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A bunch of Custom Stages I built (stage file downloads + videos) [updated Feb 27th]

Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
Yah the fights kinda suck, but I tried to show the whole stage in most of 'em.

You can download the stages here:


Tetriminoes - Based on yesterday's daily stage download.

Saffron City Remake - Obviously based on Saffron city in SSB.

Golden Sun Lighthouse(?) v1 - Not really based on a lighthouse, but that's where I got the idea from.

Towers - Made in 5 mins but actually fun to play on. (Isaac AT appears here.)

Lighthouse v2 - Based on the top of Mercury lighthouse pic from Google.

"Ashley" - A stage my little sister who loves Warioware charcters made.

Lighthouse v3 - Bigger, and more dangerous.

Here is a Hyrule Castle Remake

feb 27th updates:

Death Mountain -- Based on outside of Death Mountain in aLttP. Has a sweet KO at the end.

No Name -- Eh, whatever. I still like it.

MINIJAW -- And you thought the last name was bad? This is probably my 3rd favourite stage.

Mushroomville -- Made by my sister. Played on it accidentally and it turned out pretty fun to play on. All ice, shrooms, and spike traps.

Pyramids -- Three pyramids floating around.

Pyramid -- SwordOfZork gets credit for this. There are only small differences.

Saffron City 2 -- Buildings are taller, and closed the big building from the bottom.

More to come, I suppose. I guess I can use some stage ideas too!

There you go, please enjoy and share your ideas.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2008
What I thought:

Tetriminoes stage: looked pretty fun to play on, looks like you need more practice! XD

Saffron City (remake): Didn't look all that great. XD, u had that match won til the cpu got the FS! XD

Golden Sun Lighthouse: Interesting at least, but thought u should add a way to get back on the stage if you were knocked out side of the wall. First battle i've seen u win, congratulations! LMAO!

Towers: Sorry, but not very good at all. Pretty bland, plain, generic, and just about every other word that describes something uninspired.

Lighthouse 2: Wasn't great, but didn't totally suck imo and is it me or does Warios FS suck balls!?

Ashley: What does your sisters love of Warioware games have to do with this stage? It wasn't that good, but at least playable.

Lighthouse 3: Not very different from v2 but slightly better.

Hyrule Castle (remake): Good intentions, but wasn't feeling it that much...ok I guess. Man, Link F'd ur *** up! LMAO!!!

Why not try remaking a Mega Man boss stage arena? One that'll be memorable and of course fun to play on or you could try remaking a stage from Wind Waker, either way it'd be something worth while.



Smash Rookie
Feb 21, 2008
Thats awesome on the ashley stage where 2 poke trainers are on the platform in the distance.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 22, 2008
Northern Virginia
I liked the towers stage most, personally. Too complex custom stages just look cluttered. The simple look of it all and design is great.


Smash Rookie
Apr 16, 2007
These stages are pretty good! A lot of the custom stages I've seen on youtube seem to be inconvenient to fight on; they're full of spikes, falling blocks, traps, and enclosed spaces where killing is almost impossible. I like your "Towers" stage. It's design is simple and reasonable, and it looks fun! I'd like to see more stages from you.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!

Based on yesterday's daily stage download.
Fairly intresting stage. I know Tetris is, but what is Tetriminoes? :chuckle:

Maybe a few too many platforms. However, whoever made this stage knows how to make a stage. My favorite stage you've shown (so far) that isn't made by your little sister! :laugh:

Saffron City (from Smash 64) Remake

Saffron City looks GREAT, but not as GREAT. You could should have used the Melee remix of Pokémon Stadium's main theme instead, but meah. I'm unsure which of the two songs (the onle you played vs. the Pokémon Stadium main theme) would work better. Still, for the stage, it looks great, but maybe too much recovery zone, especially to the right, and somewhat up. And the buildings seem a bit too big, too, along with bland background (but IDK the background options, so that's realy nothing). But a cool stage (remake), nonetheless. First smash stage I EVER played, and I still love it! It has a special place in my <3 . :)

