. Everything that we know evolves based on the current rules we have established.
The competative scene is at a complete opposition regaurding items in general because of the inevitable changes that they will bring. The exchange of attacks with skillful execution wouldn't be of a greater priority; the ability to get items from spawn points and knowing when they arrive would be in priority. Putting items into the mix wouldn't cause any eveolution in the competative scene, but a change.
Spawn time: If a player can easily tell when an item will appear based on the spawn time. If you were able to control the actual spawn, you would be able to tell when the next item will appear based on the time in the match. If an item spawns every 25 sec. and the item itself spawned at 7 min. 50 sec. in the match, the next item would appear at 7 min. 25 sec. . With this method, a person would be able to get items at a controled rate.
Character Advantages/ Disadvantages: What if a character such as Fox got his hands on a Pokeball? That would be unfair wouldn't it? It's obvious that the better character will recieve the item because of his ability a manuever aound the stage.
Tactical changes: If you and your opponent were at 100% damage and you had a bat in your hand, what would you rather do? Throw the bat, or come within striking range of your enemy? Personally, I like to do what works, so I would throw the bat. To KO an opponent, it takes intelligence, dexterity, mindgames an technical skill. An item has the ability to replace the needs for these skills. A majority of strategic play would simply revolve around keeping your opponent busy until the next item spawns rather than putting emphasis on getting your oponent out of the ring. Playing with items brings balance of the conventional level, and extreme unbalance on an advanced level.
Items in general were never designed for use outside of conventional play in Smash Bros.
Playing with items can't make the scene any better, just worse. Why do you want to play with them anyway? I wouldn't want to stop a heated fight just to run for an item.
@SiD: This isn't simply based off of Melee, but on Smash Bros. and the competative scene in general. A game franchise can only evolve so much from its predescessor because it's based of the same engine. Because this game "isn't the same game" doesn't mean that the changes in the game will be drastic from the franchise in general. If anything, most of the changes are aesthetics.
If you don't think my opinion is the same, go ahead and test me. Make a topic in the Melee forums and see how much people will agree.