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a question and a comment.

turtle roll

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2007
omaha NE
First things first. At my game club i am one of the best at brawl. Mainly because i am one of the few that actually owns the game. Anyway, I win a lot and the "founder of the club" who doesn't know what he's talking about and thinks we play smash to much said " link is over powered in brawl" at first I laughed, but as serious as he was, I was dumbfounded. So the point is I need some solid proof that any one could get. Even better than stuff like he can't combo, is pretty slow, takes loads of skill to master and is sort of laggy.

Secondly, I’ve noticed link is pretty good at shield breaking with his multi-hit attacks. Its fun to watch my friends brace them selves for a full charged spin attack.

So there is a question and a comment. Saved me an extra post! Please answer and comment. Or not. If you don’t I’ll eat a cookie.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2006
San Diego, CA
Yeah, I still think it's a little early to label some characters as "top tier/bottom tier" because some game mechanics simply haven't been discovered yet that may completely change brawl. As far as right now however, Link doesn't seem to have too much going for him other than him being a lot of fun to play. His approach is poor along with his recovery and a couple other things.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
WOWW..... As much as I love Link and wanted him to be really good in this game, he's ****ing garbage. No offense to you, but your friends and whoever you're playing sound like they're pretty bad.

I'm not sure what you mean by multi-hit attacks.. Aerial spin attack? f-air? b-air? That's like 2 hits <_< I don't think Link has any shield pressuring moves.

You want proof Link is bottom/low tier in this game? He has a poor approach game. The best characters can outspam him or shut down his spam. His recovery is ****ing garbage. His aerial game isn't that good. His moves aren't that fast and a lot of them end in terrible lag. His grab is easily dodged and is so easy to punish.

Eating a fully-charged spin attack? Are you kidding me? Tell them to learn how to shield. Brawls defense game is so broken.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2008
Are you saying the spin attack is good for shield breaking? Are you serious? Its the most laggiest move.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Wow... I don't really know where to start... Link too good? Heh, more like Link too bad. The ONLY thing that Link really has going for him is his adaptability, which has always been his strong point, and his 1001 tricks you can hide up his sleeves.

Your friend wants overpowered does he? Well, has he ever heard of a certain character called Snake? >.>


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
Instead of showing how bad Link is, try showing how good everyone else is. Ask your friend to pick snake. then just tell him to shield and whenever an opponent get's close or hits the shield, f-tilt out of shield.

turtle roll

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2007
omaha NE
lol, sorry i wasn't clear. what i ment by fully chared spin attack is i use it after i break their sheild. what i ment by mulit hit attacks was all his smashes hit more than once (if you count the down smash) and so do his fair and bair. oh, and like i said earlier most of these guys don't own it so they tend to suck a little. however, at my last tourney, 1st match, i managed to break this guys shield via fair from below a pass though platform. (battle field) he was pressing buttons so fast while i charged my spin.( then again he was pretty easy). but deva, thats really not a bad idea. i know that link's very, very far from high tier. but i'm not going to switch now. not after 4 years!!! WHY!!! *sigh* in other news, i have 2 grudge matches tomarrow. it's a very small chance, but i will try to record them so you guys can see what i mean.


Smash Rookie
May 4, 2008
I went to a small 8 man tourney last week where I won (as Link) and every one was like Link is too much of a beast or he's too fast. I felt like saying yeah MY Link maybe and there weren't ANY good players there. The hardest guy was a campy rob that gave me a bit of trouble. In the finals this guy picked Metaknight twice but he wasn't very good. I 2 stocked him both matches. Well i guess where I'm trying to go with this is that Link is not overpowered in the slightest. People that aren't very good at this game think that.
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