Golden Sun Lighthouse (?) Version 1

This stage almost looks like Mt. Alphe (?), or whatever the temple place you go to in Golden Sun that is above your home village. The background looks EXACTLY like a Golden Sun stage would, but the center is too big by a good margin. The sides are nice, but this stage's center and too big size really seem odd, or even off. This stage is definitely too big, and with too much moving room. It's more of a 4 player (2v2 or FFA) kind of stage, or something like that. I just think you added a bit too much to the right and definitely the bottom. It does look like you tried to put a Lighthouse in there, but if you were aiming at a Lighthouse stage, a cloudy background would have been better. Definitely a great looking stage, however. I might want to try it out someday. ;)


The towers stage is definitely intresting looking, but maybe the top is a bit too big, and the the middle bottom expands a bit too much for my taste. Other then that, a well done stage. It's not exactly "my type" of stage, I guess! XD

Lighthouse Version 2

This, so far IS your best stage (on this list, at least). Maybe the tower going down in the center, and the less of a height diffrence from the top to bottom platform central areas, and maybe the spikes being higher, but that's all I can complain about. EXELLENTY DONE! ;)


Your sister's stage IS NOW THE BEST! No offense to you, but this stage is REALLY WELL DONE! The spikes I was origianlly against, but after seeing, it was a nice touch. The only think I really would have added was another moving platform leading lower into the unwalkable area under the spikes, and the top part being lower. Other then that, this stage is almost perfect in my mind. No offense, but your little sister owned you! :laugh:

Lighthouse Version 3

Definitely intresting. I think you should bring the bottom half of the stage up at least one "block" space, and get rid of some of the top part details that connect to the bottom. I'm not sure if you had it, but below the bottom, the stage should go down like a tower/lighthouse. I think the spike thing was intresting, though I'd perfer it being another moving platform, to make it seem like a Elevator, so the stage seems more Golden Sun-ish. But the spike and setup is intresting, although fighting on a elevator with a small one to three block middle floor (maybe; it could go with or without) would be intresting. Or a intresting Lighthouse Version 4. ;) Still, a good stage, and it probably is your best. But "Ashley" still beats you out! XD

Hyrule Castle Remake:

The middle platforms on the "tower" of Hyrule Castle should be higher (except for the first one; that one is perfect), and they should all be about 1/3rd to 1/2 bigger in size compared to what they are in your stage. The connection part between the "main" central floor and the left floor seem like too big of a level gap. Maybe you should get a platform that slants more, or just make the far left side higher. The right main platform isn't as big as a drop, but it's better that you changed that. All in all, it's a okay remake, but you should try to add a little something to it. Maybe make the left main platform slant upward, or add more of the origial Hyrule Castle central tower platforms, to make up for them being short, for example (for greater and cooler platforms). ;)

All in all, it seemed you try to make the top and right part smaller (the later was good), but the left part bigger. It feels a bit "disconnected" from the classic Hyrule Castle stage. I suggest you remake it either with the right a bit higher up, with the higher (not the first one) and wider central tower platforms, or mix it up a little from the classic Hyrule Castle. If you can't replicate the classic painting that good, try putting a little spin on it, to make it your own, and not just your own version. Remake the classic YOUR WAY, in other words. ;)

O, and of course, make the stage to where you can't go below it (add more platforms to make it to where you can't go under the stage). Maybe you could make the central level smaller, as well, to make the stage get a better "feel", if you know what I mean. Also, I think the central tower platforms are a bit thicker, too. O, and play more TOO[N] AWSOME YOUNG LINK!!! It's what all the cool kids are doing! :cool:

Overall, my favorites on your list (that you showed at this current moment) were (from my favorite to least favorite)

1. "Ashley"
2. Tetriminoes
3. Lighthouse Version 3
4. Hyrule Castle
5. Lighthous Version 2
6. Saffron City
7. Towers
8. Lighthouse

Overall nice job, but just keep a crackin'. You don't have to make exact replicas, but you should try to keep to a theme. However, try to add a personal "twist" to it. You did that to a few of your stages, but not to most of them (I didn't like them that much though, lawlz! :laugh:). Try doing that A LOT more, and then you will get some good and "intresting" results. ;)

Edit: And that Megaman Boss Fight Area Remake stage would be EPIC! But remember, personal touch to it, like a moving platform, and whatnot would be golden. Or you could even add the area before you enter it to it. ;) Just try and add some things you'd like to add to stages, and don't be afraid to do that. Stage Builder and Smash [characters and playstyle with those characters] in general are ARTS, and you got to expand upon them with your artistic personal touch. Don't be afraid to go crazy a bit, but not too crazy! :lick:
Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
Thanks for the comments Johnknight1. The thing with stage builder is that you can't build stuff below a certain point, so making a solid castle or building all the way down is impossible, which kinda sucks for the remakes and the "lighthouses".

