Smash Hero
Here's my move set
In all honesty, I took a fair bit of inspiration from Project M's interpretation of
Height: Around
Weight: 85 =
Walk/Run Speed: 1.632 =
Jumps/Air Speed: 2, Floaty fall speed, 1.18 =
Grab Range: 5.5 =
Entrance - A large classic FF Crystal appears and then is shattered, revealing Black Mage inside.
Walk: Black Mage slowly steps forward, staff held out.
Run: Black Mage hovers slightly off the ground, basically the same as
Guard: Black Mage holds up his staff in a guard, arms crossed
Side Step: Black Mage blinks out of existence for a moment.
Roll: Blinking forward or back in a brief dash with a faint after image, akin to Mirror ability's dash in Kirby.
Taunt 1 - Black Mage poofs into his classic 8-bit identity like a cut-out before returning to normal.
Taunt 2 - Black Mage points his staff in the four cardinal directions, erupting with a small burst of water, fire, wind, and then a small boulder at east, west, north, and south respectively.
Taunt 3 - Black Mage pumps his arms up and down in the air, akin to the classic FF 1-6 victory animations.
Victory 1 - Black Mage floats triumphantly on his wand like the typical caster on a broom
Victory 2 - Black Mage channels a small magical circle in his hands before popping out small, 16 sprite versions of a Moogle, Chocobo, and Cactaur which all do the retro two-frame victory animation.
Victory 3 - Black Mage twirls his wand in his hands before stabbing the base onto the ground, striking a pose.
Loss - With head tilted down to where the brim of the hat obscures the face, Black mage slowly claps.
Jab Combo: Simply magically manipulating the staff into two clean smacks before a stronger golf swing to finish.
Dash Attack: A small lunge with the staff spinning out to extend his hitbox.
To be fair, not a lot of new ground here. All Staff based.
F-Smash: Wind-Up hockey swing with staff
D-Smash: Runes burst with magical power by Black Mage on either side, functions similar to
's Flame Storm.
U-Smash: Small Aero vortex (Akin to
Ledge Attack: Black Mage flips onto the stage with a heel drop
Get-Up Attack: Black Mage spins up to his feet, staff spiraling around him.
's staff twirl.
F-Air: Limited explosion from an extended staff
's thunder kick
's with a magical rune
U-Air: Ice fractal overhead
Grab & Throws
Grab & Pummel: Black Mage binds a Toad-ed enemy in magic rings, the rings... wring the toad on pummel. (In the same relative bounds of
turning the grabbed targets into one of the small balls)
F-Throw: Charges up a small dark blast that launches the toad, target is returned to normal once blasted.
B-Throw: A simple magical backwards throw, un-Toad'd after the toss finishes.
D-Throw: Black Mage sets up the toad like a volley ball before spiking it into the ground with his staff, target returns to normal once hit with the staff.
U-Throw: Raises staff and a rock spire erupts underneath the toad, reversing the status ailment on impact and launching the target into the air.
B: Spellblade - After a channeling of around 3 seconds, Black Mage enchants his staff to increase the damage of his next 3 Smash attacks and imbues an elemental effect onto them, F - Blizzard , U - Thunder, D- Fire (cosmetic more than an actual effect, charges will be spent if the attack misses, of course).
Side+B: Firaga - Black Mage shoots out a small ball of flame that increases in speed as it travels horizontally, only stopping once off screen or when it makes contact, 1 at a time. When making contact, it explodes doing minor damage but knocking any character slightly into the air with the proximate force of
's mechkoopa.
Down+B: Blizzaga - Black Mage summons a series of thin ice crystals in front of him which increases in height and power with subsequent strike, stopping at 5. Has a 1 second delay between each crystal raising but the pillars linger for .25 seconds. Knock-back is straight up and full trail goes about half the distance of battlefield. Height is based upon the closest ground to the spawn distance, making it useless off stage. (Starts around
's height, barely stronger than a jab to being able to strike someone standing at the top platform of Battlefield with around the damage of an uncharged smash attack).
