20 pages...... Since I am the brawl authority around here, let me set some **** straight:
That's like saying that when black people weren't segregated and not allowed in a lot of locations, they should understand it's an official decision and that they aren't forced to go to said places; on top of that, it's saying that they shouldn't protest it or try to have it changed.
You're comparing something on government level (public) to a smash bros tournament (private) as if all rights and rules apply......they don't. Kind of like how a dean could kick a public speaker off of duke's campus anytime they want for near whatever reason, opposed to public universities like state and unc. It makes zero sense. Seriously though, not to sound like the typical 'you don't understand because your young' person, but a lot of you aren't used to privatization (the real world outside public establishments) if a smash tournament causes this much of an uproar.
Have ya'll even thought about the consequences and ramifications if the private sector was obligated to satisfy protest of common rights in private business? If court ruled in favor of something with similar logic applied it would be a domino effect, having far-reaching results of totally non-related things... people would be suing their employers for firing them.
Just because the consequences are different in this silly argument doesn't mean that the same logic can't be applied though, especially when foxy used that wack metaphor<3. So yeah, unless anyone feels like refuting the positive aspects of having a TO do whatever the **** he wants, as well as the negative aspects of him not having authority, not much progress will be made in arguing.
Flamingo and Killer are the only ones primarily affected by this decision anyways. Which is kind of lame...... but flamingo, can you not play a different character? I'm sorry if you _really_ can't, but c'mon! If it affects you that much, maybe there was good reasoning for this after all under these circumstances being that it demonstrates a helpless reliance on mk. Just throwing that out there, although I agreed with your post though for the most part.
I'm against a state-wide mk ban, but TOTALLY, 100% FOR, Bill doing whatever the **** he wants at HIS tournament. This is just a drop in the bucket for our state's smash scene, I don't see why it's such a big deal. This may be good for the mk ban movement but most likely the only impact it will have is bill and alex reflecting on the outcome to see if they'll do it again for next billfest. In short, every one should give it a try and talk about it later.
..moving on to more important things:
1. I own danny mexico.
2. Once my sheik makes it to a tournament opinions regarding her will be paralleled to that of MK in brawl.
3. People would probably say that my sheik in brawl is even gayer.
4. Panel should consist of Dorsey, Ace, LozR, Jim, and Dorsey.
5. Everyone should debate this AFTER the outcome of the tournament, as to whether or not bill-bro and karn should do it again.