Believe me I tried my best on Hyrule with SSB going on my laptop and with the stage builder limitations it's impossible to make it that much more accuarate. However I'm going to try and make a "mini" Hyrule Castle - maybe making it look more to scale at least.

My sister made a lot of stages, actually. I'm not going to share any more in fear of further embarrassment. She made a 9-Volt one, and probably more for the Warioware characters. Sad I got owned by a 10 year-old. (Well, maybe I'll ask her to make one for me tomorrow.)

Right now, I just hope I can transfer the stages to the US version of Brawl.

Lighthouse 4 is inevitable because I'm in love with the Golden Sun remix theme. :D


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Thanks for the comments Johnknight1. The thing with stage builder is that you can't build stuff below a certain point, so making a solid castle or building all the way down is impossible, which kinda sucks for the remakes and the "lighthouses".

Believe me I tried my best on Hyrule with SSB going on my laptop and with the stage builder limitations it's impossible to make it that much more accuarate. However I'm going to try and make a "mini" Hyrule Castle - maybe making it look more to scale at least.

My sister made a lot of stages, actually. I'm not going to share any more in fear of further embarrassment. She made a 9-Volt one, and probably more for the Warioware characters. Sad I got owned by a 10 year-old. (Well, maybe I'll ask her to make one for me tomorrow.)

Right now, I just hope I can transfer the stages to the US version of Brawl.

Lighthouse 4 is inevitable because I'm in love with the Golden Sun remix theme. :D
Your welcome. Just don't be afraid of being crafty, above all. ;)

Ya, I'm sure it is hard, but again, don't be afraid to scale it (which seems like what you're going to do), add a personal twist, edit it, or change it completely.

Ya, her stage is good. Not gonna lie, that's the best Stage Builder stage I've seen that she made, and I've seen well over 100. Funny, someone who probably isn't that into smash owned the biggest of smash fans in my BOOK! o_O The irony of it all astonishes me! The best smash stages are made by non-smash fans, I suppose then! :laugh:

As long as your sister's stages are a 10th as good as "Ashley". they're bound to be good. I seriously want that stage. I'm not joking. Once I get Brawl, I want that stage! :laugh: Something is compelling me about it, and it makes me want it, badly. XD

Ya, make another Lighthouse. Golden Sun is just THAT GOOD! Maybe use my suggestions for the center (but please, mess around with Stage Builder more). ;)

You're on the right track (and well ahead of the crowd), it's just your sister is a random TOO GOOD genius! :laugh:

Just don't be afraid to get carzy, mkay? :lick: Being crazy is what keeps me sane, after all. :psycho: :chuckle: :)


Smash Rookie
Feb 15, 2008
Ok, i like your stages! My Favs are GS Tower 1 and Hyrule 64 Remake. That Ashley stage isn't that good.
Could you make a Death Mountain( Zelda lttp) Stage?It schould be very huge.
With Traps and Holes.
I think u are the right one for this Stage^^


Smash Ace
Dec 28, 2007
The first Lighthouse and the Tetriminoes stage are actually looking fun. Remakes always look a little bland.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Riverside, CA.
Those are awesome, good job :]
How much internal memory does the Wii have?
I think I'm gonna have to buy a SD card if I wanna save alot of stages
Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
Stages don't take much space at all. 9 take 51kb on an SD card. Stages aren't really storing models or anything - they just store data that tells the game how to build them (think blueprint). So I wouldn't jump the gun on the SD card just yet - of course there are other reasons to get one...


Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2008
**** that Death Mountain stage would be HARDCORE , as well as a Zoras Domain, Gerudo Desert, and a Hyrule Field! All those stages must be made, are you up to it!?

Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
**** that Death Mountain stage would be HARDCORE , as well as a Zoras Domain, Gerudo Desert, and a Hyrule Field! All those stages must be made, are you up to it!?

Eh, sure. I wouldn't know what to do for a Death Mountain stage though... any ideas?

edit: nevermind I got one... but it's based on the lttp Death Mountain. ;o


Smash Rookie
Feb 15, 2008
Ok, i like your stages! My Favs are GS Tower 1 and Hyrule 64 Remake. That Ashley stage isn't that good.
Could you make a Death Mountain( Zelda lttp) Stage?It schould be very huge.
With Traps and Holes.
I think u are the right one for this Stage^^
:) Here's My Idea for Deathmontain^^


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2008
cool stages man, its too bad you can't add like some sort of tower structure in the hyrule castle level...it just seems plain without the tower there, the twister of death was epic as well..but its still cool haha
Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
cool stages man, its too bad you can't add like some sort of tower structure in the hyrule castle level...it just seems plain without the tower there, the twister of death was epic as well..but its still cool haha
Yah that whole stages looks so... empty. And I don't really like it much.

So yeah I made a bunch more stages and got the videos up. Here they are:

Death Mountain -- Based on the outside of Death Mountain in aLttP. Has a sweet KO at the end.

No Name -- Eh, whatever. I still like it.

MINIJAW -- And you thought the last name was bad? This is probably my 3rd favourite stage.

Mushroomville -- Made by my sister. Played on it accidentally and it turned out pretty fun to play on. All ice, shrooms, and spike traps.

Pyramids -- Three pyramids floating around.

Pyramid -- SwordOfZork gets credit for this. There are only small differences.

Saffron City 2 -- Buildings are taller, and closed the big building from the bottom.

I will try and get screenshots of the stage builder screen layouts for everything soon.


Smash Cadet
Jan 11, 2008
can you use a sd card to get the stage data then put it online for other people to download it here at smashboards. that would be pretty cool if you could
Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
Those stages look pretty fun. Do you have an SD card? You should upload them so we can all play on them.
I would be happy to share them. I will do so when I get home in a couple hours time.
Until then, can I get any recommendation on a file hosting site? I don't think I've used any before so I don't know which are decent.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
I love the Golden Sun stages. They're my favorties :D! Keep on making them!


Smash Rookie
Feb 23, 2008
Hey Ness EX, you should upload them to the share a stage website, that way it is just a little bit easier to upload- shareastage.site.io i think it is, they're going to host the stages everyone makes, so you can send the stages to them if you want.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 13, 2008
I like your first lighthouse the best, the others look kinda unplayable. I like the Hyrule remake too... nice stuff.
Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
Hey Ness EX, you should upload them to the share a stage website, that way it is just a little bit easier to upload- shareastage.site.io i think it is, they're going to host the stages everyone makes, so you can send the stages to them if you want.
Good tip, thank you.

I made a lot more stages - I'm starting to build more than actually fight. I just need to find time to take pics and record 'em!


Smash Rookie
Mar 3, 2008

hey, my brother made the site http://shareastage.site.io that you guys were talking about. I already downloaded the stages you made and i noticed that they are in the .rar file format and usually those things are in a .bin file. Are you sure that you can play your stages from your sd card in the .rar file? If so, with your permission, I'd be happy to add your stages to my brother's site where they will be rated by others and available for download.

Also the http://shareastage.site.io/ will be renamed brawluniverse.com in a day or two but we will keep up the free site for convenience. good luck and keep making those awesome stages!
Sep 29, 2001
Maple, Ontario
hey, my brother made the site http://shareastage.site.io that you guys were talking about. I already downloaded the stages you made and i noticed that they are in the .rar file format and usually those things are in a .bin file. Are you sure that you can play your stages from your sd card in the .rar file? If so, with your permission, I'd be happy to add your stages to my brother's site where they will be rated by others and available for download.

Also the http://shareastage.site.io/ will be renamed brawluniverse.com in a day or two but we will keep up the free site for convenience. good luck and keep making those awesome stages!
.rar files are basically compressed folders. You can extract files from a .rar using a program called WinRAR. The stage.bin are in there, heh.

And you can add them to the site if you want.
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