Up+B: Thundaga - Chargeable akin to
, Black Mage charges a thunder cloud by his feet (as he falls) before launching straight straight up into the air, leaving him in a helpless fall. Thunder Mage is electrified during the launch and will damage any characters he passes through, with the damage and armor of it decreasing over the duration of the launch.
Final Smash: Flare - Black Mage erects a summoning circle which engulfs any standing atop it (
) and are subject to the short cinematic of the iconic ultimate black magic.
Victory Theme:
Did anyone expect anything else?
Height: Around
Weight: 85 =
Walk/Run Speed: 1.632 =
Jumps/Air Speed: 2, Floaty fall speed, 1.18 =
Grab Range: 5.5 =
Entrance - A large classic FF Crystal appears and then is shattered, revealing Black Mage inside.
Walk: Black Mage slowly steps forward, staff held out.
Run: Black Mage hovers slightly off the ground, basically the same as
Guard: Black Mage holds up his staff in a guard, arms crossed
Side Step: Black Mage blinks out of existence for a moment.
Roll: Blinking forward or back in a brief dash with a faint after image, akin to Mirror ability's dash in Kirby.
Taunt 1 - Black Mage poofs into his classic 8-bit identity like a cut-out before returning to normal.
Taunt 2 - Black Mage points his staff in the four cardinal directions, erupting with a small burst of water, fire, wind, and then a small boulder at east, west, north, and south respectively.
Taunt 3 - Black Mage pumps his arms up and down in the air, akin to the classic FF 1-6 victory animations.
Victory 1 - Black Mage floats triumphantly on his wand like the typical caster on a broom
Victory 2 - Black Mage channels a small magical circle in his hands before popping out small, 16 sprite versions of a Moogle, Chocobo, and Cactaur which all do the retro two-frame victory animation.
Victory 3 - Black Mage twirls his wand in his hands before stabbing the base onto the ground, striking a pose.
Loss - With head tilted down to where the brim of the hat obscures the face, Black mage slowly claps.
Jab Combo: Simply magically manipulating the staff into two clean smacks before a stronger golf swing to finish.
Dash Attack: A small lunge with the staff spinning out to extend his hitbox.
To be fair, not a lot of new ground here. All Staff based.
F-Smash: Wind-Up hockey swing with staff
D-Smash: Runes burst with magical power by Black Mage on either side, functions similar to
U-Smash: Small Aero vortex (Akin to
Ledge Attack: Black Mage flips onto the stage with a heel drop
Get-Up Attack: Black Mage spins up to his feet, staff spiraling around him.
F-Air: Limited explosion from an extended staff
U-Air: Ice fractal overhead
Grab & Throws
Grab & Pummel: Black Mage binds a Toad-ed enemy in magic rings, the rings... wring the toad on pummel. (In the same relative bounds of
F-Throw: Charges up a small dark blast that launches the toad, target is returned to normal once blasted.
B-Throw: A simple magical backwards throw, un-Toad'd after the toss finishes.
D-Throw: Black Mage sets up the toad like a volley ball before spiking it into the ground with his staff, target returns to normal once hit with the staff.
U-Throw: Raises staff and a rock spire erupts underneath the toad, reversing the status ailment on impact and launching the target into the air.
B: Spellblade - After a channeling of around 3 seconds, Black Mage enchants his staff to increase the damage of his next 3 Smash attacks and imbues an elemental effect onto them, F - Blizzard , U - Thunder, D- Fire (cosmetic more than an actual effect, charges will be spent if the attack misses, of course).
Side+B: Firaga - Black Mage shoots out a small ball of flame that increases in speed as it travels horizontally, only stopping once off screen or when it makes contact, 1 at a time. When making contact, it explodes doing minor damage but knocking any character slightly into the air with the proximate force of
Down+B: Blizzaga - Black Mage summons a series of thin ice crystals in front of him which increases in height and power with subsequent strike, stopping at 5. Has a 1 second delay between each crystal raising but the pillars linger for .25 seconds. Knock-back is straight up and full trail goes about half the distance of battlefield. Height is based upon the closest ground to the spawn distance, making it useless off stage. (Starts around
Up+B: Thundaga - Chargeable akin to
Final Smash: Flare - Black Mage erects a summoning circle which engulfs any standing atop it (
Victory Theme:
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