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A few probably simple questions


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
Being new to the Smash forums, although I've been reading up on Wolf tactics for the last week or so (it's helped greatly), I still have a couple questions.

1) Is Wolf's dash attack cancel -> up smash able to glide a bit, or does it always move rather small distances. I think I've gotten it to move more than usual one time, but I could have been not paying attention (it was in the waiting room with the punching bag).

2) For Wolf's Illusion Cancel, what are some good times to use it, and is there a particular way of learning the timing easily? I've tried a bit and done it a few times, but I can't seem to get it down repeatedly.

3) What are the pros/cons of using Wolf's Up+B attack?

4) This is important, what is the most popular outfit color for Wolf? (haha, had to throw something random in ^_^)

Thanks in advance!

Raider 88

Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
Toledo, Ohio
I've never really used an illusion cancel in a real battle, just training mode. Keep practicing and you'll get it down. I guess a good time to use it would be if you think the move is going to throw you off the edge. Once in awhile I do this move accidentally instead of his laser gun, but don't realize until it's too late.

I like using his Up-B in free for alls. You can put up some ok damage on multiple opponents if they are bunched together. It also kills in a sudden death match.

Oh, and his black outfit is the best.

sgt. fuzz

Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2007
2) I don't see any good use of it, but some other people here may
3)Pros, if you land it, it does a good bit of damage and launches your opponent at the end
Cons, Sucks for recovery, lots of lag, special fall afterwards,
4) I like the black one


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Being new to the Smash forums, although I've been reading up on Wolf tactics for the last week or so (it's helped greatly), I still have a couple questions.

1) Is Wolf's dash attack cancel -> up smash able to glide a bit, or does it always move rather small distances. I think I've gotten it to move more than usual one time, but I could have been not paying attention (it was in the waiting room with the punching bag).
It always glides a bit, as do other JC Up Smashes. You can see this most noticeably with Captain Falcon or Sonic's Up Smash. I believe the faster the character the farther you glide when JC Up Smashing (Charizard glides quite a ways as well).

2) For Wolf's Illusion Cancel, what are some good times to use it, and is there a particular way of learning the timing easily? I've tried a bit and done it a few times, but I can't seem to get it down repeatedly.
A) The only good time I can possibly think of is a recovery fake out. For example, you know how Falco's and Fox's Illusion to the stage (Melee is a better example of this). Well, the distance is predictable and punishable, so sometimes players will cut the distance to throw off the other player to ensure a more safe recovery. However, I think this is still less practical for Wolf.

Overall, I believe there is next to no good time to use it. However, I've been practicing it. Hey, doesn't hurt to know.

B) Just do it over and over again in Training. Slow it down and try to pay attention to what animation you can cancel it in (toward the end of the sparkle and when Wolf swings his arms). Then slowly increase the game speed to get the timing down.

3) What are the pros/cons of using Wolf's Up+B attack?
Lots of lag is certainly a major con. However, I find it to be a useful surprise for KOing foes off the top, Snake being a good example of this. Usually they will try to airdodge an attempted Uair or Fair for a vertical kill, so if you Up B from a farther distance they may not get the air dodge. However, if you miss, perpare to be hit.

4) This is important, what is the most popular outfit color for Wolf? (haha, had to throw something random in ^_^)

Thanks in advance!
I'd say black, though I use normal. I also like blue and black, but... eh, I just use normal.


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
Thanks for the replies.

Basically, you all agreed that there is no real practical use for the illusion cancel =P (just for fun, I'll still learn it) but still thanks on the tip for training it anyway :)

As for Up+B looks like the big agreed Con is it leaves you open for a hit. Basic idea I got from your responses was "Use with caution."

And I like the black outfit best as well!


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2006
I don't think that he's talking about a JC Usmash, I think that he's talking about a Dash attack -> Usmash. Good examples are Falco and Snake, they dash attack and during the attack use Usmash. I am unsure if Wolf can do this (even if he could, it doesn't have that much benefit).

Illusion Cancel? I don't see any use for it, save for faking out someone. i.e. I ICed a Mario, and he used an FSmash on the wrong side, thinking I'd be there. He was punished with a DSmash, a brawl I will savor for a long time.

Up+B is terrible for recovery (too bad its all he has). No horizontal DI at all after the attack. As an attack, it's fun to pull off on people, but don't do it in an important battle (such as a tournement).

Black is awesome... nuff said


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
Ontario, Canada
No matter who I play I seem to be the only one who picks black. But everyone on this thread is. I don't get it. If I'm at a proper angle I use side b as opposed to up b. But up b can be good to sweep across the stage because of the kick at the end.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
1) there aren't jc usmashes in brawl, they're just simply dashing usmashes
2) stop calling things "glide" if it's not a glide, since gliding is an actual official term in this game, which leads to tons of confusion; "slide" is far more appropriate anyway IMO
3) wolf's dash attack cancel into usmash has some pretty good slide to go with decent horizontal range; it's definitely usable

edit: i just realized that the fact that i enumerated my points might be confusing; i'm NOT responding to the corresponding numbered questions :)


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2008
2) I haven't been able to get the timing down yet either, but i've only really had uses for it to trick my opponent. For instance the marth mainer i usually fight can tell when i'm about to do it, but i cancel it, and it tricks him into countering most of the time.

3) I only really use it when my opponent is on a ledge reachable above me, or for juggling.

4) black,, although the others are cool also.


Smash Rookie
Apr 6, 2008
1) there aren't jc usmashes in brawl, they're just simply dashing usmashes
2) stop calling things "glide" if it's not a glide, since gliding is an actual official term in this game, which leads to tons of confusion; "slide" is far more appropriate anyway IMO
3) wolf's dash attack cancel into usmash has some pretty good slide to go with decent horizontal range; it's definitely usable

edit: i just realized that the fact that i enumerated my points might be confusing; i'm NOT responding to the corresponding numbered questions :)
I apologize for my newbiness in not knowing the exact terms, and if you happen to know a good spot to look for all the terms/abbreviations, that'd be awesome. I simply discribed it as I saw it to the best of my ability.

As for his having pretty good "slide," what's the trick (is it just timing correctly?) to getting a decent slide compared to getting little to near no slide?


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
yup, just timing

i'm sure there are 'terms' threads in the general discussion/tactical boards somewhere, i really have no idea

"gliding" was posted on the dojo and hyped to death everywhere though
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