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A few uncommon tricks (vid)

Dark M

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2008

I made a small video of a few tricks I rarely see links use (either because they're useless or situational). Anyway, the most useful imo, and the main reason I made the vid, is the bombdrop at the ledge. It's an unexpected mindgame, which has plenty of options.

As you can see, it's not very high quality. Opposite of Izaw, I do NOT work with editing movies and have no special talent for it :p I got bored halfway through the editing and only had windows moviemaker, which was of unexpected low quality. And well, the result is above :p

As for what's in the video and it's uses:

I've managed to kill a metaknight with the dair edgeguard who thought he'd be smart, hovering and using jumps just out of range, then started to glide under the stage towards the opposite edge.

Something that's not in the movie that probably should be there is that you can press jump while on the edge (doing the regular ledgejump) and drop the bomb to either lie on the edge and go off when the fuse runs out, or drop ot slightly later and it explodes at the edge. Rather useless though.

Dac with bomb and reversed bombslide is something I just had at my comp and thought I'd add as well.

Well, anyways, hope you like it :)


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
All of this is pretty much known. Whatever though, it's a good way to introduce yourself to the community ^^ I'm sure you have a lot to contribute.

the d-air one was kinda interesting to me, but it's really risky
it's kind of unpractical to implement this into your gameplay considering people won't just let you stay on the edge, and it's especially dangerous for Link to play around there.
It's cool you showed a use for bombsliding though, it's really neat.

Another European Link main? Why can't any of them ever be on East Coast D:

Deleted member

bomb drop DAC is the only useful technique on there....

Deleted member

not even reversed bombslide arkive? I think that it's worth mention too...
the normal bombslide isn't even useful T_T
the only time it is useful is when you throw the bomb upwards

doing a JC'd reversed bomb throw makes the reverse bombslide look ********


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
Not to be disrespectful to Arkive but.....

I thought this video was fantastic. So some of the stuff is useless at high levels of play, I understand that. But I'm the type of player WILL FIND SOME WAY to implement it into my game.

How many players do you know utilize all 5 variations of bombsliding? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say not too many. I use all 5, and even though i'm not an uber skilled Link, I'm still proud that they are part of my game.


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
Not to be disrespectful to Arkive but.....

I thought this video was fantastic. So some of the stuff is useless at high levels of play, I understand that. But I'm the type of player WILL FIND SOME WAY to implement it into my game.

How many players do you know utilize all 5 variations of bombsliding? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say not too many. I use all 5, and even though i'm not an uber skilled Link, I'm still proud that they are part of my game.

That vid was superb. Sure, most of the stuff in it are more or less situational but still, they kick major arse! I'll learn all this stuff and put into my game. I loved this vid. Too good.

Mindgames. This is what that vid is ful.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
I bombslide all the time when I have a bomb. It's a part of my mindgames. Ledgehop bombs, not so much, they're very situational especially at tournament level play.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2008
New York
I bombslide all the time when I have a bomb. It's a part of my mindgames. Ledgehop bombs, not so much, they're very situational especially at tournament level play.

I love bombsliding. And also, it feels good to be able to do any of the 5 bombslides at will (yes, I've mastered them all). One thing Arkive said though, is that the upthrow one is the most useful. I'll agree with him there. Though the reverse and the reverse fake are my favorites.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
actually, i think bombsliding is more useful if the bomb goes forward or back. With up, you gotta be lucky that it somehow hits them.. Actually, it might be decent for a second of control over that area. If you slide forward, you can probably follow up if you don't get hit by it. If you reverse it, you have room to breathe and it's great for spacing. I'm waiting on someone to pull a NinjaLink here and show us the maximum potential of this glidetoss-like technique. It might add a lot to Link's ground movement, like pivot sliding.

Dark M

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2008
Well I suppose the JC'd reversed bombthrow is easier to pull of, but I tend to get caught in the explosion when I do it. Though that's probably more to poor spacing than anything. Which is why I find the reversed bombslide more useful.
Most of this is only useful for mindgames, as some of you have said, and flashyness. Imo, the more surprising **** you can throw at your opponent the better, eh? If you have a bomb in hand, you get to the edge and think you're "safe" why not drop it at the edge? There's only so much you're opponent can do with it. At worst it'll create a diversion...
Jul 30, 2008
I use bombslide a lot.

-Aproach Often followed by grab, fsmash or dsmash depending on how far away from my opponent I end up after the bombslides slide.

-If Im late for "low" edgeguard

-juggling, people can for some reason not read when the bomb is coming and therfore it often hits or leaves them open for utilt/usmash/ftilt/anything that hits above you

-If Im late for "high" edgeguard, I often pull out another bomb to throw if my opponent decides that cathing my bombs is a good idea.

- create pressure at a spot between you and your opponent so you can start charging arrow or fsmash.

Rthrow(reversed): ehm spacing? I have not found any uses for this one. zair or SH dthrow is IMO better in the situations when this should be used.

fakeouts: no uses really, most people are to slowthinking to notice it.

Dac with bomb is kind of useless. BUT, it´s nice to catch other character`s item projectiles so DAC catch is nice.

I have never thought what you can do with a dropped bomb, but I think the fuse on the bomb is to short to make bombdropping usefull.

Bombslide is a nice tech.


Smash Cadet
Sep 6, 2008
nice tricks
new things for my Link ^^

Could someone tell me how to do Reversed Bombslide?
like he did in the end of the video ^^
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