having taken up fox as a 2nd, i have the waveshine combos down so the natural next step is to learn how to shine bair!!
to make myself clear i am talking of shine bair on the ground - facing the enemy not from a jump or nething else.
the things i want to know are:-
- what characters cannot be shine bair'd
- the exact list of commands, and and actions
whoever helps me - thanks alot!!
Shine bair has the potential to work on any character in the game. Half of the outcome rests on how you place the shine, while the other relies on your opponent's ability to d.i.
Shine bairing on the ground is very impractical. As Sveet said, the easiest way to go about doing it is uthrow at low percents to SH shine bair. High percent uthrow shine bair works too.
"I am talking of shine bair on the ground - facing the enemy not from a jump or nething else"
I'm not sure what you mean to say here. If you think that you can simply stand in front of them and shine bair...well then that doesn't work. Standing with your back facing your opponent and shine bairing won't work either. There is only one way of getting a shine bair to hit a grounded opponent.
If you start running and hit your grounded opponent (standing, on the floor, whatever) with a shine, you can JC it immediately and hit with the bair
turn around in the shine as it hits and JC it for a bair. The second version would be a true ground shine bair.
Generally speaking, this is all very useless. Its the last thing I'd try to learn after just learning how to waveshine combo. You should be putting those combos to use in real matches before learning flashy techs. Focusing on different edge-stalls, movement tricks, character specific waveshine combos, chaingrabs, waveshining backwards and comboing, moving quickly around stages with both SHL and SHDL, edge-cancelling, and edge-guarding strats. All of these would help you alot more, imo.